
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


time passed, one would expect that things were smooth for Sora after everything that happened right? Nope, these sect leaders found a loophole within their bad luck. those who read the letters were not affected by this bad luck, and many more. unless they did anything, they would not be affected

So, on the suffice, they were extremely nice to Sora, but Sora not knowing, his siblings had already gotten news of everything that had happened. many techniques soon followed people trying to see the cause of those clan leaders being cursed, but all they could see was... nothing.

This caused many to start questioning if Sora was indeed blessed by the heavens or something of the kind. and Sora could honestly care less about all of this, he knew he couldn't stop writing down everyone's name.

they would be spies, servants, and many others who would catch on to what was going on, Sora simply needed to play the act of heaven's beloved child, while at the same time writing the names of those who were trying to go against him, when he came across them.

Sora spent some time cultivating the following few days, all of the clan leaders brought rare and vulnerable gifts to Sora, allowing Sora to quickly reach level 5 in all of the cultivation systems, which made it so that Sora was ready to enter the Iron rank dungeon.

"Teacher Mo, how is the development of the city?" Sora asked calmly while sitting before his table, Teacher Mo had a huge smile as he gave Sora papers about what had been happening in the past few weeks

many things have happened, with all the clans working together, the city enter a state of growth, and the number of people leaving the city had dropped, the city which once held millions of lives had dropped to 600,000 lives. at least that number was no longer going down and was even increasing.

"give the citizens free health care and other benefits," Sora said lazily, he needed to pull more people into this city, hopefully, the numbers would reach the millions once more.

"have the soccer start after school activities, teachers who stay behind would get paid extra, knowledge is power... so let's have it so people no longer have to pay for stuff like that, we are just putting chains on ourselves. Also, teachers are a core part of our futures, I want them to be paid better, but at the cost of the crimes they commit as a teacher to worsen." Sora said as he put the papers on the table,

"... My lord, wouldn't that draw too many people over here?" Teacher Mo asked with a frown, with such benefits, many would rush over here.

"since they have less stuff to pay, the tax should raise. house bills and other stuff, just make the prices go up. build a homeless shelter as well, those who can afford to house could live there, but if they can't take care of themselves... they are just taking up space." Sora said with a sigh, he had admitted, he was disappointed with this world.

To him, he just appeared in the future only to find that... it was nothing special. he was expecting that education would be free, the population problem would be fixed, and world hunger would not be the problem. but no, people wanted money so they would make things harder for others to get, to make the value of said things go up.

On earth it was pointless paper money, here it was spirit stones they used to buy stuff. so it was more of a reason for people to be greedy, no care how many people suffer from their greedy actions.

with Qi filling the world, planets grew far faster and stronger than back in Sora world, yet people hid the knowledge of farming. one couldn't even find that knowledge online, posting it would risk the chance of assassination. people needed food, and even if the price is raised sky-high, they had no choice but to pay. people knew this, and they took a monopoly of the food market.

In an era where people could clone humans, shockingly they found it hard for people to do something similar with plants. well, if one went on some website, they would find that people had tried to do something like that to plants, but they disappeared soon after.

"by the way, today I heard online that there is a spaceship that was made which could go 60% the speed of light," Sora said calmly, like earth this world was trying to explore other planets. the thing was, this world of technology was years above the earth,

the scary thing about all of this was that they made contact with other planets. they were the last planet in their star systems. the star system had 6 planets, and 4 out of the 6 planets had life form on them, and 3 out of these 4 planets had human life forms.

this had puzzled scientists for many years, how could there be humans on other planets? but they guessed that evolution had a set path, animals on other planets that looked like a bear and so many other animals back on earth could be seen,

"Prince... oh, you haven't heard. communication with planet Hoshi has been going well. in 2 years, a few humans from that planet would be coming over to build relationships with our planet." Teacher Mo said stunning Sora slightly.

"Are we not the weakest planet?" Soa asked with a frown, to which Teacher Mo nodded, it had been found that those closest to the sun had better resources and dungeons than those further from the sun. also, those closer to the sun could use more of the sun's energy, unlike those who are left with the leftovers which the other planet couldn't absorb.

the sun is the source of all life, if one could learn to fully use all of that energy, it is guessed that one could even explore other star systems. hell, some even guessed it was possible to break the speed limit and go above the speed of light, which many think is impossible.

"the price is worried they would try and take over our planet?" Teacher Mo asked with a bitter smile, many people were against this as well, but in the end, war was something no one jumped to. war meant death on both sides, adding how far apart they were, what would the gain of war be? instead, taking over the planet from the inside out was a far better plan

you can't ignore the fact they were the weakest, why would the second-weakest planet go to war against them? instead, they should form an alliance with each other to face the strongest planet.

"I just have a hard time trusting... anyways, I want to start training martial arts tomorrow. have someone manage the city on my behalf, he is to follow my words to the T, and find the best way to put my goals and wishes into actions," Sora said calmly, to which Elder Mo nodded slightly.

"by the way, with the happening to the city... you should have some type of interview." Edler Mo Said softly to which Sora nodded, he had him set up everything, and next week, Sora stood on a stage with a bunch of futuristic cameras pointed at him,

"I'm not one to do speeches or have someone else write me a speech. so, just ask your questions, and I will answer them from the heart." Sora said with a smile, making a few ladies in the crowd blush slightly. they couldn't believe such a perfect-looking person existed

"Prince Sora, what do you have to say to the rumors about you cursing all of the clans, and bewitching them to do as you wish?" a man stood up while asking the questions.

"if that was true, I would have them become my guards or something. as for why they become good eggs... fear is a good tool. like how a child would act good to avoid a beating from their parents, they are simply doing that." Sora said with a shrug,

"Prince Sora, rumors have been going around seeing you could now cultivate, and how reached Soul condition within a short amount of time. have you been hiding your cultivation all this time, or have your lustful actions have something to do with this?" another male called out while standing up

"Nope, I'm just talented. the lustful acts were simply me enjoying life thinking I would have a short life. but to think I just needed my talent to awaken or something. call me crazy or not, but the day I gained the ability to cultivate is the day I was almost poisoned to death... I had a strange dream, which I will not get into too much information about," Sora said with a shrug, stunning everyone for a moment

"... Prince Sora what are your thoughts on moving forward? marriage or something like that?" a woman asked with a slight blush.

"thats a hard question, but for now I simply want to enjoy the life I thought I never would have. I'm currently single, and it might remain like that for the next coming years." Sora said with a shake of his head, making the female reports feel disappointed. in the past they looked down upon this prince... but now, they would die for a chance to spend the night with such a charming person.

"Prince, the world has it that you have taken in a few clan leaders. what are the current stations of those captured clan leaders?" Someone asked

"dead, disrespecting the royal family is something I will not stand for. but I will not punish their clans for something one person did," Sora said with a shake of his head, making everyone quiet

"Prince Sora, your appearance has to want through great changes. is this the effect of any pills?" A woman asked, making Sora speechless for a moment, but seeing the looks on all of the females, as if unable to wait for the answers, Sora spoke

"no, it happened a day after I poison, I have no answer as to why," Sora said calmly, making everyone quiet for some time before more questions were asked. such as his type, and many others. and Sora was honest

"I don't have a type. Skin color isn't a problem for me, body type also isn't a problem. everyone has their charms, and I can see that within everyone. although I would say a turn-off is a type to change themselves just because others say they are not beautiful." Sora said with a finger on his chin,

"... what is your favorite sex position?" a woman called out, making all the males turn towards her with speechless looks.

"I like the sex position where it isn't so one-sided. I think both parties should be putting in the work for the best effect. then again, different body types come with their fun. if you have a big ass, doggy style, or reverse cowgirl, the skinny type, I will pick you up and go to town." Sora said honestly, making everyone speechless.

"What is the best sex you ever had?" another woman asked with bright eyes, this guy was an open book. Sora thought for some time before speaking.

"Well, the first time is something that can't be forgotten. but the next would be... well, I can't say that," Sora said disappointing everyone as they wanted to know

"What is the best head you ever got?" she asked again, Sora smiled slightly as if remembering a good time.

"this one time a girl without any gag reflects gave me head, the first time I had head I have ever gotten... something I would never forget," Sora said softly, stunning everyone.

"That bastard hasn't changed." a roar sounded far away, followed by a middle-aged man shattering the hologram in front of him.

"My lord, please ease your anger." a maid said fearfully feeling the aura coming off his man, the man turned a sharp glare at the maid, making her freeze.

"Leader my plane." He said coldly, this was none other than Sora's father. how could he not be enraged after seeing his son go on live and say such things? the maid quickly ran off to get everything ready, while Sora's father set off to get ready

"some people will never change." far away, a beautiful back haired woman turned the hologram of Sora's interview off, she shook her head slightly before looking at the young man who was waiting for her order.

"The poison used to kill my brother, use it on a few cripples... I want to see if they would go through something similar to him." She said lazily, to which the young man nodded and walked off, the woman turned to look towards her window while holding her neck slightly.

'little brother isn't someone I can control anymore... and he isn't so easy to kill. how troublesome. with the changes to him, and how much control he has over the city, he has a high chance of winning.' She thought with a deep frown,

She and many others arrived in their cities and it took months for them to take control, but it was not absolute as they had to promise people benefits, and even had to be on guard. they could cheat or else they would lose the fight for the crown on the spot.

of course, their station of princes and princesses held huge power, leading to everyone not daring to go too far. but they too can't go too far as if they fought back against them, they would lose.

'Well, I should go see him for myself. No one can completely change overnight,' She thought with narrowed eyes. she was not the only one with similar thoughts, all of the remaining siblings planned to stop by and see Sora for themselves