
In A Boring Place

In a remote village ensconced by snow and shadows, young Astria lives an ostensibly serene life. Yet, beneath the tranquil veneer lies a world shrouded in illusion, where nothing is as it seems. The village’s annual festival looms, promising joy and camaraderie, but harbors sinister undertones. Astria's ordinary existence begins to unravel, the unsettling glimpses of true nature of his surroundings ignited a gnawing doubt within him. Is the life he knows merely a façade? What truths lurk beneath the illusory veil that blankets the world? “Read it because you might like it.” -Mishuuu

Mishuuu · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 - Lucky Deer

Henri drew the bowstring to its full length, the wood creaking under the strain as he focused on the monstrous 'deer.' Its head was still lowered to the lake, unaware of the imminent danger. Henri's eyes narrowed, searching for the perfect moment.


The arrow made a sharp whistling sound as it cut through the air. But before it reach the target, the 'deer' sensing danger lifted its head, the arrow abruptly making its stop, embedding itself deeply into the neck of the 'deer' instead of the head.

Without a moment delay after the arrow hit the target, Henri charged forward, holding his hunting knife in hand to strike the final blow. However, the creature with an arrow piercing it's neck that passes on the back, staggered but remained standing, unfazed to the imminent threat that was coming it's way. The arrow in its neck should have dropped any beast, but this creature merely twitched, its eyes flaring with a sick, gleeful light as it turned its gaze upon Henri. Suddenly, the 'deer' a malevolent smile with it's five red eyes widened, it's lips disturbingly reaches up to it's ear, showing the menacing sharp teeth and molars in it's mouth. It's three eyes look on Henri—approaching it fast, while the other two stared at Astria from a far. With its eerie smile, it bent its six legs and launched itself into the air, leaping high over Henri's head before he could launch an attack. It landed with a thud near Astria, its eyes fixated on him as if he were prey.

Astria, feeling the intensity of the creature's gaze, darted behind a tree just before it landed. He pointed his bow to the head of the 'deer' and released the arrow to it. But in his haste, the arrow ended with a slight 'thud' as it hit the body of the deer.

The creature reared on its hind legs, its twisted antlers glistening like black ice, each spike curved menacingly towards Astria. A guttural hiss escaped its throat, freezing the air around it as if drawing the warmth from the world. All of it's eyes burning crimson staring at Astria as if looking for it's prey. Knowing how the situation changed in just few seconds and that he's in a tight situation, Astria instead of running on the opposite direction of the 'deer' or simply use the tree as shield, he dived to his left, narrowly avoiding the spear-like antlers that crashed into the ground where he had just been standing despite the protection of the tree.

He quickly readied another arrow, his heart pounding, and fired again. The arrow struck the deer's left front leg, which resembled a twisted human arm.

The creature whirled around, locking eyes with Astria once more. Its grin widened, dripping saliva as it prepared to charge again. Astria, seizing the brief moment before the creature regained its balance, sprinted to the side, evading another deadly rush with the use of his dexterity.


A new arrow whistled through the air, this one from Henri. It struck the deer squarely in the head, but even that wasn't enough to bring it down. With a fierce shout, Henri lunged forward, his eyes bloodshot like a monster. He drove his knife into the creature's head, severing it with a powerful strike. The deer's head flew off, landing with a splash in the lake, while its body remained standing before it crumpled to the ground, finally lifeless.

The fight they had barely even lasted half a minute but the intensity of it was completely brutal. Astria with his heart-pounding sat on the ground catching his breath. The actions he just did made him have cold sweat all over his body. He looked at Henri as he smiled and gestured a thumbs up.

Henri didn't respond though, his face lowered and was rather unusually quiet for a few seconds, before he stared at Astria, made a thumbs up and smiled.

"You did great Astria." Henri said with a stern face.

The thick fog lingered at their knees, and the snow-crusted ground crunched underfoot as Henri dragged the carcass of the monstrous 'deer' to a clearing. With precise, practiced motions, Henri began the task of butchering. He rolled up his sleeves and unsheathed his hunting knife. The 'deer' lay before him, its twisted, unnatural form a stark contrast to the serene surroundings.

Henri knelt beside the creature, he started by examining the arrow wounds, noting the severity of the damage. Then, he drew the blade of his knife along the deer's already headless neck, severing the thick, coarse hide from staring from it. The skin, though resistant, peeled back with a wet sound, revealing the dark, sinewy muscle beneath.

He sliced through the tough hide with steady hands. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, the only sound the rhythmic scraping of the knife against bone and flesh. Henri's face remained impassive, while his knife cut deep, separating the hide from the flesh. Blood were dripping everywhere, coloring the ground red.

With the skin removed, Henri turned his attention to the legs. The creature's six limbs, grotesque and malformed, lay splayed out on the snowy ground. He cut the human looking arms of the deer and threw to the lake. He made careful incisions at the joints, severing the tendons and ligaments with a series of quick, efficient cuts. The other legs came away cleanly, and Henri set them aside. Next, Henri split the deer's torso, slicing through the thick muscle and bone to expose the organs within. The pungent scent of blood and viscera filled the air. He removed the heart and lungs, placing them in his bag.

As Henri continued to butcher the carcass, Astria watched. He caught a glimpse of the heart before it was put in the bag, it has a radiant glow of crimson to it. Though he had seen it many times, it still quite a question for him why does the heart emit such light.

Not long after, the butchering was complete, Henri wiped his knife clean on the grass and stood. The 'deer' had been transformed from a grotesque creature into meat and organs. The sun, now lower in the sky, cast long shadows across the clearing, and Henri's breath steamed in the cold air.

Astria approached, "You make it look so easy, Grandpa." Trying to break the silence.

Henri smiled, clapping a hand on Astria's shoulder. "It's nothing. Now, let's pack this up and head back home. We've done well today."

Together, they bundled the meat covering it with clothes and tied it with ropes. Though they've hunted a big one, only few selected parts of it were chosen. Done preparing, they start their return to Carn, before the light completely disappear.

They traveled back using the same path, passing by the things they've encountered earlier again, without trouble they reach the end of the forest.

As they approached the village, Henri's spoke with tone serious.

"Astria, there are truths in this world, some are yet to be known and some are better left undiscovered. Knowing them can change your life irrevocably. Will you choose to be ignorant, or will you seek the truth?"

Astria initially lost for words, not knowing what to reply for the sudden question, remained silent then spoke, "A lie can become the truth if everyone believes that it is real, it is when illusions becomes reality."

Henri's expression shifted abruptly, his smile broadened and his eyes glowed with an unsettling crimson light.