
Impurity (A Hentai Salvation Story)

A young man is killed tragically and ends up transmigrating due to the request of 3 sexy goddesses, he takes up the mission to cleanse the hentai world. However, things are not going to be smooth for him as he has ended up in the body of a future cuck. See for yourself how the young man uses his years of "research" to live a better life. And maybe make a few others better in the process. [It's smut with a story. Don't complain. I won't even label chapter with an R18 warning because you are being warned now. NSFW] I do not own any characters other than the OC protagonist. All related stories and characters have been adjusted to fit my narrative, so don't comment about how something is "Not Canon". Its obvious Fanfiction.

Sir_Stronghold · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Life or Death

Fuck! I was dying again. I lay slumped against the wall of that dirty cell, and I could hear more goblins coming.

I used Cross Tail to seal the door to the cell and weaved a net around the bars. Hopefully that could buy me enough time.

One of my ribs had punctured through the skin and I was bleeding heavily. Both of my arms were broken, and I was running out of mana very fast. I could keep Cross Tail active maybe for an hour if I did nothing else.

I needed to heal my wounds if I'm even going to have a chance. I scrolled through the shop and bought the most effective potion I could afford. An A rank regeneration potion.

The potion was in my hands, but I was too weak to even lift it to my mouth.

Fuck... Am I really going to die again? My vision started to get blurry and my limbs started to feel cold.

I couldn't keep... my eyes... open...


I think it started right after I graduated high school. I never did have the best grades, so I wasn't going to go to college. I had decided to find a job and just start working.

But everything on the job market wasn't what I was looking for. I eventually got scouted by a talent agent to be a male model. The woman was older than me, but she was very beautiful. That is, if you only looked at her appearance...

At first things were good. She would get me gigs and I would go and do them. The pay was nice, and I was starting to build a good reputation.

But not long after, I ended up doing "favors" for my agent since she said she could put me at the top of the list for any big gigs. I started sleeping with her for opportunities.

Sounds nice, right? Sleep with a beauty, get a good job... Well, that is until she introduced me to cocaine...

She would rub the drug on my cock, and we would fuck for hours. That was start of my issues with addiction.

I eventually fell out of favor with her, and a new boy toy took my place. I didn't care about her, but I was no longer getting any gigs.

But by then all I cared about were drugs and sex anyway. I wanted both at all times and did a lot I wasn't proud of to get them.

My family finally did an intervention for me, and I voluntarily admitted myself into rehab. I could stay clean off drugs there... But not sex. I even met my wife there as she was working at the rehab.

We would sneak away to have sex even though she wasn't supposed to have relations with patients.

I tried to hide my sex addiction for years, a night here or a weekend there. I even had an affair with my sister-in-law...

I have many regrets...

Is this the end?

Oh! Something suddenly feels warm and is wriggling in my mouth. It feels nice...


"Ugh..." I came to my senses and looked around. The cell was locked by a strange thread that must be coming from my hero. A horde of goblins were outside the cell and were furiously trying to get in. I was scared so I looked for him...

"No!" He was bleeding and didn't look good at all! I sat up and shakily walked over to him. Please Lord, I just received a miracle, but I must ask for another!

I didn't know what to do. I don't have any healing skills. I then noticed a potion in his hand!

I took the potion and opened the cork but when I tried to pour it his mouth to swallow it, he wasn't drinking it.

What do I do? Think Anvil! How can I make him drink this? My eyes wandered to his lips, and I couldn't help but blush. I-I'm sure he would understand! This is a life-or-death situation...

I sat on his lap and took some potion into my mouth. I lifted his face and slowly brought my lips to his. Ah I'm really about to kiss him...


I opened his mouth with my tongue and poured the potion inside.

Come on! Please work!

I did it again and again, and I was worried it wouldn't work. But suddenly...

Mnph! His tongue started going into my mouth and swirling around mine. His arms reached out and pulled my waist closer... This rascal...

Ah! But I think... I think I could get addicted to this feeling...


I felt something soft and warm wriggling in my mouth. It felt pleasant for some reason and my body was starting to heal.

I opened my eyes to find a cute blonde girl kissing me. Of course, my first instinct to was to deepen it...

After our lips parted, a string of saliva connected us for a moment. Her face was flushed, and she was panting hard. These hentai girls really get heated too easily... Not that I'm complaining!

I looked over her shoulder to see the situation we were in. Luckily Cross Tail remained out even when I lost consciousness. But things were still looking a little bleak.

I quickly browsed the shop for anything to get me out of this mess. After a few moments of searching, I found something. But there was a problem... I was a thousand points short...

I looked at Anvil and used inspection on her. And holy crap was she a gold mine of impurities. I'm sure she will understand... This is a life-or-death situation after all...

{A/N: Gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Am I right boys?}