
The Strong and the Weak; Part Two

Walking in front of the dorms Samuel noticed that it was mixed for boys and girls, the guys began cheering but Samuel since he hasn't had such luck in the relationship department.

"You goddamn horn-dogs! No one better not be caught in each other's dorms! SCREAM YES SERGEANT!" The black haired man with light blue tips shouted as Samuel could tell he had a temper "YES SERGEANT" Everyone shouted as he was off to the side quiet again.

Walking inside the building they were shown all types of rooms, combat rooms, sports rooms, rooms that even had a bar in it for some reason "I can see that look you got in your eyes kid" a voice said from behind him as it caught Samuel off guard as a hint of blue caught the corner of his vision 'Why is he over here with me!?' Samuel said as he didn't know what to do.

"I bet you're probably thinking "now I can get shitfaced and serve my beloved country at the same time" well guess what, you've thought wrong" The Sergeant said while whispering.

'I wasn't thinking that at all!' Samuel thought to himself while groaning internally "Come on Sergeant, with wrong with a few drinks you know we're gonna need 'em" Samuel heard Theo said as the Sergeant looked over at Theo with disgust written on his face "It's the fact you think you can talk to me without showing me some sort of res-"

A hand covered his mouth from behind and stood him up as it was the Sergeant leading the tour "Now why are you torturing my group in the middle of my tour?" The sergeant asked with his hand still covering the other one's mouth "Please go find some business Sergeant Asher" He finished saying while chucking him down the hall "Alright, now that you've seen where the classrooms and other places around campus are, it's time for dorm numbers" The Sergeant said while a stack of numbers and a table appeared out of thin air in the hallway.

"Come grab a number and head to your dorm rooms to get settled in because who you're roomed up with is who you'll be stuck with for the next four years!" He said loudly so everyone could hear as there was a side for girls and boys, one side pink and the other blue, after grabbing his number he walked away and started heading towards the dorm area with the big number one written on it.

After passing a bunch of rooms he finally found his room on the second floor 'Room two-fifteen' Samuel thought to himself while opening the door with his keycard.

Inside was two beds to his left and right with closets next to them and behind the bed on the left side of the room was a bed with a walk in closet of it's own 'This is nice! Probably better than any place I've ever stayed in' Samuel thought to himself while walking in but when he turned around he was faced with someone else standing behind him, a boy that was at least two inches shorter than him with brown hair that looked messy and just as scrawny as him if not scrawnier.

'How long has this guy been behind me?' Samuel thought to himself as he could only laugh nervously "Sorry man, I didn't know you were standing there" Samuel said as the boy could only nod slowly "I-I-It's okay" He heard him say as it made Samuel scrunch up his face 'Why is he talking so low? Maybe he's socially awkward?' Samuel thought "Hey! What a coincidence dude, I was gonna be bummed out if I couldn't get a room with some decent bunkmates" Theo said while smiling from the doorway as it made Samuel feel better a bit about who the last roommate would be.

"So who's up for something to eat? I sure could grab a bite" Theo said as it made Samuel's throat feel parched while his stomach growled for everyone to hear, in embarrassment he could only look at the ground 'I haven't had any blood! And what's worse I don't have a way to get any here!' Samuel thought until he felt a hand grab his wrist and drag him out into the hall.

After finding the chow hall it looks as if people were already there eating, before they could walk inside a group had bumped into Samuel knocking him and his shy roommate on the ground "My bad losers" A blonde haired boy said while his two friends continued onto the door to open it for him "You're going to learn real quickly around here about who's the strongest and who's the weakest" He said while walking off as Theo picked them up.

"Don't worry about that guy, if it ever comes to it I will help you guys" Theo said as they walked inside and grabbing trays and sitting at at table together "So what's your name? You exactly haven't said a word since I met you" Theo asked the boy Samuel didn't notice up at the dorm rooms earlier "I-I-I'm Carlton" He said while fumbling over his words.

After mandatory breakfast they was handed papers with ability categories, Elemental, Enhancement, Transformation and if you have none and wanted to work on one or become a mage, mages were respected because they were healers and on the battlefield if there wasn't a healer it would spell doom for everyone "They're gonna train us specifically on our abilities and how we can strengthen it but what about our weaknesses?" Theo said as it made him hum in thought.

From the looks of the paper there was a teacher's name written by each category on who was teaching what 'But where does a vampire go? Should I just go where the no ability people go?" Samuel thought as he was deep in thought "I'm going to go into one of the categories where no abilities go" Samuel said as Theo nodded while leaving the two boys standing there.

Heading into the combat building seemed to have a different style that he noticed earlier on during the tour, sliding open the door he noticed a man sitting on the floor with gray hair pulled into a ponytail as he wore a white robe that also held leather wrapping on the forearms including the shins and soon other people began to flood inside the room talking amongst themselves while no one said anything to him.

"Silence" The man said as no one heard him except for Samuel as he looked his way and saw that his eyes were a foggy brown color "SILENCE!" He shouted as it became deathly quiet.

Opening the doors in came another teacher, a woman as she held a book while waving over to the male instructor and standing next to him, blonde colored hair wrapped by braids and into a bun with blue eyes as she had to be at least five foot even.

"Hello! My name is Stella and I am the mage instructor specifically for people with no abilities or people with healing capabilities, if you have any potential in my field trust me when I say I will know it when I see it, so follow me into the next room over if you are here to learn the abilities of a mage" She said as people started heading over with her.

What was left was at least twenty-five to thirty people from what Samuel saw as the man stood up "My name is Leon, I am the combat/weapons instructor but please do not mistake me as a master or expert at every weapon you see on the walls" He said as it confused Samuel until the weapons suddenly had appeared on the walls after a second glance but the walls suddenly looked farther than what they did at first.

"During my class you will not use your abilities to train but instead learn how to use a weapon that best suits it so when you do get a weapon of your own you will be already familiar" He said while closing the doors "So you may go ahead and pick a weapon of your choo-" He paused as Samuel became confused and looked to the other students to see if they were gonna say anything but only to see that they were frozen in place as well.

'What is going on here?' Samuel said to himself as he looked back at the teacher "I don't have a lot of time here but I need some answers from you" Samuel turned around to see a woman that was at least five feet in height with almost pale skin and rosy cheeks that gave her the innocent look with emerald eyes while her blonde and red hair was held in a single ponytail.

What made him question the woman he was staring at was because she was wearing a maid outfit but had elf ears "Did you do this?" Samuel asked as she nodded confidently "I am a very capable Elf mage, but allow me to introduce myself, My name is Kyla I am also a servant of the Dragon house that is lead by Master Siegfried Tempest" She said as it clicked in Samuel's head.

"Why is a servant of the Dragon House looking for me? I'm no one special" Samuel said as she gave a small smile "You are correct, you are no one important but at the moment you are" She said as it made Samuel nervous 'Is this about the book? Did Spade steal it from the Dragon House?' Samuel thought while also looking at the frozen students and teacher.

"I can assure you I am not going to harm any of the human life here, I am only here for you the only non-human here on this entire base" She said reassuringly "So what do you want?" Samuel asked as she walked up to him "I wanna know where did Indra go, your aura was the last one around his before it was sucked into some type of thing that I can only conclude was a portal but the problem is that I am not strong enough to force something like that open" She said as it confused Samuel and she can see it on his face.

"Indra? You mean Spade?" Samuel said as she rubbed her fingers on her chin while humming in thought 'So that was his actual name and not just his moniker while he was running around the whole time' She said to herself "So since I'm now positive that you were the last person alive with him you are going to take up his mission" She said with a smirk.

"His mission? What was his mission?" Samuel asked as she crossed her arms "Delaying Silas Tempest from freeing the captured Dragons and ascending the throne" she said casually while Samuel's face was in shock "I-I-I-I can't do that!" Samuel said nearly shouting "Sure you can, because in turn not only would it make you stronger but you'll have allies in the Dragon House"

"Is that guaranteed?"

"Let me handle that, the real question is are you up to the task?" She asked as Samuel could only think about ways this could go wrong but in turn he would have allies which could also equal political influence for whenever he did get stronger- if he survived this mission.

"Okay...I'll do it" He said as she smiled at him "Great! See ya tonight!" She said while disappearing into thin air "-sing" He heard Leon said as the students started grabbing weapons off the walls 'What the hell did I get myself into?' Samuel thought while groaning inwardly.

While looking at the weapons he didn't know which to exactly pick and since he didn't have any abilities he didn't know what would exactly work if he was to ever obtain one "Would you like some help?" The instructor asked as it caught Samuel off-guard "I'm not sure how much good that would do, I don't necessarily have an ability" Samuel said as it made the man hum in understanding.

"Your parents haven't taught or passed down anything to you?" Leon asked as Samuel shook his head no "My parents were at one the Kingdoms that was just destroyed so it's only right to assume they died and because of politics war keeps them away from home" Samuel said as it made him clench his fists in anger.

"I wanna become stronger...so strong that there will be no more wars and I will be able to carry all the weight so no one else would have to" Samuel said as he didn't realize that he was getting stuck in his memories "Then you will have to become a pretty strong warrior" Leon said while placing a hand on his right shoulder.

"Alright class now that you know what type of weapon you're looking for and think you're comfortable with I want you all to prepare for one minute sparring with those weapons tomorrow" Leon said as they all started to put the weapons back and head out.

Once he got back to his dorm room he saw the two boys from early on today as they greeted him "Hey! How was combat classes?" Theo asked while tossing the book he was reading to the side "It was interesting" Samuel said not wanting to reveal he was frozen in time by a Elf who wanted him to parade around tonight with god knows who.

"How about you Carlton?" Samuel asked as he nodded super quickly 'God he needs to calm down' Samuel thought to himself "That's great I'm gonna head over to one of the combat rooms to train on my reflexes or maybe to get a good spar on" Theo said while heading out the room.

'I should probably take a nap before that Elf comes to grab me' Samuel thought while hopping into bed after taking off his boots and letting the stress fade away from his mind and body as he went to sleep.