
In a body that isn't mine

Empress_Uzanis · Urban
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6 Chs

lost in your head

Life goes on. Just by shutting down the clock you can't stop it. No matter how many times you turn off the alarm, It's only going to make you late by every second passing. So ... WAKE UP ALREADY!!!

Few days had passed by. Elias mostly had the same routine. Going to university, then barely making it to his shifts afterwards because he's completely broke and has to support himself and his responsibilities, coming back to his excuse of a living space in the dead of night and hopefully go to sleep for atleast an hour or two. Atleast. When you have an overly active mind achieving this is not quiet easy to say the least.

Sitting in an empty classroom his attention goes to the time.

'I'll have to skip the evening classes.'

'How about a terrorist attack. The classes will get cancelled automatically. BOOM!'

'Where the hell am I supposed to get a bomb from?'

The first class of the day had ended not too long ago. Because of some unfinished assignments for the next lecture, Elias decided to stay behind. But considering the time limit, it seems like a waste of time now. He had to make it to the cafe in time. This time going late might actually get him fired and pushing his luck was not an option. He didn't had such a thing.

Walking out the university's premises he turns towards the bus station, a 10 minute walk from campus. He had about half an hour till his bus arrived. So he was not in much hurry. Although one problem persisted that being his presumed stalker.

'What if he wants to sell our organs on the black market. I think we pissed someone unknowingly or something.'

'One. Stop referring to yourself as another person. Second. I doubt I would forget if I did such a thing.'

Changing his direction he walked towards a less crowded area up to a secluded alley way. Despite being behind a factory it was rather quiet here. Walking deeper in the alley he stopped and taking a deep breath turned around. It was as empty as a cemetery.

"Um.... this is an empty area. No one comes out here. If you have some sort of problem with me. Please... say it to my face instead of... whatever... your doing?"

'What an idea. Smart choice. Facing danger head on. Bravo. You do realise what kind of luck we have right. Or you finally malfunctioned.'

'Shut it. Having to deal with you 24/7. I should be commended to even function the bit I do.'

A slight noise of a whistle followed by foot steps.

"In my 20 years of working not once have anyone and I mean anyone at all have been able to tell it was them I was shadowing. Now a kid does so. I'm impressed."

A man comes in view. A pale over coat over his shoulders. Hat atop his grey hair. Standing in front of Elias blocking the only way out.

"I... I didn't mean to... call you out. It's just... having someone looking at me... for a few moments is uncomfortable enough for me. You ... have... been doing that... for two weeks over... now." Elias said unsure. Looking side ways. His expression betraying any certainty.

"So you decided to just lure me out in an empty area where not even birds fly by let alone a person. I can literally pluck your organs out and sell them to the black market. Your making my work quiet easy you know." Said the stranger amused. "And I'm pretty sure we didnt make eye contact for even a second during these weeks. I don't believe I was in a sight to be spotted by even a clairvoyant."

"I... just am good... with... um... uh... when it comes to... having my surroundings in check. I could tell you were following... me."

Elias replied to the man after a moment of silence. Unsure of what to be said. Especially when you are constantly having a battle in your head. Saying something coherent is not easy.

"I don't... have anything... of any interest. So... I can't offer you anything if you want some kind of... compan...sation? I really have to be somewhere soon."

"Its alright kid. I want nothing from you. I was just tasked to shadow you. Just to be sure of somethings. Although I do sympathize with ya kid. You got a hard life."

"Tasked? So you'll stop now?"

"Well in the past weeks I really didn't find anything worth... well... anything. No offence. I hope so but I would need an affirmation from my contractor though."

The man scratched his head. A small smile on his face. Elias just frowned at him. Which made the man grimace.

"Look I'm just as unhappy to follow you around. Ok? But where I'm contracted, believe me it's really important. Although I do doubt you'll be any danger to us. But bosses words are absolute."

'Just flush him with burning oil's

'Easier said than done. He's out of range'

'Is he on to us?'

'Doubt it'

"Can I talk to your... boss?... i might convince them some...how?"

'You convince someone? You being serious? You can't even convince yourself'

'Thanks for the motivation'

"Huh? That's... well I guess I can arrange it. But I think you should hurry along now. Your manager even makes me wince." The man stated full in thoughts like considering something.

This only made Elias look to his feet in defeat. But he didn't move from where he stood. The man found this strange. But following Elias constantly moving gaze he moved from his own spot to the further left making way. Elias just watched his move. Eyes towards the mans but never to his eyes. Elias walked towards the exit. Right in the middle of the entrance to the alley he turned his head back a little.

"You... know where I live. So... you can tell me when to..."

He trails off not finishing his sentence. Just walking off. Leaving the man alone in the dead silent alley.

The mans expression betrays no emotion on his face. His phone rings. Putting it next to his ear he affirms the callers questions. When the line goes silent then he speaks.

"I would like to request a meeting with the boss. This information needs to be delivered soon. I'm sure he will like this piece." Everything goes dead silent.

The man gazes towards the right wall of the alley. Theres a container fitted on the top of wall with air filters around it, collecting residue oils from the factory. It leaks out sometimes. Resulting in heavy damage. Thus no soul around the alley. Even the aroma alone is enough to kill. A black shadow around the metal pipes dissipates. One wronged move and he could have lost his life. The place Elias stood would have been shielded when the container fell due to the air filters falling in between.

The kid was not what he seems to be. Or maybe what seemed, altered from reality.