
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

A Mid Diamond Rank Dungeon

Entering a room filled with countless people, it seemed as if a party was currently being held. Akon looked around while being led by Elsa. Akon was not shocked seeing the humans, Fish man, and even the Beast race living together. form what he learned from hacking the world tech, he understood that once Sora became emperor, the 3 races began putting aside their hatred for the good of the human race.

Under the leadership of a talent such as Sora, many none humans were uneasy at first, but Sora made an oath to treat them all equally which put them all at ease.

Looking around he saw the many high-ranking members of the planet, and many void realm experts, which were at their peak. in the past 180 days, the member of experts has grown as Sora shared the resources with many people, allowing many cities to develop greatly,

"..." Akon slowly looked around and slowly his eyes landed on a throne, where Sora sat, his head resting calmly upon his head while he calmly looked at him. A path was formed, as everyone moved out of the way, allowing him to walk up to Sora.

"Greetings, on the behalf of my planet and my people I have come to see if we can build an alliance," Akon said with a smile, Sora smiled slightly at him before getting up.

"An alliance is always welcomed. please, enjoy the party. we can talk about such once you get to see what this planet has to offer." Sora said with a smile, to which Akon snorted too deep down. what did this planet have to offer? the tech was low, the strength level of those on this planet was low, and they were suffering from some illness they cured thousands of years ago.

but he showed a smile, this planet did have Sora to offer, that alone made this planet troublesome. There was a total of 941.8 quadrillion lifeforms on this planet, a measure connected by Sora once he took the throne,

with such a number all believing that Sora was the ruler, the boost of power Sora got should be around +150 million to his strength measurement. Sora-based stats were 350,000, going off Sora's past skills and show of capability, he could guess that Sora's strength should at least be around 15 million, at least. one should also know that Sora's true strength has never been seen as the problem,

Going off Sora's words and rate... he guessed at Sora should have a strength measurement of about 30 million or even more, adding the power of this world, which was a strength measurement of 180 million,

troublesome, and in a battle, there was a chance Sora could overcome him and defeat him, but then again he could scan Sora to a high degree. Sora was a freak, and to think he was only at level 1 within the 5th stage of cultivation,

Akon went on to take part in the party, he talked to those higher up, taking this chance to learn more stuff that wasn't online. indeed, he got some useful information, and soon the party was over he and Sora sat in a room. behind Sora, Elsa stood, with a knight in all-black armor, giving Akon the aura of death.

"Let's cut all the BS, I can understand why you came here. I also understand what I'm talking about isn't your main body. some type of cyborg, but mostly android." Sora said calmly, stunning Akon on the spot,

"I'm telling you all of this as I have your life in the palm of my hands, take some time to speak with your main body... he should feel under the weather ever since you hacked my tech. I used that chance to connect to you, and through you, I connected with your main body." Sora said calmly while drinking some tea, at the same time Akon's body began to slowly rust, stunning him. He moved, but electricity shot from the arm, followed by it exploding and falling off.

"I will not kill you, I will leave you with enough life to turn and leave. remember, I'm now connected to him, and through him, I'm connected to everyone on the planet, his loved ones, enemies, and so on. The shit I can do is something you can't imagine," Sora said calmly, Akon looked at Sora in shock for some time before his body exploded with the power of lightning.

this was not simply taking one Qi and transforming it into, this was the power of law. within the diamond-rank dungeons, there were things known as Law crystals. These crystals when absorbed could allow a person to gain unique power,

Akon had absorbed the lightning law crystals, allowing him to summon lightning to do his wishes. but simply absorbing them wasn't enough, while absorbing them, you are pretty much absorbing the law of lightning into your body. you can comprehend it, or let it split out.

"you dare to curse me?" Akon yelled with a dark face, but the parts exploded once more, nearly destroying it. Sora watched him with a blank look while drinking some tea before he looked at the door which opened as Emilia entered with some paper.

"Akon Electic Wolf. currently married to 58 wives, have 404 children, the crown prince of Hoshi planet. His main body is at half-step Planetary, along with his many siblings, and others on the planet." Sora said calmly while reading the much information Emilia got through her power of karma.

"how did you curse me? even with a link forming, how do you bypass my senses?" Akon yelled through gritted teeth, with his high scenes he could sense being cursed, yet he felt nothing. with his law of lightning, he could use it to counter the power of karma, yet he sensed nothing, leading to him not defending himself, and now it was too late.

The answer to this was simple, Yalan used the technique Self-death, bringing death to Yalan and Emilia's aura, so Akon sensed nothing. all while he was at the party, the power of death spread out, connecting to not just this Akon, and the many others out there.

the first thing that died was Akon's ability to sense anything, allowing Yalan to slowly kill Akon. Sora wouldn't tell him this, secrets should be kept to oneself,

"leave and speak with your body, I have no interest in speaking with you," Sora said calmly, making Akon hatefully look at Sora, but this was no time to act, he needed to report to his name body quickly so, using his energy to hold himself together, he shot off, quickly reaching his spaceship, where he found the other androids destroyed,

gritting his teeth, he sent a report of everything that happened to his main body. it took a second, but his main body called, and the android instantly picked up, and the sight he saw after picking up left him shocked.

His main body was removing some blood he coughed up, his face was pale as if he was extremely sickly, and the power of lightning covered his body, suppressing the death power which was slowly killing him.

"... speak to him about a way we could work things out." He said seriously, he was scared, never in his life did he think he would die. after all, his planet escaped death though transferring themselves into androids and stuff, now death was reaching out to take him, how could he not be scared shitless? He didn't want to die, he was just about to take the throne, and it was too soon.

The android nodded as if they were the same person, they thought the same thing to some degree. but he was programmed to always check in on his main body just in case his main body sees something he isn't. After all, a person seeing the game sees the whole field, while those playing only see a small part of the game,

The android went to get Sora, and Sora arrived and went on to speak to the main body of the android,

"Since you want to win, I will give you a few conditions. the first is simple, you help my planet conquer yours. second, I will help you take the throne, I will let you rule the planet in my place. that's all," Sora said calmly stunning Akon for a moment, but he quickly nodded, not against such an arrangement,

"Good, now, give me the name of your father, and I shall curse him. Also, tell me his strength?" Sora said calmly, Akon nodded quickly and went on to give his father information to Sora.

his father was powerful, having a strength measurement of 350 million, he was the strongest on the planet and even had a few androids under him with a strength measurement around his level of strength, and the strongest army of androids,

"We are also at with the planet known as Setch, 3rd planet from the sun. it humans are slightly stronger than us. we have been at war for some time since we are only a few hours apart unlike your planet," Akon said to which Sora nodded slightly, they were only 50 or so hours apart, unlike them who were 2500 hours apart, the only reason they came to try and conquer them was that they needed more resources.

"Do you have any more useful information or is that all?" Sora asked calmly stunning Akon who quickly went on to speak and answer the question.

"your planet has a low amount of dungeons, you can fix this by strengthening the planet's lifeforms. the more powerful people are, the more dungeons would pop up, and if reached enough level of strength, dungeon rank dungeons would appear. with how your planet is, you should already be getting reports of dungeons popping up, in days or weeks a Diamon rank dungeon would appear" Akon said quickly, stunning Sora for a moment, this was because many dungeons have been appearing at such a high rate that the cities had to be made bigger to hold them

'so, could that unique dungeon that popped up in the future be because more powerful cultivators were appearing?' Sora thought in understanding, with this new knowledge he could control when the Phoenix empire would appear, and this allowed Sora to rest slightly and put many pieces together.

when a group of cultivators gathers to a point, it causes a dungeon to appear, which is why many of them appear around cities. the 3 races all had 2 diamond-rank dungeons, that was because their races were gathered together.

if someone were to for example gather a group of warriors together for a long amount of time in a place without many dungeons, there was a high likelihood a dungeon could form. this means if Sora has many dungeon-rank experts who move to the capital of His Undying Kingdom, there is a high chance that a Diamond-rank dungeon could appear.

with this information, Sora took a breath and ignored many things on his mind, but he couldn't relax. he still wanted to grow fast as he could, so after speaking to Akon for some time and information him that he would contact him from time to time, he had people come to break down the ship, and android, at the same time, he went on to put his theory to the test.

'In the future, most likely It was my undead who created that unique dungeon... am I right system?' Sora asked, the answer to that question was 100,000 years worth of lifespan,

{Yes, host, you created a bunch of them and they went on to stay within the star system for too long, leading to the dungeon forming. there is the time needed to stay at a place for the strength of a person to cause a dungeon to appear, the stronger you are the more time is needed.} the system said while Sora looked at the huge rip happening in the sky,

"as you can all see, gathering a group of powerful experts to a spot for some time can create dungeons. I want to use this to create as many Diamon rank dungeons as we can, one pro city." Sora said while looking at the many level 10 diamond rank dungeons who were looking at the huge hole in the sky with horror, well it was more like on a moon.

the aura coming out was equal to someone who was at Low Large Planetary, and that's not overlooking the many other weak auras which were only slightly weaker. With a boom, from the sky countless monsters ran down like rain, filling the sky.

"This is a mid-Diamond rank dungeon, nothing to fear," Sora said calmly before turning and entering the throne room. everyone hearing him was in shock, what did he mean nothing to fear? they were shaking in their boots here, but upon looking closely, they saw that the monster falling has died.

it was their dead body raining down, after all the monsters have died, everyone saw a huge arm reaching out through the rip in the sky, followed by a huge bear the size of the moon slowly coming out of the dungeons, but as it, cold and sharp eyes landed on them, its eyes went lifeless, and it dropped dead from the sky.

with the boss dead, the hole slowly began transforming, transforming into a crystal blood dungeon that fell from the sky, landing on top of a mountain that was not too far from them.

"Under Yalan, you are all to start clearing this dungeon, the resources you gain are to be divided equally amongst the 3 races. all of you are to remain here for the next upcoming year, we need more dungeons." Sora's deep voice sounded, followed by all of the experts answering with a loud yes, which was filled with fear. what they just saw was too scary.

"well... with this new information at the finger type, I can just remain here and do nothing... but I should leave to explore the star system. it would be boring to just remain in one spot." Sora said calmly, although he cared about nothing. he wanted to find something that matters, maybe out there there was something that mattered, other than ruling the universe, maybe there was something out there worth caring about.

That's right, SOra wanted to rule the universe. In his eyes, nothing mattered, before an endless universe filled with so much stuff, did anything he do matter? those he killed, those who could kill right now, and so on, how big of an impact would they have on the universe? infinitely small,

but if he could rule the universe, his existence would matter. What's the point of caring for nothing that didn't matter? If his existence was meaningly and had no importance, was the point of him even caring? Oh no your mom died... but so what? you would get her in a few more years.

Your girlfriend cheated on you and broke your heart? Ok... and? you would move on in a few months or years and forget all about her.

everything you think is a big deal is only a small bump in your life, it's even less compared to the big picture, which is the universe. Sora understood this, therefor he cared about nothing, eh was emotionless, and the emotions he showed were all fake, but they were the building block towards something huge... him being a huge bump in the universe.

If he can't... slaughtering at least 1% of all life in the universe would have some impact... right? just the thought of how his name would go down in the river of time, never to be forgotten and worshipped made him show a hint of a true smile.