
In a Different World as a Side Character

Kanbaru Akito is living a normal life. But, due to an unexpected incident that caused him to be summoned by a Goddess, he now lives as Zero Hashura, an Adventurer in a new world... Well, as a side character, that is.

Izaya_Hasegawa_ · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 12 - The Counter-Counter Plan



It was just right after our Hero Ceremony.

Behind the claps of our fellow Adventurers...

Hmm... If I'm guessing this right, this will definitely be about the coup...


Traitors! I need to check if there are traitors!

Bernard Marshall...

The name suddenly came to my mind...


I looked around.

As far as I remember, the king didn't know about him until later...

If he's here, it would be really bad...

There are two other traitors but I'm pretty sure the king is suspicious about them.

The problem is Bernard Marshall whom the king fully trusts like his other two knights, Sir Eliot and Sir Hans.

Tch, I can't find him.

If only the Knights would remove their helmets...

[Karmen-san, got a minute...?] (Zero)

[Zero-san? Wai- Wha-?!] (Karmen)

I grabbed Karmen-san to a corner where no one can hear...

[W-What are you doing... Zero-san... in front of all these people... His Majesty is even here...] (Karmen)

[Karmen-san, now's not the time for your fantasies. There is something important that I need to tell you...] (Zero)

She stares at me for a second.

Confirming that I'm serious, her face changes immediately.

[I see... What is it, Zero-san?] (Karmen)

[There is a traitor among us.] (Zero)

[What-?! Fhmm-!] (Karmen)

[Shhh... Quiet... We can't have any unnecessary suspicions on us.] (Zero)

I immediately covered her mouth with my hand.

We need to take advantage of the king's speech and talk about this matter, fast.

[I-I'm sorry for losing my composure so suddenly... B-But are you really sure...? The king's life is on the line here.] (Karmen)

[I'm a hundred percent sure- No, one hundred and twenty percent.] (Zero)

[S-So... Who is the traitor? Is it among the spectating Adventurers over there?] (Karmen)

[No... He is one of the king's Royal Captains.] (Zero)

Basing it solely from what I know, the king only trusts those three Captains.

It's going to be pretty bad if Bernard really is here...

[Wait a minute... Don't tell me... it's Sir Bernard?] (Karmen)

[Y-Yes... but how did you know...?] (Zero)

[Geez, Zero-san. Just because he kept glaring at you earlier, it doesn't mean you should suddenly accuse him.] (Karmen)


He was glaring at me?!

[No, that's not it. C'mon, Karmen-san. You know that I'm not that dumb.] (Zero)

I clicked my tongue.

Hmm, how can I make Karmen-san believe me...?

Also, how could I lure that bastard out...?

[Ah... How about this... Karmen-san, how do you see that Sir Bernard? Is he kind, is he pure-hearted? Is he an ideal Royal Knight? One who's to be admired by everyone?] (Zero)

Well, that was a bit too much, but whatever.

[Huh? Well, we've worked together in some past Missions regarding Political stuff and the Guild... But the way I see him...]

Karmen-san held his chin, trying to pry her memories open.

[He's quite boastful and proud... He thinks of the citizens as people lower than him...] (Karmen)

Her voice gradually became thinner as she dictated the events from her memories.

The things she said...

[He even looks at women with lustful eyes from time to time... Ugh... Now that I think about it, he's not the best person, is he?] (Karmen)

[Now... Who do you trust more? Me or him?] (Zero)

[Ho...? Playing dirty, aren't we?] (Karmen)

If she doesn't cooperate, I'll have to think of another plan as soon as possible, or it's checkmate.

Even with my knowledge, we can't beat that monster of a general.

Ace's party only managed to defeat him with along with Harvey and one of the three strongest guy from the Kingdom's Ten Heroes.

[Okay, I'll trust you on this...] (Karmen)

After a brief moment, Karmen-san gave me her answer.

[You have to be sure about your claims, Zero-san. Many people might suffer if this goes wrong.] (Karmen)

[I'll offer my head as compensation if that ever happens.] (Zero)

[What...] (Karmen)

My words shocked her.

Well, if you think about it, I could just run away to another country if anything goes wrong.

I can just renew my identity and stuff.

But I'm sure it's gonna be fine.

To be honest...

At first, I wasn't that sure, considering that many changes happened, erasing most of the events that I knew, from existence...

I can still make use of the vast knowledge that I hold about this world so it won't be that bad.

[Then, Zero-san, please fill me in on the details...] (Karmen)


I explained the initial plan to Karmen-san as her face became flustered in astonishment.

[Amazing... How do you know so much about my abilities...? Heck, how do you even know about the king's plan? Just who in the world are you...? Oh, that's a compliment though!] (Karmen)

[Don't mind the small details. It's the only logical conclusion. I've been wondering about the general's betrayal for a while now, too. Anyway, I think this plan should work. Just don't get caught casting it, okay?] (Zero)

[Mn. {Illusionary Space}, huh...?] (Karmen)


{Illusionary Space}. It's a fusion of Void Magic and Dark Magic.

It creates a space that tricks the human senses.

The caster can manipulate almost everything that goes on inside.

There are some limitations to this Skill, but I won't go into detail about it.

All I can say is; it's not that powerful to the point of omnipotence, but it's really convenient at times like this.

The plan was to create a room where Bernard would be tricked that the rest of us are there, but in reality, the people he's interacting with are illusions created by Karmen-san.

The process will be extremely complicated.

She'll make an illusory version of me, Ace, Iris, King Tyreon, Sir Eliot and Sir Hans.

With the exact dialogues I've prepared, {Illusionary Space} will be cast as soon as we enter.

I'm sure Karmen-san will be fully drained the moment she does her part, and I warned her about it.

Of course, I won't force her to do it.

But with a resolute voice, she replied "That's fine with me.".

Since he'll be talking to those illusions, I predicted his response patterns which are fairly easy based on the way he thinks.

In the meantime, Karmen-san will start creating the commands for the Spell via combinations of various chants.

Damn, I didn't forget about it, but Karmen-san was actually a prodigy since her childhood.

The current process of her spell is like coding an entire program in a matter of minutes.

If her talent was translated back in my world, she's be dubbed as a genius programmer or hacker.


All of the people inside gave us a round of applause as we become "Heroes".

[One step closer to our dream, huh?] (Ace)

[You're right, Ace.] (Iris)

[But one thing...] (Zero)

The sound of their claps gradually faded as I turned my face towards the king to ask him a question.

[Your Majesty, may I ask you why the Hero Ceremony for our Party is urged to be done now? From what it looks like to me, you seem to be in a hurry.] (Zero)

[Z-Zero... I don't think you should speak like that to the King...] (Iris)

[You bastard! How dare you talk like that towards his Majesty-] (?)

A Royal Knight beside the king suddenly became furious and tried to confront me.

Well, I did somewhat disrespect his Majesty but...

To the knight's surprise, he was interrupted by the king himself.

[Stand down, Bernard. My apologies about that, Zero-dono.] (Tyreon)


[Not at all, your Majesty. It was my insolence that drove the 'dog' barking.] (Zero)

[You-!] (Bernard)

Found you~ Sir Bernard Marshall~!

I didn't recognize him immediately since he wore a helmet.

But now that the king said his name, I remember.

That act of loyalty just now was nothing but a farce.

[Allow me to apologize once again. The reason that the Hero Ceremony was rushed is for my own selfishness.] (Tyreon)

It's the opposite.

It's for the Kingdom, right old man?

[Would you mind telling us, your Majesty?] (Ace)

[Hmm... Most Heroes in my Kingdom are currently in an expedition with Heroes from other countries to subjugate the Demon Lord executives. So... I'm asking you three, who are strong Heroes to complete a Mission that is exclusively requested by me.] (Tyreon)

Once again, the Adventurers let out a big "Ooohhh" in accordance to the King's words.

[I would like this matter to be talked about privately. Could you please hear me out?] (Tyreon)

[It's an honor, his Majesty.] (Ace)

[Then, please proceed this way.] (Karmen)

Our Party was led by Karmen-san and the king with a bunch of his army to the Guild's Conference Room.

It was a room with air-tight security meant for the meetings of big people.

It is guarded by Soundproofing Spells to avoid eavesdropping, Locking Spells to avoid unwanted intrusion and powerful Barriers to protect the people inside from bombardment.


And by the moment Karmen-san closes the door-


[W-What-?!] (Tyreon)

[?!] (Eliot/Hans)

[What the-?!] (Ace)

Ace and the two Captains immediately drew their swords.

Iris gripped her staff while putting on a fighting stance.

[E-Everyone, please calm down!] (Karmen)

[Karmen-dono, what is the meaning of this?!] (Tyreon)

[Allow me to explain, your Majesty.] (Zero)

[Zero?!] (Ace/Iris)

[Zero-dono... Eliot, Hans, lay your weapons down. I'll hear what he has to say...] (Tyreon)

Phew... Phase one, complete.

[Thank you very much, your Majesty.] (Zero)

[Without any dilly-dallying, I'll say it now. There is a traitor among us!] (Zero)

[What-?!] (Hans)

[Who in the-?!] (Eliot)

Karmen-san was standing by the door with her eyes closed.

I can see the bags under her eyes.

Mana Deficiency...

It almost took her her full Mana reservoir to successfully cast the Spell, and it's still continuously draining her Mana to keep itself from breaking.

I'll do something about it in a while...

Ace and Iris were in shock.

Their faces were saying things like: "This escalation is too quick!" or "We didn't sign up for this shit!"... or something along those lines...

Sorry to suddenly spring this on you two...

King Tyreon, on the other hand...

He was calm.

It seemed like he expected this...

This old man- He's still quite sharp for his age.

The sudden invocation of Illusionary Space caught him off guard though.

[Zero-dono, who is this traitor that you speak of...?] (Tyreon)

[Oh him? Look, he's right there.] (Zero)

I turned my gaze towards Bernard, who was intently listening to the conversations made by our illusory selves.

Oh god, look at his serious face.

I'm holding myself back from laughing.

[S-Sir Bernard-?!] (Eliot)

[...] (Hans)

[I see...] (Tyreon)

[Why don't we have a seat? Oh, Iris. Can you assist Karmen-san with your healing magic? It'll be bad if she suddenly collapses because of Mana Deficiency.] (Zero)

[E-Eh?! Karmen-san?! O-Okay, I got it.] (Iris)

Everyone was felt weird sitting on a chair occupied by illusions.

Well, they just phase through them so it's fine.

I planned about making Iris handle Karmen's recovery so I made them sit next to each other.

Everyone else sat on their designated seats.

[As you can see, we're currently inside a bounded space created by Karmen-san. Everyone inside this room with the exception of Sir Bernard right here, are currently under her spell.] (Zero)

Or maybe 'only' Sir Bernard is under her spell...?


Good, everyone seems to be on board so far.

Although doubt can be seen on their faces, especially the king's knights, I'll convince them somehow.

[Sir Bernard is currently interacting with our illusory selves. As long as the spell is active, he can neither see, touch nor hear our real bodies. He's listening to a dummy strategy devised by me. He will most likely report everything he hears to General Lawrence, so I'll take advantage of that fact.] (Zero)

[Z-Zero-dono, can I ask a question first?] (Tyreon)

It's about time, huh...? This is where I gamble...

[Yes, your Majesty?] (Zero)

[How are you so sure that Sir Bernard Marshall is amongst the traitors? Do you have evidence?] (Tyreon)

Everyone, except for Karmen-san was waiting for my reply.

[That... No, I don't have any evidence.] (Zero)

Once again, they were shocked.

[Then you-!] (Eliot)

[Eliot, calm yourself.] (Tyreon)

[Y-Yes. Forgive me, your Majesty...] (Eliot)

Among all of the knights inside the Kingdom, Sir Eliot was most protective and vigilant.

But his loyalty was true.

It was natural for him to be hostile against me.

[Then why, Zero-dono?] (Tyreon)

[...Because I want to save his Majesty...] (Zero)


How about that, Sir Eliot?

But I can't get too sentimental since that might lead to backstories...

And we all know about my "otherworldly" backstory, right?

[I... I believe in Zero-san.] (Karmen)

The exhausted Karmen-san suddenly spoke in my defense.

Nice follow up.

[Karmen-dono...] (Tyreon)

[My judgement is by no means a hundred percent accurate, but even if maybe... Zero-san is actually a wolf in sheep's clothing and this is just part of his master plan, then I won't regret helping him... or trusting him... because from the moment he and Ace-san entered the Guild for the first time to register as Adventurers, I saw how genuine of a person he was.] (Karmen)

[He knew things, but at the same time, he didn't. It was like watching a newborn learn how to walk. He looked like someone who didn't even know about the outside world at first... Then, surprises came when his party suddenly defeated their first ever Quest meant for Heroes, practically preventing a war against those monsters... And now, he's been telling me things I didn't even know about.] (Karmen)

[When he first told me that Sir Bernard was the traitor, my mind was in disarray. It wasn't because I thought Sir Bernard would never betray his Majesty, but because this sixteen year old boy who just became a full-fledged Adventurer a few weeks ago is suddenly saying things that only the highest ranking officials among the Royal Army would know...] (Karmen)

[So, if Zero-san really is an enemy, then it's my own lack of judgement that made me help him...] (Karmen)

Yeah, well, with my knowledge, anyone would be suspicious.

I'm aware of that, and I think before I actually say something.

It's not simply because I think "OMG, if I tell her this, it's gonna blow her mind!".

There's clearly something else going on in this world, and I'm way past the period of "learning to rely on others" like most protagonists in stories. (-Although I'm just a side character.)

If I can rely on others, then I'll rely on them as long as I know they can be trusted.

In exchange, I'll gain their trust so they can rely on me too.

[It is certainly suspicious. But, I can see it in his eyes and his actions. Zero-san has the intention to help. Tell me, Ace-san, Iris-san. Has Zero-san ever been suspicious to you? Did you ever feel like his actions, smile and demeanor are just part of an elaborate act?] (Karmen)

Iris was the first to speak.

[To be honest, I never thought things would go this way. But whatever it is, I trust Zero. Even if he's hiding something, I'm sure that with his intelligence combined with his kindness, he wouldn't make these judgments and decisions without thinking about everyone's well-being.] (Iris)

Ace, then, opened his mouth.

[I'm with Iris. To be honest, I'm really impressed. It feels like Zero is just pulling all these information out of his butt yet they're all on point. Suddenly, he gives me the impression of someone who knows everything. Because of that, sure, he might feel like a shady character. But I know that he's genuinely trying to help.] (Ace)

Geez, these people.

I'm not particularly good with emotional talks like these but I know it's just to clear up anymore suspicions so I can continue talking.

Sir Hans and Sir Eliot remained vigilant.

I think that's good.

That's how they should be as knights.

[Your Majesty, my goal is to save the Kingdom from it's possible ruin. I'll make you trust me even at the cost of my own life. How about this, I'll give myself an ultimatum for this matter. If I am indeed lying, I'll offer you my head.] (Zero)

[What-?! Zero-!] (Ace)

Iris gasped.

[Also, even if the things I do say are true, but still fail to save your life or the Kingdom, I'll offer my head as well.] (Zero)

That's my last resort.

I think what Karmen-san said was enough, but we're talking about years of service here.

Why would a wise king trust an upstart sixteen year old boy over his knight who has been serving him for such a long time?

[Sigh... For even Karmen-dono to go this far... Fine. Zero-dono, I will accept your conditions. I'll put my bets on you for this matter. My life is secondary so please prioritize on what's best for the Kingdom first. I now grant you permission to continue the plan.] (Tyreon)


That was a bit of a close call...

He must be getting desperate for help.

[Thank you very much, Your Majesty...] (Zero)

Returning to the matter at hand...

[First of all, it's about the dummy strategy I've mentioned earlier. If Sir Bernard reports it to General Lawrence, he'll surely find a way to counter that plan. Perfect timing, my illusory self is currently explaining its details.] (Zero)


[Midnight... Panya Plains... I see...] (Tyreon)

After a few minutes of listening, King Tyreon and the rest of the cast pondered about the details.

[Your Majesty, it is regrettable, but there is one person largely involved in this matter who is beyond salvation...] (Zero)

[And that is...?] (Tyreon)

Oh boy, oh boy.

I wanna omit mentioning his name, but whatever...

It's not like my suspicion meter could go any higher than this, anyway...

[James Harrow.] (Zero)

[-!!] (Tyreon/Eliot/Hans)

[H-How...] (Eliot)

While slightly leaning with her tired face, Karmen-san just lightly laughed while shrugging her shoulders.

[James Harrow? Who's that?] (Ace)

[Do you know about our Kingdom's most well-known tactician?] (Tyreon)

[Ooh! It's Jancent Wilson, right, your Majesty? I've been fond of his very intricate strategies during war since I was a kid. He was a prodigy becoming an official tactician since he was twenty and has been serving Kingdom for the past fifteen years! I've read many books about him before! Ah-! F-Forgive me, your Majesty- I kinda got excited all of a sudden...] (Iris)

[No, no. It's okay, Iris-dono. I am very impressed about your knowledge about him... Well... Jancent Wilson is, of course, an alias to protect his life... But his real name; it's James Harrow.] (Tyreon)

[Eh?!!! T-T-T-That's like, top-secret! How did Zero-] (Iris)

[Tch... Just how much do you know?!] (Eliot)

[Eliot, stop it.] (Tyreon)

[But your Majesty, he's making a fool out of our Knight Order's confidentiality. It's like bandits knowing everything about the Kingdom's Military Information.] (Hans)


[Sir Hans, I'd rather not have you comparing Zero-san with lowly bandits. He became an Orichalcum-Ranked Hero just weeks after becoming an Adventurer. If I hadn't gone on a journey to the Capital City and stayed there for a few weeks, he would've officially reached that rank just a few days after he woke up from his injuries. Tell me, can a bandit do that?] (Karmen)


She's visible angry...

Now that I recall, she does have some beef with bandits.

I see.

Well, you wouldn't want someone you trust to get lumped in with the guys you hate.

[Hans, Eliot, refrain yourselves from talking. This is an order.] (Tyreon)

Ooh, even King Tyreon looks pissed.

[So you know about James' real identity... Then, you must also know that he's been missing for the past three days, right?] (Tyreon)

[Yes, of course.] (Zero)

[...] (Ace/Iris)

My two party member were silent.

"How could he have known?"

"He was with us this whole time."

"Where could he possibly get that kind of information?"

Those must be the things they have in mind.

But I can't afford to back down now.

If I'm gonna be the guy who knows everything, then I should properly establish the fact that I know everything.

[Not only that. I also know where he is.] (Zero)

[I see. Then tell us where he is, Zero-dono.] (Tyreon)

The king stopped getting surprised.

That's good.

I can't go on with my plans smoothly if they keep getting surprised with everything I say.

[It's only logical. General Lawrence has captured him. He's currently imprisoned.] (Zero)

As expected, everyone, even the king, would still be surprised by that answer even though it's obvious if you think about it.

[He'll be forced to plan a counter-tactic to that dummy strategy I devised. Knowing Harrow's way of thinking, he'll go for a plan with little to no holes, exploiting all factors possible that could change the tide of the war.] (Zero)

[Then what do you plan against a monster like that?] (Ace)

[Yes. Even if you have an INT Value of 150, his is still 138 and along with his experience in war-] (Tyreon)

[I see. Your Majesty, you still haven't realized?] (Zero)

[W-What do you mean, Zero-dono?] (Tyreon)

[INT Value? Experience? Those are all irrelevant! He might be good, but he's orchestrated to lose against me on this one. He's making a plan against a flipping 'dummy strategy'! That means I can control the way I construct my 'real strategy' based on how he will deal with it!] (Zero)

Their faces looked like their mind are being blown again...

Well, I'm basically omniscient so it's no surprise.

[And how does he make his plans and tactics? What weapon does he use? That's right, logic.] (Zero)

[And in this case, it'll be really easy. Too easy, in fact.] (Zero)

Hearing those words, they must've felt like the smartest student in their class just got beaten by a transfer student.

[You see, when Harrow makes his strategies, he doesn't know the whole course of the enemy's plan. For that, he's taking 'possibilities' and 'hazards' into account, which broadens the scope of his tactics, making them hard to predict no matter how logical.] (Zero)

[But that's not possible in this case. Just look at that guy!] (Zero)

I exclaimed while pointing at Bernard who was still listening very intently to the rest of the details regarding the dummy strategy.

[That guy, Sir Bernard, will probably memorize every single detail that my illusory self has to say about the dummy strategy. And because of that, Harrow will never consider anything outside of what Sir Bernard says, because it is the most logical thing to do. "Why would I try to do this if I know he's gonna do this anyway?" is what Harrow would think.] (Zero)

[And of course, knowing my own strategy means knowing the most logical way to counter it. And because I know that that counter-strategy is what Harrow would surely use against me, I'll make another counter-strategy to crush it and win. See? Easy, right?] (Zero)

The people inside look at me with their eyes wide open.

Even the king was speechless.

Perhaps I should get used to this...

[Amazing...] (Eliot)

Ohoho. Sir Eliot complimented me?

Now that's an achievement.

[I'll now discuss the specifics of the battle plan.] (Zero)

[Please.] (Tyreon)

Some moments later...

[...That's it for their primary and final positions.] (Zero)

[Now, as I said earlier, Sir Nostro and Sir Dred are traitors as well. Assign Captain Zenfield for Sir Dred and Captain Elmoi for Sir Nostro. Lastly, I want you to assign Captain Khandor Turio. He should be plenty enough to handle both Sir Wesley and Sir Iscaro since his Skills are the hardest counter against them. Those two are innocent so you can leave them alive.] (Zero)

[Sir Hans and Sir Eliot, along with Calypso, can just focus on guarding his Majesty on the battlefield. Hm... Yeah, that's all for that part.] (Zero)

[I see... Even with almost double our forces, they'll surely lose against that strategy... Phenomenal, Zero-dono...] (Tyreon)

[Oh please, your Majesty. I'm not worthy of your praises. This strategy is extremely niche. It won't work against other circumstances.] (Zero)

[You are too humble. Even then, this is still brilliant...] (Tyreon)

After discussing the specifics for our forces' positions, formations and all those other things, I proceeded with the plan to eliminate the general himself.

[Now, about General Lawrence... As you can remember about the details earlier, we have deceived Sir Bernard into thinking that an Adamantium Sniper will assassinate the general right?] (Zero)

[Right...] (Tyreon)

[Well, that was all a ploy to make him stay inside the Royal Palace.] (Zero)

[I see...] (Tyreon)

[There are many possibilities, but the two things that I can think of as the most probable are either "promises of riches and pleasure" or "blaming his Majesty for his atrocious and abusive actions". Those may be the reasons why most of the Royal Knights bent over to his side.] (Zero)

[How could he...] (Eliot)

Eliot muttered softly.

Is he perhaps, believing me?

Well, he should, since all of the stuff I'm saying are true.

[So, if the general stays inside the Palace, no one can entice the defeated Royal Knights during the battle. That's where his Majesty comes in.] (Zero)

[Oh?] (Tyreon)

You seem piqued, old man.

[You'll recapture their hearts and reunite the whole Royal Army once more. After getting their attention, his Majesty, along with Karmen-san and maybe some Captains from the Mercenary Corporation, can help explaining everything to the Royal Knights.] (Zero)

[In the meantime, our party can engage the general and defeat him their along with the remaining knights inside the Royal Palace. It's possible that we might kill them.] (Zero)

[Well, logically speaking, the knights that General Lawrence would most likely station inside the Palace with him are the ones who are guilty of the "hypothetical" crimes I've mentioned earlier.] (Zero)

[I see. I'll lend you half of Calypso's forces. You might need some additional hands.] (Tyreon)

[Much appreciated, your Majesty... Hm, we're almost done, huh?] (Zero)

[Wait a minute, Zero-dono.] (Hans)

Hans suddenly spoke.

[According to what your illusory self said, his Majesty will stay inside the Palace. But if Sir Bernard reports everything to General Lawrence, he'll surely come to take his Majesty's head. Even with the two of us, I'm not sure if Sir Eliot and I can last until his Majesty escapes...] (Hans)

Right on point, Sir Hans.

But don't worry.

[Ah, about that... We have something prepared for you.] (Karmen)

[Right on timing, Karmen-san illusory self is about to give them out as well.] (Zero)

The Magic Tool Bracelets.

[As my illusory self said, they give P.RES and M.RES buffs to the wearer -a Defense Bracelet, but that's only a quarter-true.] (Karmen)

Except for me, everyone tilted their heads with question marks forming on top.

[The one that my illusory self gave to Sir Bernard is the only legitimate Defense Bracelet. The other, which I gave to Sir Hans, Sir Eliot and his Majesty are "Teleportation Bracelets".] (Karmen)

Apparently, Karmen-san got them from her father when she traveled towards the Capital City after the Lizardmen Incident.

[Those'll be the your means for escaping. You'll get teleported back here in Ilram. And once you do, start preparing for the attack and commence the operation as soon as possible.] (Zero)

As I said that, Karmen-san distributed the Teleportation Bracelet.

[Sorry, Zero-san. I didn't have time to change the command so I ended up making my illusory self give it to them individually instead of having either Sir Hans or Sir Eliot distribute it later...] (Karmen)

[That's fine. We can fix that too.] (Zero)

I received the Defense Bracelet.

I only saw one carriage earlier, but there must be at least one decoy.

Hmm... Since Sir Eliot is the closest to his Majesty...

[Sir Hans, are you with Sir Bernard inside the decoy carriage?] (Zero)

[Y-Yes, why? Now how the fuck did he know that?] (Hans)

[Perfect. You see, once we get out of the room, Karmen-san's Illusionary Space would disappear. And since the Defense Bracelet Sir Bernard currently has is an illusion, it'll disappear too. It might raise unnecessary suspicions from him. Can I ask you to slip the real Defense Bracelet into his wrist, secretly? You're an Assassin Class, right?]

[O-Okay. I understand, Zero-dono. He knew my Class as well?!] (Hans)

After that, we listened to my illusory self finish the rest of the dummy strategy. We verified each point of our plan to make sure it would work.

Alright. We're good.

On top of that, it seems like Karmen-san regained her original healthy complexion.

As expected of Iris' healing magic.

She did it with ease, too.

But me?

I'm tired... mentally.


*Door Opens*

[Oh, seems like your done.] (Yanzo)

Seeing our figures go out one by one, Yanzo-san spoke.

[Yeah, the strategy will work for sure. Zero-san came up with it, after all.] (Karmen)

Karmen-san winked at me.

I winked back.

[Amazing... Zero... You're amazing... Too amazing...] (Ace)

[Zero... Who knew you were an individual holding such amount of knowledge... Amazing, indeed... I'm really glad you're our friend...] (Iris)

[What happened to those two? Why are they monotonously praising Zero-san? Did he do something out of this world...?] (Yanzo)

[W-Well, you can call it that... I guess...] (Karmen)

[Hey, hey... Stop it you two.] (Zero)


I wonder how long Bernard can act arrogantly...?

[Pfft. But you know, I just can't help but laugh. This battle is going to be hilarious. They won't even know what hit them.] (Zero)


When Sir Hans' and Sir Bernard's carriage went ahead, his Majesty's carriage followed.

But, just as planned we went inside the it unnoticed by Sir Bernard, and traveled back with his Majesty.

Man, what a bumpy ride it was...

And I mean extremely bumpy.

If traffic rules existed here, that would've been a serious case of over-speeding.

But if even the king himself did not complain about the ride, what gives me the right to do so?