

All across the world, in every major city, a streak of yellow lightning raced through them.

In Atlanta, Georgia, three men in black trench coats and sunglasses with bandannas around their faces were robbing a bank as they shot their guns in the air, threatening hostages.Suddenly a yellow streak of lightning came into the room, and in a second, the thieves were tied up, their weapons disassembled, and the hostages freed, leaving everyone confused as the streak left.Once the streak was gone and the freed hostages gained some understanding of what happened, they began to beat up the thieves.

In Frankfurt, Germany, four men in a red truck were speeding down the street, driving recklessly as cops chased them.One of the men leaned out the window and began shooting at the cops, who swerved to avoid the gunfire.The yellow streak then came, and the four men found themselves flung into the backseat of the cop cars, handcuffed as both the cops and bad guys were left stumped and confused.The car rolled to a stop as the yellow streak raced by.

In Tokyo, Japan, a fight between Yakuza and the police raged as bullets flew through the air hitting the cars, walls, and barricades that both sides hid behind.The Yakuza began to become more aggressive with their attack, as many of the cops got shot before they could take cover.The yellow lighting streak then came in as Yakuza members were hit, and some got sent flying before ending up on the ground, handcuffed, or tied up.The police looked confused as the yellow streak raced past them.They looked over their cover to see all the Yakuza tied up and restrained.

~GDA Control Room~

Cecil was standing in the middle of the room as men and women around him were busy on their computers.Cecil was staring up at the wall of tv screens, which displayed all kinds of information about events and things happening worldwide.

"Where is he?" Cecil asked loudly.

"Kansas.He just stopped a tornado!" a woman yelled.

"Brazil.He saved a small village from a landslide!" a man yelled.

"Sir!He just reached Mach 7!" someone yelled.

Cecil smirked slightly as he was impressed by Viktor's feats.

"Run, kid.Run," Cecil said quietly as he watched a dot move steadily across a world map, bouncing from place to place.

(Stop Music)


Viktor stopped in his room as the wind kicked up papers and clothes on the ground, blowing them away.Viktor stood there in his suit, breathing a little heavily as he was sweating while leaning over, placing his hands on his knees.

"Whoo, that took more out of me than I expected," Viktor commented before looking around his room to see the mess he made, sighing before zipping around the room, picking up, and cleaning before stopping, now in his regular clothes as he looked at the clean room in satisfaction.

Viktor began walking down the stairs, but when he reached the edge, he stopped as he heard Debbie and Olga talking in the room.

"I am Russian, my dear.I know how governments work, and yours is no different," Olga stated.

"Cecil's searching for the killer--" Debbie tried to say but was cut off by Olga.

"Is he?" she asked."No one is in jail.No one is on the news.They know who did this, and they don't care," she said harshly as Viktor stood with his back against the wall.Viktor looked down, his hair shadowing his eyes as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

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Viktor hated to admit it, but he knew something was off about the investigation.

"Why wouldn't they care?" Debbie asked.

"I don't know, but I can tell when people are lying, and people are lying about this, which is why I'm moving back to Moscow, to my family.You can help me sell our house," Olga said.

"Uh, yes, absolutely," Debbie said hesitantly."But, what about Viktor?" she asked.

"Viktor insisted on staying here.He said this country, this city, was his home now," Olga said.

Debbie paused before speaking once more, "Olga... did Josef ever lie to you?" Debbie asked.

"Of course, all heroes do, but I only made the mistake of believing him once.When he told me, everything was going to be fine," Olga retorted as Viktor clenched his fist even harder before speeding away.


The next day, Viktor met up with Mark and Eve at school as Mark told them about Cecil and his mission to Mars.

"I don't want to lie to Amber, but I can't tell her the truth either," Mark said, conflicted as he and Viktor leaned up against the lockers on either side of Eve.Mark had his first actual date with Amber last night, and he felt conflicted since the mission to Mars would take two weeks.As Mark told them this, Eve got her books out of her locker and closed the door.

"This is why dating normal people is a pain in the ass," Eve stated, turning to Mark as Viktor stood behind Eve.

"Sure, but it's not like dating Rex worked out," Mark said as Eve gave him a death glare while Viktor shook his head 'no' with a stern look."Changing the subject now," Mark said fearfully, seeing Viktor's steely gaze as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"As much as I'd love to help with your very special crisis, I've got my own crap to deal with now," Eve said as she walked past Mark with Viktor following.

"Sorry, Mark.I've got more important things to deal with right now," Viktor told him as he walked with Eve.

They got a few steps away before Mark ran up to them, "I'll make you a deal.You guys help me with my Amber stuff, and I'll help you with your Rex stuff and whatever stuff," he said to them, gesturing to Eve when he said 'Rex' and to Viktor for 'whatever.'

"It's not just Rex, Mark.It's everything.It's my parents, school, and college, and I don't know if being a superhero is what I want to do right now," Eve told him.

"But what else would you do?" Mark asked.

"I don't know.That's the problem," Eve said sadly as she looked away from Mark.

Mark looked regretful since he didn't realize what Eve was going through before he looked to Viktor, who had a solemn look on his face.

"Olga is moving back to Russia and selling the house.I have to find a new place to live in a few days, or I'm going to be homeless," Viktor told him as Mark's regretful look deepened.

"I guess... If you need anything or want to talk about it, I'm here," Mark said, trying to be helpful."After I get back from Mars, I mean.And hey, my mom works in real estate.Maybe she can help you find a place to stay," he added.

"Thank you," Viktor replied as he began to walk away, with Eve following before she stopped and turned back to Mark with a heavy sigh as Viktor stopped too.

"Look, once you tell someone your secret identity, that's it.So if you're going to tell Amber the truth, you better be serious about her.Are you serious about her, Mark?" Eve asked.

"You need to figure that out, Mark.My dad dated Olga for over two years before he told her his identity, and we moved here.This is an important decision, Mark.Think about it," Viktor told him before walking away with Eve jogging a bit to catch up before they walked side-by-side.

"So, how is the search coming?" she asked.

"Not very good.It's either nice and too expensive, or it's shit and cheap.I'd need a real job to make good, consistent money if I wanted a good apartment.And with being forced to be in school..." Viktor trailed off as Eve nodded in understanding before suddenly stopping, getting Viktor to halt as he turned around to see Eve with a confused look on her face.

"Wait.Forced?Why are you forced to be here?" she asked.

"To appear normal.I could have graduated high school years ago.The homework and tests take barely any effort.I only came to school to seem like a normal kid," Viktor told her, shrugging.

"So you could just graduate here and now?" Eve asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I could," Viktor said as he seemed to have an idea as he grabbed Eve by the shoulders."Eve, you are a genius," Viktor said before giving her a peck on the cheek and running down the hallway.

Eve stood there in shock as she processed what just happened and brought a hand up to her cheek in surprise before smiling and going to class.


Viktor was sitting on the edge of the top of a skyscraper in his hero suit, eating a burger as he watched the news on his phone following the mission to Mars launch.

"Do svidaniya, Mark," Viktor said with a smile as he turned off his phone and stood up on the edge of the skyscraper before finishing his burger, licking his fingers, and putting the wrapper in the bag.

(Do svidaniya = Goodbye)

Picking up his trash, Viktor stared down at the city as the wind blew through the air, his bangs moving with it before he brought his to-go cup up to his lips and slurped the last bit of it out of his straw.

"Ah," he sighed, satisfied, before sticking his foot out as he stepped off the ledge and began plummeting to the ground, all while keeping a calm, no-worries expression on his face.After falling 20 feet, Viktor planted his foot on the building and ran down it, racing onto the street and passing a trash can that shook as a BurgerMart to-go bag and cup were tossed inside.


Viktor sat in the principal's office as the principal looked over a few papers.

"This is incredible, Mr. Romanov.You've been holding back on us," the principal said, smiling brightly as he shuffled through the papers."You passed all the finals with flying colors months before the tests.Your grades in your classes are solid A's, you're an AP student with college classes under your belt, and your attendance is perfect.I don't see why we wouldn't let you graduate early," the principal announced pridefully, as if he had something to do with Viktor's accomplishments.

Viktor discreetly rolled his eyes at his principal before putting on a fake smile and feigning a friendly tone, "So when can I graduate?" Viktor asked.

The principal hummed before turning to his computer as he typed a few things and seemed to be looking through files, "End of the week at the latest," he said as Viktor looked at his phone, seeing it was Wednesday.

"Great.The sooner, the better," Viktor said, getting up and walking out of the office.


At home, Viktor was on his computer looking at college classes he could take online as he had his phone in his hand, holding it up to his ear.

"Yeah, hi.My name is Viktor Romanov.I was wondering how many of these classes I could take online?" he asked as he got a response and smiled."Great, and is there any limit to how fast I can complete the class?" he asked before getting an answer that made him smile as he fist-bumped the air."Incredible, thank you.Have a good day," he said before hanging up as he went to a different tab on his computer that had a very long essay which he then finished and mailed to the college.


Viktor was easily dodging lightning bolts as Impulse while facing a villain called Kursk, who could generate large amounts of electrostatic energy and emit this energy in focused bolts of lightning-like electrical arcs from his hands.While Viktor did this, he was on the phone with the college dean.

"So as long as I complete all the work for my classes online and then come in person to take my tests in front of a supervising teacher, I can graduate whenever I want?" Viktor asked.

"Yes, but are you sure you want to take these classes, Viktor?You've signed yourself up for Ph.D. degrees in Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry." the college dean asked.

"Hold that thought one moment," Viktor said as he became annoyed when Kursk nearly hit him.Speeding under the bolts of lightning, Viktor stopped right before Kursk in a crouch before using his momentum to flip and deliver a vicious kick to Kursk.

The kick sent Kursk flying back at Mach 1 before he hit a building, making a giant crater with cracks appearing all across the wall.Kursk just stayed there; his body spread out and unmoving.

Viktor then turned away and brought the phone back up to his ear, "Sorry, as I was saying, it won't be a problem," he said as Kursk's body peeled off the wall behind Viktor as his body fell to the ground harshly as Viktor didn't even flinch.

"If you're sure, then.By the way, I've received your essay, which you summited, and I have to say your research is quite extraordinary!The college is prepared to offer you a grant with your own lab and apartment if you want," the dean said as Viktor smiled.

"I'd be more than happy to take you up on that offer, Mr. Whitemore," Viktor replied as a person in the background could be seen curiously poking Kursk's body to see if he was alive.


It's been two weeks since Mark went on his Mars mission, and during that time, Viktor graduated early, started online classes, and moved into his college apartment, which he had all to himself.The apartment was spacious, with a living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and bedroom, with a walk-in closet.

Between classes, lab time, inventing, and being a superhero, Viktor has been very busy yet still finding chances to hang out with Eve.

Currently, Viktor as Impulse was fighting with a villain who had a highly advanced and technological cold gun that could freeze anything.

Dodging around a blue beam from the cold gun, Viktor smirked as he began running around the villain, who could only see a red blur and yellow lightning trail surrounding him.

"Come on, Frosty!Can't hit me?" Viktor taunted as the villain grit his teeth in anger.

"The name's Mr. Cold!" The man yelled as he began shooting in random directions at the blur, but they all just went through the wall of red."Hold...Grr...Still!" he yelled.

"Viktor then stopped running in a circle as he ran towards Mr. Cold and clotheslined him, making the man flip in the air before landing on his back.

Cold groaned as he lay there flat on his back before suddenly finding himself handcuffed to a light pole as Impulse stood in front of him with the cold gun in hand.

"Tsk.Tsk.Tsk.Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with guns?" Viktor asked as he bounced the cold gun on his shoulder.

"Impulse!I'll get you for this!This won't be the last time you'll see me!" Cold yelled.

"Next time, try to make it more of a challenge," Viktor said before hearing a booming noise as he looked to the sky to see a familiar blue and yellow person descend to the ground from the air.Viktor smiled as he saw his best friend hovering above him.

"Invincible!Long time no see!" Viktor yelled, giving Mark a two-fingered salute.

"Hey, Impulse.I see you've been staying busy," Mark commented, glancing at Mr. Cold, who was struggling against the handcuffs as the sounds of sirens got closer.

Viktor looked toward the sirens before looking back at Mark, "Let me take care of this, and then we can catch up.I wanna hear all about Mars," Viktor said.

"Sure," Mark said as he stayed in the air and waited as Viktor talked to the cops and handed over the cold gun and Mr. Cold.

Once Viktor was done, he looked at Mark and pointed toward the sky.Mark nodded and flew up to the top of the building; when he got there and touched down, Viktor came to a stop in front of Mark as the two took off their masks, smiling.

"It's good to see you, Mark," Viktor said as the two hugged.

Once they let go, Mark and Victor sat on the edge of the roof as Mark began to tell Viktor about the trip to Mars.

"That could be a problem if those organisms find their way to Earth," Viktor said as he held his chin, thinking.

"Shouldn't, since none of the guys from the shuttle came in contact with them," Mark said, leaning back.

"Maybe..." Viktor hummed.

"So what's happened while I was gone?" Mark asked.

"Well, uh, I graduated early, started college, and I now have my own private lab and apartment funded by the school so I can focus on my research into the creation of a Clean, Self-Sufficient Energy source," Viktor finished as Mark just stared at him, his eyes wide and jaw practically on the floor.

"What?How'd you--?Huh?" Mark tried to say, confused, as he made wild hand gestures.

Viktor chuckled before patting Mark on the shoulder, "It's okay.I'll explain everything," Viktor said as the two ended up sitting there for over an hour just talking and catching up.

It's been weeks since Mark returned from Mars.And since then, Viktor has been busy with classes, putting in time at the lab, and doing a lot of hero work.

Despite all his hero work, Viktor sustained his A+ average in all his classes since he super sped through homework and memorized every book in every class.

This freed up much of his time to focus on his personal projects.His current project is a power dampener that could fit around his wrist.If placed on a super-powered individual, this device would dampen their powers to the point it would seem like they never had them.The individual would become an average person with no abilities.

So far, Viktor had been able to create the device to dampen superpowers, but the only problem was the size.The device itself was more like a gauntlet rather than a bracelet.

And now, Viktor was trying to make the device more compact without losing power.

Viktor sat back from his desk, leaning back in his office chair, and sighed as he looked at the device.So far, he'd only been able to get it to the size of a sweatband.Any smaller, and he risks losing power.

"I need to find a more reliable source of power for these power dampeners," he said to himself as he ran his hand through his hair.

As he stared at the device on the work table, his phone vibrated from its spot next to a few tools and a grease-stained rag.Viktor reached over and picked up his phone to see Mark was calling him, making him smirk as he answered and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Mark.What's up?" Viktor asked as he spun in his chair to face a large object covered by an even bigger tarp.The object took up a large portion of the room, sitting smack dab in the middle of everything, so you had to walk around it to do anything.It was good that the lab was huge, one of the biggest on campus; otherwise, the device wouldn't have been able to fit.Large pipes trailed from the sides of the room to the object, going under the tarp and disappearing.

"Hey, Viktor.Wanna go on patrol?" Mark asked as Viktor pushed off the ground, rolling to the side in his office chair.Coming to a slow stop, he leaned to the side while in his chair, looking around the side of the large covered object at a clock on the far wall, seeing he had two hours before his next class.

"Yeah, I've got time," Viktor said as he sped away from his chair.The chair spun around multiple times before coming to a slow stop.


"Great, meet me at the Willis Tower," Mark said before hanging up as he stood on the roof of Willis Tower in his super suit.

"Hey, Mark," Viktor said, scaring him.Mark nearly jumped out of his skin as he looked behind him to see Viktor in his super suit.

"Don't... do that, Viktor," Mark said, breathing heavily, calming down, and making Viktor laugh.

"Sorry," Viktor said as he walked over to the edge and looked down at the city below."So, how are things going with Amber?" he asked as Mark sighed disappointedly.

"Ok.I mean, things are good...," Mark trailed off.

"But?" Viktor questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"But it's getting hard to manage my hero and social lives.I'm always late for everything because I spend too much time as Invincible," Mark explained.

"Do you not set yourself timers or alarms that tell you when you need to get back or get to something?" Viktor asked confusedly as Mark's head shot up, and he looked at Viktor in shock.

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"Wait, what?I can do that?" Mark yelled as Viktor facepalmed.

"O Bozhe moy," Viktor mumbled.

(Translation: Oh dear god)

Viktor then looked at Mark, "Seriously, Mark?You can not be that stupid," Viktor gestured to him.

"Well, I-uh...," Mark trailed off as he rubbed the back of his head as looked away.

Viktor sighed once again, "Mark, you have a phone.Yes?Use it.There is an app called Timetable.Put events in there for when you need to be there, and then set the alarm for 45 to 30 minutes before to remind you," Viktor explained as Mark pulled out his phone and began to type on it, setting up his events.

Viktor sighed once more before stepping up on the roof's edge, "You can join me when you're done with that.I'll go patrol the city now," Viktor said as he stepped off the edge and disappeared in a blur of red and yellow lightning as Mark was still putting stuff into his phone.


"You won't catch me, Impulse!" a villain yelled as he jumped into a window.

Impulse, who had been speeding at the man, came to an abrupt and sudden stop to avoid crashing into the window.Viktor stared at the villain, who looked like a simple reflection from the outside but wasn't there and was instead inside the window.

"Ha ha ha ha!" the villain laughed, his voice echoing and warbling as Viktor took a step back with a look of surprise on his face as he watched the man move across the reflective surface inside the window.

"What the fuck?" Viktor said aloud before shaking his head and focusing as he sped off, racing after the guy.

"I am Mirror Man!And you will never catch me, Impulse!" the man yelled as he moved up the building at blinding speed, still moving inside the reflections.

Viktor gave chase as he followed the man up the building but was surprised when Mirror Man jumped out of the reflective window and swung a kick at Viktor while flying through the air.

Viktor leaned back all the way, sliding on his knees under Mirror Man's kick, his back nearly touching the glass windows.While sliding, Viktor planted his hand on the window, used his momentum to flip to his feet, and stood casually on the surface of the window, parallel to the ground.

Looking over, Viktor watched Mirror Man fly through the air and then enter the reflection of the window on the building across the street.

Crouching down, Viktor's fingers barely grazed the window of the building before he launched off the side, shattering the window beneath his feet, and jumped between the two buildings, a trail of lightning behind him.

Landing on the other building, Viktor chased Mirror Man as he hopped from building to building for the next two minutes.

"Ok, this is getting annoying," Viktor exclaimed as his eyes glowed yellow and sparked lightning as he pushed off the building and ran faster.

As Mirror Man jumped across the gap to another building, Viktor raced past him and landed on the other building before him.

"Oh, shit!" Mirror Man yelled in slow motion as Viktor grabbed his leg before he could touch the window and swung him around, running up the side of the building and dragging Mirror Man with him.

When Viktor got to the top, he threw Mirror Man into the air and used his powers to jump above the villain, appearing above the villain instantaneously.

Spinning, Viktor axe-kicked the man in the stomach so hard that it forced the air away from the impact, creating a pulse of visible air as the man was sent rocketing back down to the ground.

Right before he hit the ground, Viktor appeared with his arms out to catch him, but the guy bounced off Viktor's arms and tumbled across the street.

Mirror Man lay on the cement, groaning in pain as Viktor came to stand over him.

"I think you broke all my ribs," Mirror Man groaned on the ground in pain.

"Don't be so dramatic," Viktor scoffed, reaching down and pulling a high-tech belt-like device off his waist.

"I'm not," Mirror Man wheezed out before coughing painfully.

"You'll get over it," Viktor shrugged before GDA agents arrived with many vehicles, including a heavily armored van with no windows.

The agents then ran out of their vehicles, surrounding and sealing off the area as they came and arrested Mirror Man, who continued to bitch and moan the entire time the agents were arresting him.

"Nice work, Impulse," Cecil said, appearing next to Viktor via teleportation as Viktor turned to him, not fazed by his sudden appearance.

"Yes, but that is the fourth person this week with extremely sophisticated tech," Viktor said, holding up the belt for reference as Cecil looked at the belt with a concerned look.

"And you've eliminated the possibility they invented the tech?" Cecil asked as Viktor gave him a 'seriously?' look.

"Da.These men aren't smart enough to pass a junior high math test.Let alone create such advanced technology like this," Viktor said, looking down at the belt.

"So you think someone's supplying them with this tech?" Cecil asked, concerned, as his gaze narrowed.

"Exactly.Between Mr. Cold, Storm Sorcerer, Heat Blast, and now, Mirror Man.Four supervillains.All with highly advanced technology, and none smart enough to make said technology.It seems someone is supplying advanced technology to common criminals," Viktor stated as he looked over at Mirror Man being loaded inside the van.

"But who?" Cecil asked, concerned.


In a dark room, a man sat in front of over a dozen computer monitors showing Viktor's talk with Cecil.

"...It seems someone is supplying advanced technology to common criminals," Viktor said on the monitor.

"But who?" Cecil asked as the clip began repeating over and over.Partially illuminated by the screen's brightness, a frail-looking man could then be seen smiling to himself in the light of the screen; a giant metal helmet was seen sitting atop his head with a multitude of wires connecting the helmet to something in the darkness behind him.

"All in due time, Impulse.All in due time," he said forebodingly as a loud animalistic roar could be heard from the darkness.


That evening, Viktor was in his apartment typing away at superspeed on a highly advanced supercomputer that could handle him moving at super speed and processed information almost as fast as him.If one were watching the screen, they would see sentences being formed instantly before the tabs would switch over and over, articles opening and being scrolled through before closing, a video playing at super speed, and then back to typing.

After a solid five minutes of this repeating, over and over, Viktor sat back exhausted as he yawned and stretched his arms over his head, his fingers interlaced as he stretched out his fingers and hands.

One benefit of not having to restrict his powers anymore during a typical day, and being allowed to move at his speed all the time, was at the end of the day, he was tired and got shit done.Like right now, he finished five 10,000+ word essays for his classes.

As he was stretching, a knock at his balcony window made him look over to see Eve floating outside, which made him smile.Viktor subtly picked up the power-dampening band, locked it around his wrist, and felt like time slammed into him, and everything slowed to an average person's speed and perception.

Once the power dampener fully kicked in, Viktor stood up and walked over to the patio door, smiling as he opened it.

"Hey, Eve," Viktor greeted as Eve smiled at him.

"Hey, Vic," she said affectionately, calling him by his nickname while putting on a smile.But it was easy for Viktor to see, at first glance, that behind her smile, Eve was nervous, saddened, and troubled about something.

Viktor's smile then turned to a frown as he gave her a serious look, "What happened?" he asked as Eve's smile vanished, and she looked away from Viktor, holding her right arm with her left hand.

"How'd you know?" she asked shyly, knowing she had been caught.

"Eve, I know you.I can tell when something is bothering you," he said, giving her a small smile that made her blush.

"Now, Eve, what happened," Viktor asked, concerned.

She looked down for a moment before her eyes returned to Viktor as tears began forming at the edge of her eyes.

"Can we talk?" she asked as Viktor nodded and held the door open, allowing her to enter his apartment.

Eve entered the apartment, wiped away her tears, and looked around in awe.The place was bigger than one person needed, but it was clean and modern.Viktor closed his patio door as he watched Eve admire his apartment for a moment longer before he started the conversation back up.

"Eve?" he asked, getting her to turn to him."What happened?What's going on?" he asked softly as tears began to form in her eyes again, and she looked down sadly.

"It's my parents," she said as Viktor's gaze got hard."Well... more my dad than anything," Eve said sadly as Viktor's hard look softened, and he walked over, carefully grabbing her arms and sitting her on his couch before taking a seat beside her.Unconsciously, Viktor had taken Eve's hand in his own as she relaxed considerably despite not realizing Viktor was holding her hand.

"Tell me," Viktor spoke softly as Eve sighed, releasing a shaky breath.

"My dad heard that Rex and I broke up and that I wasn't on Teen Team anymore.He wanted me to forgive Rex.He said all guys make mistakes and nearly called me a bitch for not forgiving him," she said as tears began forming in her eyes as one fell down her cheek.

Viktor was angry, to say the least; his free hand, which sat on his lap, was clenched into a fist, his knuckles turning white.His irises turned yellow as a spark of lightning arced off his eyes.

"He said what?" Viktor growled out as Eve continued.

"The only reason he let me become a superhero was because Rex was there to "take care of me." He doesn't think I can be a superhero on my own.He doesn't think I can do anything on my own," she said exasperatedly as more tears fell down her face as she closed her eyes.

Viktor was beyond angry at this point.He was livid.Lightning sparked off him as his eyes glowed bright yellow, and more lightning sparked off his eyes.The device on Viktor's wrist glowed and whirred loudly as it struggled to contain his power.

Having noticed the sound, Eve opened her eyes and looked at Viktor's wrist to see a sweatband-size high-tech device on his hand with a bluish-white light steadily getting brighter and a whirring getting louder.

"Viktor?" Eve questioned as she looked from the device to Viktor, who seemed to be in his own little world, staring straight ahead with a look of anger, his eyes glowing entirely yellow; no trace of his pupils or irises could be seen, just burning lightning yellow.

"Viktor, stop," Eve said, clutching his hand tighter as she watched Viktor's face contort into a strained look.

"Viktor, please.Stop!" Eve yelled, worried now as she placed her hands on Viktor's face making him turn to her.

"I... can't," Viktor strained, visibly trying to hold his powers back.

Not knowing what else to do, Eve grabbed Viktor's face and smashed her lips against his.Viktor's eyes widened at this before they steadily stopped glowing, and he calmed down almost immediately, closing his eyes and returning Eve's kiss.

The device on his wrist stopped whirring so loudly as it returned to not making any noise, and the glowing dimmed once more.

Eve broke the kiss and smiled, seeing how Viktor had calmed down almost immediately.

"Wow, thanks," Viktor said, stunned by the sudden kiss.

Eve chuckled a bit, brushing some hair behind her ear, "Yeah.That wasn't how I thought our first kiss would go," she said before freezing, her eyes widening as she processed what she had just said.Looking up at Viktor, Eve saw that he had a surprised look, but it quickly morphed into a smug smirk.

"So, you have thought about kissing me before?" he asked smugly, making Eve blush as she smiled.

"Shut up," she said, pushing his shoulder as the two laughed.

The two of them descended into silence as they sat there before Viktor spoke up.

"For the record, I don't think you're helpless, Eve.In fact, I think you are the strongest, most amazing person on this planet.You don't need some guy to protect or take care of you.You're Atom Eve.You can rearrange atoms on a molecular level; there is literally nothing you can't do.Do what you think is right and the best for you," Viktor said as he slid his hand back into Eve's, interlacing their fingers as she looked at him lovingly.

"Thanks, Viktor," she said, laying her head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes in contentment.

Viktor smiled as he laid his head atop Eve's.

After a moment of silence, Viktor spoke again, "So, think we can make out again?" he asked as Eve chuckled and lifted her head off Viktor's shoulder.

"Definitely," she said as the two kissed once more.

The kiss started tender and lovingly before evolving into a passionate and hungry kiss as Eve pushed Viktor back and straddled him, wrapping her arms around his neck.Viktor had his hands on Eve's waist before he slowly moved them down to her ass which he gripped, making Eve moan into the kiss.

Just as the kiss got hotter, the device on Viktor's wrist began beeping as Viktor groaned, breaking the kiss.Sitting back in his lap, Eve looked at the device, confused, as Viktor brought his wrist up to see it blinking yellow.

"Damnit," Viktor mumbled, groaning as he let his head fall back on the back of the couch, and his hand fell on the cushions.

"What is that?" Eve asked, confused and curious.

"This...," Viktor said, holding up his wrist with the device to show it off."Is a prototype power dampener that temporarily shuts off powers.This device suppresses my powers and allows me to perceive time at human speed, so everything is no longer standing still," he stated, smiling pridefully as Eve looked at him in awe.

"You...?That's... Viktor, that's incredible," she said, amazed.

"Yeah, only two problems," he said, letting his hand fall as he looked disappointed."I can't get the device any smaller without losing power, and it only lasts a few hours before needing to be recharged.The yellow light and alarm were for when the battery reached fifty percent," he explained.

"Viktor, that's still incredible," Eve said, her arms still wrapped around his neck.

"Maybe," he relented upon hearing her praise as they began to kiss again.Only a few seconds into the kiss, Eve broke it and sat back so she could look at Viktor.

"Hey, do you think I can stay the night here?I don't want to go back home right now," Eve asked as Viktor smiled.

"Of course.I'll grab you some clothes from your house and pick up dinner on the way back," he said as Eve gave him a peck on the lips.

"Thanks, Vic," she said before climbing off him as he stood up and walked over to his room.

Viktor entered the room and went to his desk.As he took the bracelet off, the world seemed to expand as his superspeed returned to him, his eyes widening and flashing yellow as lightning flickered off his eyes before disappearing, and the glowing stopped.Sighing disappointed, Viktor placed the bracelet on his desk and plugged it in to charge before speeding away.

Eve had given him her address long ago when they first became friends, and she visited his house.Viktor ran to the house and stopped outside for a moment as he noticed a door on the side of the house, obviously having been made by Eve when she left her home.Seeing the door reminded Viktor of what her father had said to her, which made him angry as his eyes flashed yellow for a second.

Looking around, it was like time stood still as Viktor approached the door.

Vibrating his molecules, Viktor fazed through the door and entered the house.Walking through the house, Viktor entered the kitchen, where Eve's parents stood still and looked to be in the middle of an argument.

Scoffing, Viktor walked to Eve's room and looked around at it.The room was a shade of pink which matched Eve's costume, with white furniture and pictures of her and her family.

Grabbing a bag, Viktor walked over to her dresser and opened the top drawer, finding her bra and panties, which made him blush slightly as he picked up a matching pair of pink lace underwear and placed them in the bag.After grabbing the rest of Eve's clothes, Viktor picked up her toothbrush before leaving the house.

After leaving, Viktor stopped by a Chinese restaurant and picked up some food before returning to his apartment.


The next morning, Viktor woke up to the sun hitting his face.He grimaced and opened his eyes, feeling a weight on his chest.

Looking down, he smiled as he saw Eve lying on his chest, her auburn hair spread across her back and his chest as she smiled, sleeping peacefully, her head on his chest.Viktor then looked away from her face to see she was wearing one of his white shirts, which was a size too big for her.It must have ridden up on her at night since Viktor could see the small of her back and exposed ass, which showed off her pink lace panties.

Viktor stared at Eve's plum and firm shapely ass for a minute before hearing her mumble and moan as she woke up.

As Eve woke up, she looked around groggily as her eyes came to land on Viktor's smiling face.

"Hey, beautiful," he said.

"Hey," she mumbled sleepily.

Eve yawned as she placed a hand on Viktor's chest and used it as leverage to sit up while Viktor watched and waited.Looking down, Eve then realized where she was as she looked at Viktor's extremely toned and lean body in tight boxers before looking around to see she was in his room, in his bed, wearing nothing but a shirt and panties.

"Oh, shit.Did we?" she asked, looking down at Viktor, who chuckled.

"No, we didn't.You took a shower after dinner, I gave you one of my shirts to sleep in, and then you passed out in my bed," he laughed.

Eve blushed, embarrassed, "So we didn't have sex?" she asked again.

"Did you want to?" Viktor asked, making her blush even more.

"M-Maybe," Eve stuttered, making Viktor chuckle as he sat up, held her chin, and turned her head towards him.

"All you have to do is ask, baby," he told her before capturing her lips in a kiss which she melted into.

Viktor then broke the kiss as he swung his legs off the bed and stood up, allowing Eve to see his ass and a large bulge in his underwear, making her blush like crazy and audibly gulp.Viktor then headed to the kitchen to make them breakfast, leaving Eve in bed a blushing mess.

"Hurry up, you've got school in an hour," Viktor called out from the kitchen as Eve rushed to get ready, finding her clothes and books in her bag.


Viktor was down in his lab typing away on a computer when he suddenly got a string of texts on his phone.Looking at his phone, confused, he saw the texts were from Mark.

Mark: Hey, I'm helping this supervillain named Titan take out his boss, Machine Head, so that he can get out of this life.

Mark: I might need some backup in case things go sideways.

Mark: If you could come, that would be awesome and super helpful.

Mark: He's in the penthouse.We're going in now.

Another text came through with a map and a location pin on the building.

Sighing, Viktor looked from his clock to his computer before speeding off.


It took him a minute to find the building, but when he got there, he saw a blue and yellow speck thrown through the roof before falling back into the building.

"Mark!" Viktor yelled, terrified, before running straight up the side of the building instantly.Reaching the window, Viktor saw Mark and another guy getting ganged up on by five supervillains.

Angered, Viktor's eyes glowed yellow as he didn't bother trying to faze through the window, and he vibrated his hand at superspeed while also channeling his lightning, coating his hand in yellow lightning.Throwing his hand forward, his fist made contact with the window, and it shattered instantly, exploding inwards, the sound of thunder echoing through the air.

Viktor's first move was to take out the weaker-looking villains, as his foot barely touched the ground before he disappeared in a flash of lightning.

The villain with a weird binding power holding Mark was suddenly hit by a blur and was sent flying back at Mach 2, hitting the wall above the door on the opposite end of the room so hard he created a 10-yard wide crater.

Kursk, the lightning villain, was also there, and he was the next victim, getting slammed into the floor and making another crater.

The last villain to be dealt with was the lava, as he split in two by a blur.

Viktor then stopped in the middle of the room, facing the remaining three villains, one guy with a machine head, one with green hair and a purple suit, a massive metal suit, and the last was a giant hulking cat beast.

Viktor stood there, his body vibrating off and on as he seemed to glow slightly, and lightning sparked off his body and around the room, his eyes glowing completely yellow.

"Who's next?" he asked, his voice vibrating, making him look more terrifying.

"Holy shit.Impulse, ladies, and gentlemen!What a fucking surprise!" Machine Head yelled sarcastically, clapping.

"Isotope," he ordered as the man with green hair next to him held out his hand, and a person was then teleported into the room.

The man wore a red and black suit with yellow accents along the gloves, belt, boots, and chest area; his mask had a red visor similar to Red Rush's, and like Red Rush, he was lean and skinny.But with the part of his face which was exposed, you could tell he was up there in age, being at least 40.

"Speed Demon," Viktor growled as he stared at the familiar supervillain.

Speed Demon had been his father, Red Rush's, rival and was significantly faster than his father, letting the villain escape capture every time.

"Impulse, great to meet you!Heard good things about you.They say you're faster than Red Rush.Let's find out," Speed Demon proclaimed as he crouched down before shooting off as Viktor dodged a superspeed punch, and the two began to fight at superspeed, becoming blurs to everyone around them.


The room practically stood still to the two speedsters who raced around the room, fighting one another.

Speed Demon threw Impulse into the wall but was surprised when Impulse flipped onto the wall and kicked Speed Demon across the room.

"Is this all you got!" Speed Demon exclaimed as he punched Viktor in the face before hitting him with a three-punch combo.

Viktor had never fought with someone on his level of speed, and the difference in skill was showing.Yes, Viktor's father had taught him how to fight, and Viktor had taken multiple martial arts classes, but he never struggled in a fight since all his opponents were slower than him.

Viktor spit blood from his mouth to the side, a cut visible on his lip as he held his hands up in a fighting stance, "Not even a little bit," he said as he rushed and tapped into his martial arts training and began to push Speed Demon back, landing hits before they began to run around the room once more.

Viktor managed to slam Speed Demon into the wall before backing up and delivering two kicks, one to his rib and the other to his face, in quick succession before hitting him with a tornado kick.

Speed Demon had his back against the wall as he wiped his lip, seeing blood on his hand.

"Cute moves," he commented as Viktor growled and threw a punch at him but was surprised when Speed Demon not only caught his fist but delivered a painful strike to Viktor's knee.Viktor cried out in pain as Speed Demon jerked Viktor's arm, dislocating it from its socket and forcing Viktor to bend over before bringing his knee down on Viktor's arm, breaking it, and making Viktor's bone stick through his arm.

Viktor screamed in pain as he held his arm while Speed Demon laughed.

"Not even Red Rush was this fun!" Speed Demon laughed as he let go of Viktor's arm.

Speed Demon then picked up Viktor by his collar and hauled him into the air, bringing him close to his face.

"Come on, kid.Let's have some fun," Speed Demon said before running out of the penthouse, dragging Viktor behind him.

Speed Demon raced through the city before throwing Viktor across the street.Viktor bounced and skidded across the asphalt before Speed Demon caught him and swung the hero around, slamming him into the side of a building.

Speed Demon then delivered a barrage of superspeed punches as Viktor's body flopped around, his face bloodied and bruised.

"Is that it?Is that all you got?So pathetic!" Speed Demon yelled as he grabbed Viktor by his hair and held his head up.Speed Demon then grabbed Viktor's mask and ripped it off his face.

"Your father would be so disappointed.Then again, he couldn't keep up with me.The pathetic bastard!" Speed Demon laughed as Viktor's one good, unswollen eye snapped open, and his iris was glowing yellow, sparking with lightning.

The next thing Speed Demon knew, he was hit with a sharp, fast, and powerful jab, which sent him stumbling back.

"Don't you dare...," Viktor growled before slamming his shoulder into the wall, forcefully putting his shoulder back into place as he looked over his shoulder at Speed Demon, who was bleeding profusely from his nose."...insult my father," he growled as lightning arced off his glowing yellow eye.

"Little brat," Speed Demon muttered as he punched at Viktor but was surprised when Viktor ducked under the punch and slammed a fist into his gut.

Speed Demon folded over, his breath forcefully expelled from his lungs as spit flew out his mouth.But Speed Demon wasn't given time to process what happened as Viktor uppercut him into the air and spun, kicking and sending him flying.

While still in the air, Viktor caught up with Speed Demon and speed-blitzed him, landing a spinning kick to Speed Demon's face, sending him flying at Mach 2 into the side of a car.Speed Demon hit the car with such force that it destroyed the vehicle, and he bounced off it; the car itself was flipped in the air and crashed into the ground, landing on its roof.

Speed Demon, who, after bouncing off the previous vehicle, rag-dolled through the air and slammed into the side of another vehicle.The side of the car was caved in from the impact as Speed Demon was practically in the cab with how dented it was.

Viktor stopped in front of Speed Demon, who lay in the car, beaten and broken.His legs were twisted and mangled, broken in several different places; his right arm had a bone sticking through the skin.Blood seeped through his clothes as a part of the mask over his left eye was torn, showing his bruised face.

Speed Demon coughed as blood came out of his mouth, and he struggled to breathe as he looked up at Viktor, who stood over him, staring at Speed Demon without an ounce of pity.

"There will... always be... another... he will... replace... me...," Speed Demon wheezed out before coughing blood as he fell silent and stopped moving altogether.

Viktor just stood there, staring at the now-dead Speed Demon; time still stood frozen as his angry expression changed to a troubled one as he sighed before turning away and speeding off.

Time returned to normal as people began to surround the car with the dead Speed Demon and gossiped about the dead supervillain.


Viktor ran back to the penthouse as quickly as he could, but when he stepped through the door, he stopped, horrified at what he saw.Mark was lying on the floor, beaten and bloodied to hell, with a hole in his stomach and a pool of blood around him.Monster Girl's face was crushed so severely that it showed her skull.And Black Samson, without his armor, had his hand severely broken, badly beaten, and bloodied.All three of them were close to death.

Everyone's attention was now on Viktor.The remaining Guardians, Rex Splode, Dupli-Kate, Robot, and Shrinking Rae, all stood there with looks of anger.

"You just fucked up," Rex stated upon seeing Viktor standing there.

"Indeed," Robot added.

Viktor's face closed his eyes, cringing in anger, despair, and pain before they snapped open, glowing entirely yellow as he roared, lightning arcing off him.Viktor's body practically glowed with power as he generated so much lightning around him that it began flying off and hitting the lights, destroying them.Everyone had to cover their faces from the lightning, fearing it would strike them, which it nearly did.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Viktor roared before disappearing in a yellow flash of lightning.The robot villain was destroyed in less than a nanosecond as a lava-like substance began leaking from its wounds.

The lava man was next obliterated in the blink of an eye.

Viktor then appeared in front of Kursk and shoved his hand into Kursk's chest as it came out the other side.Kursk looked down at the arm in his chest in shock as Viktor vibrated his arm, and the lightning coming off him fried Kursk, who screamed in pain as he died.

The ensnaring villain tried to run, but Viktor just appeared in front of him and viciously snapped his neck, the force of which made the man's head do a complete 180-degree turn, so he was looking backward, wide-eyed, falling to the floor dead.

All the Guardians could do was stare at Viktor in shock as he ruthlessly killed four villains in less than three seconds, like it was nothing.

Viktor then looked over his shoulder at Battle Beast, who was shocked at the speed Viktor displayed and clicked a button on his arm, making a yellow square appear behind him.

"We shall meet again, Impulse," he said before disappearing into the square, revealing that it was a portal.

"Well, this was an unexpected possibility," Machine Head commented in a panicked and worried tone."Isotope, get me out of here," he said, looking to where his goon should be, only to find he wasn't there."Isotope!" he yelled.

"Isotope, left," Viktor stated, as Machine head looked to see he appeared in front of him in less than a nanosecond.

"I'm curious.Are your insides human?Or machine?" Viktor asked in a terrifyingly calm tone, and if Machine Head could show any expression, it would be fear."Let's find out," Viktor snarled as he held his hand up, vibrating it at superspeed as he got ready to kill Machine Head.

"Impulse!" Robot yelled, stopping him as Viktor seemed to blink back to reality.His eyes and body stopped glowing and sparking lightning as he stepped back from Machine Head, who was shaking in fear.

Viktor just stared wide-eyed at Machine Head, realizing that he had just killed four men, nearly five, in cold blood.


The GDA was here, doctors and medical personnel racing around to try and save, Invincible, Black Samson, and Monster Girl.

All Viktor could do was stand on the sidelines and watch.His arm had been reset properly, and the bone put back in place.Thankfully his speed healing was taking care of everything, so he just had his arm in a sling.

Viktor watched as Cecil and Donald walked over to Mark.

"Jesus fucking Christ.Are we gonna lose him?" Cecil asked.

"It's a possibility, sir," Donald answered.

"No," Cecil barked immediately."We need him.Do whatever it takes.Get a sample to the lab, just in case," he said before walking away, heading towards the agents who had Machine Head in cuffs.

Cecil stopped them as he tapped Machine Head's head with a device, making him power down and his face open up, allowing Cecil to take out a chip from his head.

Once he had the device, Cecil pocketed it and looked over at Viktor, who was standing near Mark but not too close as to be in the way as he just watched over his friend with worry.

Walking over, Cecil looked around at all the villains in body bags before turning back to Viktor and stopping beside him.Viktor didn't acknowledge Cecil's presence as Cecil sighed.

"Killing someone doesn't make you a bad person, Viktor," Cecil spoke as he glanced at Viktor, whose eyes darkened."They were going to kill your friends.And they might have succeeded if not for you.It was necessary.Don't let this bring you down.Learn from it.And make yourself better so this doesn't happen again," Cecil said as Viktor looked at him wide-eyed.Cecil then walked away to a helicopter as Mark was taken along with him to get him immediate medical attention at the GDA.

Viktor stood there for a minute, thinking over what Cecil had said, before he took his phone out of his pocket to see the screen cracked and destroyed.Frowning, he walked over to Donald, who was coordinating the agents.

"Donald," Viktor called out as the man turned to him.

"Viktor?What can I do for you?" he asked somberly.

"I need to borrow your phone," Viktor said, holding his hand out as Donald nodded and handed over his phone.Viktor then dialed a number before holding the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Eve asked from the other end.

"Eve, something bad's happened," Viktor began.

For the four days following the penthouse fight, Mark was unconscious.The surgery was a success, and he was recovering exceptionally well thanks to his Viltrumite cells, but he was still out.Nolan and Debbie remained beside Mark while he was out, along with Viktor, who barely slept and never left his side.

Debbie walked into Mark's room with a cup of coffee in her hand, and to her surprise, Viktor was still sitting in the far corner of the room, his elbows resting on his knees, his hands together in a prayer-like fashion, his head hung down as an aura of sadness and regret permeated the air around him.

Sighing, Debbie approached Viktor, kneeling before him as she sat her coffee on the table beside the chair.Laying a hand on his shoulder, Viktor flinched slightly, now noticing her presence in the room.Debbie looked at the speedster sadly, feeling the depression and regret rolling off him in waves.

"Viktor, you need to rest," she told him softly.

"How can I?Knowing that because of my failure, I nearly got Mark killed," Viktor said as Debbie moved her hand to the side of his face and made him look at her.Viktor's eyes were dark and sullen, having massive dark circles under his eyes from sleep deprivation.

"That is not what happened," Debbie denied in a determined voice."You did your best to help Mark.You saved him," she stated as Viktor's eyes finally made contact with hers."It's because of you, defeating all those other villains, that Mark was able to get medical attention as fast as he did," she said as tears formed in his eyes.

"I killed them," Viktor whispered as Debbie gained a look of understanding.

"I know.It's okay," she spoke, consoling him.

"I'm a murderer," Viktor said, letting his head fall slightly.

"Hey, look at me," Debbie demanded firmly as Viktor raised his head to her, and she moved closer, looking him in the eye."You are not a murderer," she stated, confident in her words."A murderer is someone who doesn't feel anything after killing another, and you are not a murderer.You saved Mark; you saved Monster Girl and Black Samson.Because of you, they are still alive right now," Debbie explained as Viktor closed his eyes.

Debbie went to go on talking but noticed Viktor's closed eyes as she heard his light breathing.Viktor finally fell asleep, making her smile a small, soft smile as she let him lean back in his chair; taking her coffee from the table, she stood up and returned to her son's bedside.


Viktor slept 10 hours before waking up, lying on a cot still in Mark's room.The dark circles under Viktor's eyes had faded as he was now well-rested.

"Look who's finally awake," a voice proclaimed as Viktor looked over to see Eve sitting on the side of his cot, looking down at him.

"Eve," Viktor said as he sat up and looked at Mark, who looked much better.

"Doctors say he should be waking up soon," Eve told him as Viktor looked at her somberly.Viktor cupped her cheek with his right hand as she looked at him confused before he leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss.Eve melted into the kiss as she returned it eagerly before Viktor pulled back.

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"Thank you, Eve," Viktor said, smiling as she smiled back with a confused look.

"For what?" she asked.

"For being here," Viktor said as he held her hand, interlocking their fingers.

Eve looked from their hands back to him, "Always," she said, resting her head on his shoulder.


Finally, on the sixth day, Mark woke up.

"Mark.Mark.Mark?" Debbie kept saying over and over before Mark's eyes finally opened.

"Mom?" he asked softly, confused, his voice rough.

Debbie gasped, "Oh, sweetheart," she said happily as she hugged him while Nolan stood behind her, smiling.

"I knew you'd pull through," Nolan said as Debbie shot him a look which he ignored as Mark groaned.

"How long was I out?" Mark asked.

"Six days," Nolan said as Mark quickly sat up in bed.

"Six days?" he repeated, shocked.

"No.No, no, I was supposed to, um... Amber--," he said as his memory came back.

"It's okay.We covered for you," Eve said as she and Viktor walked into the room in civilian clothes.

"We... told her you got hit by a bus," Viktor said hesitantly, smiling as he looked at Mark, relieved he was finally awake.

"Which, from the looks of you, isn't far off," Eve said as they came to stand by his bed behind Nolan.

"Black Samson?Monster Girl?" Mark asked as their expressions fell.

"Still unconscious," Viktor said dejectedly as he looked down at the ground and away from everyone, still blaming himself.Mark also did the same as he stared down at his bed.

"It's not your fault," Debbie said, touching Mark's shoulder."Or yours, Viktor," she added, looking at the speedster.

Viktor looked up at her, tilting his head slightly as he smiled gratefully, but when Debbie returned to look at Mark, Viktor's smile fell.Eve noticed this and slid her hand into his, which Viktor gave a slight squeeze to tell her he was grateful for this.


Mark POV

Only two days after waking up, I was back at school, walking the halls with William.

"Both ways, Mark.You need to look both ways before you cross the street.Did you skip kindergarten the day they taught that?" William asked as we walked down the hall.

I chuckled at this, "Guess so.Hey, we haven't hung out for a while.We should--"

"Because someone's the king of excuses," William exclaimed, cutting me off."I've got to study.I need to help my dad with work.I'm infectious.Blah, blah, blah," he said, sarcastically listing the excuses I've used.

"Okay.Well, there's no school on Friday.Let's catch a movie or something," I suggested.

"Love to.Can't.Remember Rick?" William asked with a smirk.

"The guy you couldn't stop talking about last summer?" I asked with a slight chuckle of amusement.

"You make it sound like I was obsessed or something.Anyway, he's at Upstate U. I'm going for a tour on Friday.Staying over," he said as we stopped next to an Upstate U poster which William gestured to.

"They have a very handsome pre-med program.Did I say handsome?I meant "world-class," but also handsome," he said as I focused on the two people on the poster holding hands together as an idea came to me.

"Can I come?" I asked as William looked at me, shocked.

"What?" he asked.

"I want to come," I reiterated.

"Okay...," William trailed off with a raised eyebrow.

"And I want to bring Amber," I stated.

"Hold on," William said, holding his hand up to stop me.

"Please, William.I need this.Amber and I can stay with Viktor if we need to," I said, trying to convince him.

William's eyes widened, "Oh, I forgot Viktor goes there now.Upstate U's got one of the best science and engineering programs around," he said, holding his arms out as we began walking down the hall again.

"Yeah, I think he told me he's got his own apartment now," I said, looking up at the ceiling.


Explosions went off in the city street as a yellow lightning trail weaved around the explosions, grabbing people and speeding away, taking them to a safe place before returning for more.

The streak stopped in the middle of the street, revealing it to be Impulse as he looked up to see nearly a hundred boxes slowly falling to the ground via miniature parachutes all around the city.

A maniacal laugh rang through the streets as Impulse looked up on the top of a building to see a skinny man wearing a bright yellow and blue costume.

"Now all shall fear the Trick--" the man tried to yell but was cut off when Impulse suddenly appeared and punched the man so hard in the face he spun through the air before landing unconscious 10 yards away.

"Vik?You still there?" Mark asked from Viktor's earpiece as Viktor got out of his punching stance and brought a hand up to his ear, touching it slightly as he turned around to look at the city.The boxes were still falling.

"Give me a second," Viktor said before racing throughout the city, grabbing the boxes out of the air before they could touch the ground, careful not to set off the trigger device as he ran them to an abandoned area and let them explode there.

The explosions created a massive crater, but no one was hurt.

Speeding back to the villain, Viktor cuffed him before taking away his belt, which held his gadgets.Inspecting them, Viktor hummed and frowned, recognizing the same sophistication as the villains he'd been fighting the past few weeks.

Bringing his hand up to his ear, he touched his earpiece, "I'm here, Mark," he said.

"So?Can Amber and I stay at your place?" Mark asked as Viktor sighed.

"Mark, I already told you this.My apartment only has one room," Viktor explained as he could practically hear the realization hit Mark.

"Oh, sorry.Nevermind.Thanks anyway, Viktor.But hey, if you want to hang out, we'll be there," Mark said, trying to move past the awkwardness of the apartment question.Mark clearly forgot that Viktor only had one bedroom, even after Viktor told him all about it.

"I'll see you there, Mark," Viktor said before hanging up.

Looking over at the villain, Viktor frowned before sighing and dropping his arms tiredly as the belt shook from the sudden drop.Because of the shaking, a piece of paper fell out of one of the belt's pockets, getting Viktor's attention.

"What's this?" he asked, picking the paper up and unfolding it.

Written on the paper was a name and phone number.

The Thinker — (XXX) XXX-XXXX

(P.s. I didn't want to put an actual number on here since it might exist, and I don't want you guys calling that number)

Viktor's eyes widened slightly, and he dropped the gadget belt, "The Thinker?" he said before narrowing his eyes as he held his chin in a thinking pose.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" he asked himself before looking at the gadget belt, squatting down and picking it up as he looked from it to the piece of paper.

"He must be the guy designing the high-tech weapons.If I can track him down, I can stop this," Viktor said, standing up as he slung the belt over his shoulder, hearing police sirens approaching as he glanced over his shoulder in the direction they came from.

Grabbing the villain by his collar, Viktor ran down the building, stopping in front of the cops as he handed the villain and the belt off to them but sneakily hid the paper in his palm so they wouldn't notice it.


Using his superspeed, Viktor rushed around in his lab, jumping from computer to computer.

"Hey, Vik--Oh, wow," Eve stopped as she entered through the window to see Vik running around.

"Hey, Eve," Viktor greeted as he rapidly typed on the computer.

"What's, uh.What's going on?" Eve asked, trying to understand what was happening.

"You know that secret behind-the-scenes supervillain who's been arming petty crooks with advanced technology to fight me?One of his crooks slipped up and left a card with the villain's number.I'm trying to trace this number and find him, but I keep hitting snags, so I'm tracking the unique signal the tech gives off," Viktor said so fast that Eve could barely understand him.

"Okay, I can see this is a bad time.I'll just come back later," she said as she turned around to leave but was stopped when Viktor grabbed her hand.

"No, wait," he said before grabbing the power dampener and placing it on his wrist as his speed faded."You wanted to tell me something," he said, giving her his full attention as she smiled at this.

Eve knew the curse of Viktor's powers, so the fact that Viktor went out of the way to make sure he wore a device to dampen his powers so he could talk to her normally.It showed Eve how much he valued her.

"I wanted to get your opinion on something," she said, holding his hand.

"Sure," Viktor said.

"Listen, I don't think I'm going to do college," she said as Viktor was surprised.

"What?But your grades are amazing.You could get into any college you wanted," Viktor stated, confused by Eve's desire not to attend college.

"I know.But when I was at the community center with Amber, something clicked for me," she said, shrugging as she let go of Viktor and walked over to the window, looking out of it as she shyly held her right bicep with her left hand.

"I think I can help more people by just... helping them, you know?" she said, shrugging as she turned, looking at him with a passionate, excited expression.Viktor, seeing how passionate she was about this, smiled lovingly.

"I don't have to wait for some alien invasion or the Lizard League's next attack.I can irrigate deserts, stop natural disasters, and bring food to the starving.You know, make a real difference," she told him.

"Yeah.I get it," Viktor said as Eve's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

"Huh, I thought you'd try and talk me out of it.Rex would have," she said, surprised.

Viktor chuckled lightly, holding her shoulders, "Eve, you're incredible, and I believe you were meant to do more.If this is what you want, I'll support you," Viktor said as Eve smiled at him before his face fell, and he gained a saddened and haunted expression.

"I messed up last week.Mark, Black Samson, and Monster Girl almost died because I wasn't good enough—wasn't fast enough," Viktor said hauntingly.

Eve touched Viktor's cheek as he looked at her to see a soft smile, "Maybe we both need a fresh start," she said.

"In that case, what do you think about maybe being my girlfriend?" Viktor asked as he held her hand."We've been making out, cuddling, and doing date-like things.Yet we've never made it official," Viktor said as Eve's eyes widened at the realization that they'd been doing all that and hadn't even been officially dating."So, Eve Wilkins.Will you be my girlfriend?" Viktor asked.

"Yes," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him down into a kiss while his hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her toward him.

After a sold minute of kissing, Eve pulled back from Viktor.

"I know this is weird of me to ask.Especially after we just officialized our relationship.But could I move in with you?" Eve asked as Viktor quirked an eyebrow with an amused smile.

"Ok?Sure.But why?" he asked, chuckling as Eve's smile fell, and she became saddened.

"Things with my dad aren't going too well.He's angry all the time and opposed to me doing this on my own," she said as Viktor grew a stern look."I just can't live with him anymore," she said as Viktor held her close.

"Of course, you can move in with me.Do you want help moving out?" Viktor asked.

"No, I got it.And besides, you've got a supervillain to catch," she said, poking him in the chest.

"Ok, then.My porch door is open.I'll pick up dinner on my way back," Viktor said as he kissed Eve again before pulling away.

"I'll be waiting," she said before pecking him on the lips as she turned and flew out the window.


Only thirty minutes after Eve left, Viktor was back on the search.

"Come on!Where are you?" Viktor exclaimed frustratedly as he looked between computers.One of which was scanning the United States using a spy satellite that Viktor had hacked into and retasked to search for the unique tech signal.While the other one was going through a database of known associates of the crooks Viktor had captured.

Finally, he got a ping.Viktor smirked as he stood up, looking at the screen and the address.

"Got you," he said before speeding off.


Viktor sped to the location, a trail of yellow lightning following him and sparking off his body as he suddenly stopped and found himself standing outside an abandoned warehouse that was rusted and looked to be very old.

Standing outside, Viktor looked confused as he looked at his phone, checking that the coordinates were accurate.

"This is the place.For a genius supervillain, you'd think he'd have a less disgusting base," Viktor said as he walked over to the warehouse and vibrated his hand at superspeed, cutting the lock on the door as the chain fell.

Opening the door, Viktor walked inside to see an empty warehouse.

"There's nothing here," he said as he looked at his phone once more before noticing something off about the floor."The floor's uneven," he commented.

Putting his phone away, Viktor shuffled about the room, looking down at the floor as his gaze found several odd bumps in the concrete, all connected to a node under his feet.The node traveled straight across the floor as Viktor's eyes followed it to a pipe on the far side of the building, which went up to the roof.

Walking over to the pipe, Viktor put his hand against it, his eyes widening.

"Electricity," he said as he looked up to the ceiling and stared at it before a realization hit him like a train.

"The ceiling, it's made from solar panels," he said before looking down at the ground as he crouched down and touched the floor with his fingertips.

"I can feel a massive power source beneath the ground.That must be where he is," Viktor said as he stood up, vibrating his entire body and phasing through the floor.

Phasing through the floor, Viktor arrived in a very dark room.Pipes and wires lined the floors and walls coming from behind Viktor as they all converged at a spot on the other side of the room in front of him.

Looking closely, Viktor saw that where the wires converged was a massive wall of electronic screens showing many different things, from news reports to traffic cameras.Everything around the city could be monitored from there.

And in front of the computer was a massive chair; the wires on the ceiling descended to the person sitting in the chair and seemed to attach to his head.The cables on the wall and floor converged on the chair itself.

"Impulse, right on time," an ominous voice spoke, coming from the person in the chair.

"The Thinker, I presume?" Impulse asked as he moved toward the person in the chair.

"You presume correctly," the voice said as the chair spun around, allowing Viktor to see the man sitting in the chair was very thin and frail but had a massive, engorged, bald head with wires connected to his skull.

Viktor stopped as he stared wide-eyed at the man sitting there.

"Devereaux?Clifford Devereaux?" Viktor asked in surprise.

(Pronounced: Dev-er-o)

"I see you remember me from back when I was one of your father's villains," Devereaux said as he leaned forward with a cocky smirk.

"What happened to you?" Viktor asked in shock as he looked at Devereaux, his body malnourished and on the brink of total failure.

"After my last fight with your father, the doctors discovered I had a degenerative neurological disorder.A side-effect caused by the radiation that gave me my telepathic powers.They said that I only had one year before I would lose all motor functions," Devereaux said as the chair moved forward into the light allowing Viktor to see his body was connected to the chair via wires.

Viktor looked at this in shock and horror.

"Devereaux... what have you done to yourself?" Viktor asked.

"I supplanted my body with machines till I found a way to fix myself," Devereaux said as he smiled evilly.

"I take it you've found a solution?" Viktor asked as he stepped back and stood at the ready.

"Indeed, I have," Devereaux said as he smiled even more.

"At first, I was worried that there would be no one to challenge me.Your father was the man I loved to fight the most, but he was too slow.So I waited and waited for a worthy challenge.And then, you came along.Speeding onto the scene of an alien invasion, wiping out an army singlehandedly in seconds.No one could stand up to you!" Devereaux laughed madly, flinging his head back as laughter filled the room, echoing off the walls before he stopped.

Devereaux let his head fall back down as he stared at Viktor, "But that wasn't good enough.I needed to make sure you'd be a challenge for me.So I gave a few common criminals technology sophisticated enough to go toe-to-toe with you, but to my surprise, you beat them all.If your father had been up against those guys, he wouldn't have stood a chance, but you," Devereaux said as he gestured to Viktor, who was already on edge.

"You are worthy of my genius and a worthy challenge.That is why I've lured you here," Devereaux said as Viktor's eyes widened in shock beneath his mask.

"What?" Viktor said as Devereaux laughed.

"Did you think you found me?That you were oh so clever tracking the unique tech signal?" Devereaux exclaimed, laughing as Viktor was set on edge.

"I was the one who let you find me," Devereaux said as the chair he was in began moving back into the shadows."So you could witness my evolution," Devereaux said.

Viktor gritted his teeth and sped forward, only to hit an energy wall and get thrown back, and he skidded across the ground for a few feet before stopping as he lay on his back.

Machines around the room began to rumble and startup as they came to life.In the dark, Viktor could see arcs of electricity coming off Devereaux's head and the machines connected to it.

Devereaux groaned in pain before it quickly evolved into screams of pain and horror, along with a primal roar originating from behind Devereaux.

"Devereaux!" Viktor yelled as he held his hand out to the mad scientist when an electrical pulse ripped through the room; all the machines began to overload, and they all shut down.

Viktor stood up as he walked forward and held his hand out, expecting to be stopped by an energy barrier but found none.Now able to pass, Viktor walked over to Devereaux and noticed his limp body and empty eyes.Devereaux was dead.

Viktor sighed regretfully before hearing a rustling behind the wall of monitors set up behind Devereaux.

Walking toward the wall, Viktor was shocked when something jumped through, breaking the wall of monitors as Viktor sped out of the way in time to avoid getting crushed.

Viktor stopped when he was on the other side of the room as he looked at the gigantic being standing in the shadows.

"Who?No--what are you?" Viktor demanded as the being stepped forward, each step creating a loud thump that echoed through the room.

"Don't you recognize me, Impulse?" a voice rang through Viktor's head as he clutched his head in pain and stepped back from the shadows.

"Devereaux?" Viktor questioned while in pain.

"I am Devereaux no longer.I am... The Thinker," Devereaux said in Viktor's mind as the being in the shadows stepped into the light, and Viktor's eyes widened in shock.

Standing before Viktor was a massive gorilla standing over eight feet tall.

"Impressed, Impulse?" Devereaux questioned as he continued his assault on Viktor's mind making Viktor cringe and shut his eyes in pain as he fell to his knees.

"When searching for a way to save my dying body, I found a solution.Why not transfer my consciousness into another body?But instead of transferring my mind into a frail human body, why not put it into a physically superior body?" Devereaux said as his voice rang through Viktor's mind as his large gorilla hand wrapped around Viktor's ankle and threw him through the roof of the room.

Viktor broke through two feet of solid concrete before landing on the floor, gasping for air and groaning before his mind was assaulted again, and he clutched his head in pain.Devereaux jumped through the hole in the floor, landed above ground, and began to walk around the area, his hands held behind his back.

"Kidnapping, or better yet, finding a super with the physical traits I was looking for, was too bothersome.So I looked to the animal kingdom for my solution, and I found it.Gorillas are ancestors of humans and are very similar to them.Still, their physicality wasn't at the level I was looking for," Devereaux monologued as he swung a fist down at Viktor, who sped out of the way in time.

Viktor managed to make it to the other side of the room as he leaned against the wall in pain.

"After acquiring a gorilla, I experimented on it, modifying it, genetically enhancing its physical and mental capabilities.And, well, you know the story from there," Devereaux said as he leaped to attack Viktor again but missed as Viktor sped out of the way and out of the warehouse.

"You can't run from me!" Devereaux yelled as he leaped through the door, destroying it with his greatly enhanced strength.

Upon arriving outside, Devereaux leaped into the air as he followed Viktor's trail of lightning, moving surprisingly fast for a gorilla.

Viktor ran into the city, stopped in an alley, and leaned back against the wall, breathing heavily.

"Fuck, I hate telepaths," Viktor groaned, holding his head as he breathed in and felt his ribs healing from being thrown through two feet of concrete.

A roar echoed across the city as Viktor looked out and saw Devereaux leaping across building rooftops.

Viktor sighed as he pushed off the wall and sped off.


Devereaux was looking down at the streets below, searching for Impulse, when he noticed a yellow lightning trail suddenly run up the side of his building, and before he could react, Devereaux was slammed into.

The hit was strong enough to lift Devereaux off the ground and throw him off the roof as he flailed his arms before slamming into the roof of a bus that caved in almost immediately.

People began to scream as they ran away, and Devereaux quickly picked himself up off the bus as Impulse sped to a stop in front of him.

"You won't stop me that easily, Impulse.Or should I say?Viktor Romanov?" Devereaux said with a cocky tone.

Viktor's eyes widened as he froze up while Devereaux advanced.

"Oh, and who's this your thinking about?A girl?Eve Wilkins?Maybe I should pay her a visit after I kill you," Devereaux said as Viktor's eyes narrowed in anger, and his irises began to glow yellow and spark with yellow lightning.

"Leaver her alone!" Viktor yelled as yellow lightning sparked all over his body, and he ran at Devereaux faster than ever, as Devereaux tried to throw a punch at Viktor, who easily ran under it as Devereaux moved in slow motion.

Viktor then threw a punch as the air was pushed away from his fist and created a sonic boom when he punched Devereaux in the face, sending the gorilla flying back and destroying the car he landed on.

Devereaux groaned as he sat up and looked at Viktor, his eyes wide as he saw Viktor breathing heavily as lightning surged around him.

Viktor yelled as he sped toward Devereaux, who suddenly was hit from every angle around him.

Devereaux swung his arm at the blur that was Viktor, but it missed as Viktor moved under the slow-motion arm and slammed a vibrating fist into Devereaux's exposed abdomen, which made the large gorilla lurch to the side.

Viktor reappeared in front of Devereaux momentarily as the supervillain looked up only to see one Viktor separate and become five as the five continued their assault on Devereaux.

While this happened, large black vans arrived on the scene as GDA agents rushed out of them, and Cecil teleported in front of the agents.

Cecil stopped as his eyes widened at what he was seeing.Five separate blurs were beating on a massive gorilla.

"Impulse, that's enough," Cecil shouted as he noticed the gorilla slowly going down as his body was broken and beaten.

"Impulse, stop!" Cecil yelled but was more on edge as he stepped forward, and the agents behind him raised their weapons.

"Viktor, stop!You'll kill him!" Cecil yelled as Devereaux finally collapsed, and the five blurs stopped their assault.

The five Impulses looked at Cecil before looking back at Devereaux, who was bleeding excessively, his body broken.The five blurs then faded till there was one left.Viktor stumbled back and fell to his knees as agents rushed past him to Devereaux to restrain him and try and keep him alive.

Cecil approached Viktor and crouched beside him, "Kid, what was that?What happened?" Cecil asked/demanded.

"Devereaux... He knows who I am.He knows about Eve," Viktor said softly as Cecil gained a look of understanding and nodded.

"Don't worry about it, kid.We'll take it from here," Cecil said as he stood up and held a hand out for Viktor.Viktor took the hand as Cecil helped pull him to his feet.

"What's going to happen to him?" Viktor asked worriedly as he looked at Devereaux, who was in the process of being loaded into the back of a massive vehicle.

"He'll get medical treatment and be put into a medically induced coma.After that, he'll go away... forever.And he'll never wake up," Cecil said as he and Viktor watched the truck drive away.

Cecil then looked back at Viktor, "You did good, kid.Don't worry about Devereaux.Right now, you've got a pretty girl waiting for you," Cecil said with a smile as Viktor looked at him in surprise.

"You know?" Viktor asked.

"Kid, the moment you became a superhero, your private life was over.Now get out of here; it's late.We'll take care of the rest," Cecil said as he walked away, and Viktor smiled, watching him leave before he turned and sped away.

Once he was gone, Cecil looked over his shoulder after him with a pitying look before he turned back around and got to work as the sun began to set on the city.


Back at Viktor's apartment, a yellow lightning streak entered the apartment as Viktor set down a carryout bag of Chinese food.

"Hey, Eve.I'm back," Viktor said as he pulled his mask off.

"So?" Eve said from behind him as Viktor turned around to see her standing at the door to his room in a pink shirt and short jean shorts."Did you stop the bad guy?" she asked.

"I did," Viktor sighed regretfully as he leaned against the table.

Eve's smile dropped when she saw the regret on Viktor's face, and she walked over to him, concerned, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asked.

"He knows who I am... who you are," Viktor said as Eve looked shocked.

"What?H-How is that possible?" she asked as Viktor pushed off the table and paced.

"The villain I was tracking, the Thinker?He's a telepath named Clifford Devereaux.He used to be one of my dad's villains before he disappeared," Viktor explained, brushing a hand through his hair.

"So he read your mind?Where has he been if he was one of your dad's villains?And why the sudden return?" Eve asked.

"He got diagnosed with a degenerative neurological disorder, meaning he was slowly losing all motor functions, so he replaced his body with a machine and used his genius to stay alive.He's only back because... I'm here," Viktor said as he hung his head in defeat.

Eve scanned Viktor's face and recognized the look he had.It was the same one he had after the penthouse incident.

"What happened?" Eve asked softly.

"Devereaux he...," Viktor began to say before grimly chuckling."...transferred his conscience into a genetically altered super gorilla," he said as Eve's eyes widened.

"Wow, seriously?" she asked, surprised, with an amused smile, and Viktor nodded.

"Yeah, and he packed a punch," he stated as Eve's smile fell.

"Devereaux was kicking my ass.Between his psychic and physical attacks, I couldn't fight back and ran into the city; Devereaux followed me.We started fighting, and he used his telepathy on me and read my mind, finding out my name.And at that moment, all I could think about was you and how this would affect you if my secret got out.That's how he discovered your name," Viktor admitted as Eve's gaze softened upon hearing about how his first thought in that situation was of her, and she understood.

"Viktor, I--," Eve tried to say but was cut off by Viktor.

"I beat him... He threatened you, and I beat him within an inch of his life," Viktor admitted as he sat there staring at the floor, his tone making him sound like he was thousands of miles away.

Eve was shocked by the reveal but began to slowly understand as she walked over and kneeled on the floor before Viktor.

Lightly touching his cheek, Eve lifted Viktor's head, making him look her in the eye.

"Eve, what am I becoming?" Viktor asked as Eve smiled and shook her head.

"I don't know.But I know I'm here for you, and I will always love you," she said, making Viktor smile as he brought his left hand up to his cheek and held Eve's hand.

"You said it.You said I love you first," Viktor said happily as Eve laughed, shaking her head.

"Idiot," she said before moving in and kissing Viktor, who immediately returned her kiss.

It didn't take long for the kiss to evolve into a steamy make-out as Viktor pulled Eve into his lap, and she straddled his waist, grinding against him as she moaned into the kiss.


Lemon Warning!

This is a long one.Let me know your thoughts on the lemon, and enjoy! ;)


Viktor's hands went to Eve's ass as he gripped her butt, making her moan as she wrapped her arms around his head.

Pulling back, Viktor grabbed the bottom of Eve's shirt and pulled it up as Eve helped and took it off, revealing her light blue lace bra.Viktor hungrily kissed Eve as she ran her fingers through his hair.

Viktor trailed a single finger up Eve's back from her, but a tiny bit of lightning sparked off his finger and trailed up her back, making Eve moan even more at the feeling.

Reaching her bra, Viktor unclasped it, and Eve moved back and took the bra off, and tossed it on the floor.

Viktor stared at Eve's voluptuous tits.They were perfect, not too big to be in the way but big enough that Viktor could sink his fingers in them.

"You're way too dressed for this," Eve said huskily as she placed a hand on Viktor's suit, which glowed pink before being reduced to dust on the couch, leaving Viktor in his black underwear.

"That was my favorite suit, and you got dust on my couch," Viktor said, smiling as Eve chuckled.

"I'll clean it up," she said as they returned to kissing.

Viktor then stood up as he held Eve by her ass and sped to the bedroom, throwing Eve onto the bed.

Grabbing Eve's booty shorts, Viktor pulled them off along with her matching light blue panties as he dived back in, kissing Eve as he propped himself up with one hand while the other went to Eve's right tit.Viktor squeezed her tit and pinched her nipple, making Eve moan as Viktor descended and began sucking and kissing her neck.

Viktor trailed his finger down Eve's body, a lightning trail following his finger as Eve moaned loudly.

Reaching her lower area, Viktor spread Eve's legs as he stared at her perfect pink pussy and licked her clit, sending shivers up Eve's spine.Eve began to moan as her hand went down to Viktor's head, grabbing a handful of his hair as she pushed him deeper, feeling his tongue inside her as he ate her out.

Eve gripped the bedsheets by her head as her toes curled, and she came on Viktor's face.

Sitting up, Viktor smiled as he licked his lips and kissed his way back up Eve's body, from her belly button to her tits, then up her neck, tracing her jaw with his lips before kissing her again.

Eve pushed Viktor back as she pushed his shoulder, telling him to get on his back, and Viktor smirked as he complied.

Eve traced her hand across Viktor's toned body as she came to his underwear, where she could already see the large dick bulging underneath the fabric.Pulling back the underwear, Viktor's cock sprung out from his underwear as Eve stared at it in awe.

Viktor's dick was long, nearly 10 inches long, and was thick enough that Eve could wrap her hand around it, and her fingers barely touched.

"God, you're so much bigger than Rex," Eve moaned as Viktor smirked at this in pride.

Eve began kissing the head as she trailed down to his base before returning to the tip and opening her mouth as she put his member in her mouth.Eve gagged as she tried to suck Viktor's long cock but could only manage five inches.

Eve gasped as she took the cock out of her mouth and jerked Viktor off, "Fuck.I could take Rex's, no problem, but this might be more than I can do," Eve said as Viktor smirked.

"Practice makes perfect," Viktor said as he pushed Eve down onto his dick; this time, she took six inches as she gagged hard.

"Breathe through your nose, relax your throat," Viktor said as Eve did that and went farther down on Viktor's cock.

Eve bobbed up and down on Viktor's dick, making lewd gagging noises as Viktor held the back of her head and closed his eyes in bliss.Eve continued to suck on his cock as she closed her eyes and concentrated, using her tongue, coating his cock in saliva.

The feeling became too much as Viktor grunted before busting into Eve's mouth.Eve's eyes widened as an unexpected flood of cum shot into her mouth as she struggled to swallow Viktor's thick and large load.

Viktor finally let Eve up as she pulled his cock out of her mouth and sat back, breathing huskily as she swallowed the rest of his load.

"Asshole," Eve said, smirking as Viktor smirked back and grabbed her chin with his fingers tilting her head up to him.

"You love me," Viktor said as he kissed her again.

Eve pulled back as she looked down at Viktor's cock, surprised it was still hard and standing at full attention as she stroked him.

"You're still hard?" she asked, surprised.

"I can go for hours, baby," Viktor bragged as he pushed Eve down on her back, making her yelp in surprise.

Viktor then positioned himself at her entrance and prodded at it, pushing her pussy entrance apart with the head of his cock.

"Oh, fuck," Eve moaned as Viktor pushed more of his dick inside her until five inches were inside Eve, and he stopped.

Confused, she looked up at Viktor as he smirked before pushing three more inches in and slamming against her cervix, pushing and prodding against it.Eve threw her head back and screamed in pleasure.

"Oh, fuck!!" Eve screamed in pleasure as she came right then and there.

Viktor then began pistoning in and out of her at an even pace as Eve moaned from his large dick, hitting her deepest parts as she gripped the sheets and her toes curled.Viktor then picked up his pace as he continued to slam his cock against the entrance to her womb for several minutes.Throughout this, Eve couldn't stop moaning as she felt herself reaching her apex.

"Oh, god.Viktor!I'm gonna cum!" she squealed before her legs went straight and her toes curled as Viktor felt her walls clamp down on his cock as she rode out her orgasm.Once the aftershocks had gone, Eve collapsed onto the bed, panting and covered in sweat.

"You didn't think this was over, did you?" Viktor whispered in her ear as Eve's eyes widened.

Viktor then turned Eve on her side as he put one of her legs over his shoulder, and Eve looked to see that not all of his cock had been inside her.

"Wait, you're not--?" Eve trailed off as she felt Viktor's cock pushing further into the entrance of her womb.

"Viktor, wait.Don't--!" Eve tried to stop him but was too late as Viktor gave one final push as his cock pushed past the entrance of her womb and was now hitting the back of her womb.Eve's eyes rolled back as she shuddered and came, clenching down on Viktor's cock.

"Oooooh, fuck," she moaned softly and lowly.

Viktor smirked as he began to piston in and out of Eve, slamming into the back of her womb every time.Eve could only moan as her hands gripped the sheets so hard there was a small rip in them.

As he thrust in and out of Eve, Viktor inadvertently vibrated slightly, getting Eve to shriek and squeal in surprise as her moans got louder and higher in pitch.

"Eve... I'm going to," Viktor said as Eve regained enough sanity.

"Not... inside," she said through her pants.

Viktor gave a few more thrusts before pulling out as he shot his seed all over Eve's body and face.

"Holy shit," Eve panted, exhausted."I've never...," she trailed off, pleased.

"Time for round three," Viktor said, surprising Eve as he flipped her over onto her stomach and brought her ass to him.

"Wait, Vik, I can't--," Eve tried to say before Viktor shoved his cock back into her making her moan and her eyes roll back in her head.

Viktor continued to fuck her as he stood over, piledriving her into the sheets as Eve moaned and cursed.

"God, your cock is so fucking big!" Eve moaned.

Smirking, Viktor then moved at superspeed as he rapidly thrust in and out of Eve, vibrating and delivering minor shocks as Eve went straight as a board and screamed in pleasure, throwing back her head and moaning.

"Viktor... I can't... take it," Eve begged as Viktor stopped and wrapped an arm around Eve's stomach, lifting her off the bed as she bent backward, wrapping her hands behind his head.

Viktor kissed the side of Eve's exposed neck.

"Don't worry, I have other ways of making you beg," Viktor whispered to her as Eve moaned, breathing heavily.

"Shut up and fuck me," she whispered as she grabbed his hand and pulled him into a kiss.

Viktor obliged as he began to fuck her, standing up as Eve moaned into the kiss as she and Viktor explored each other's mouths with their tongues.

Eve brought one of her hands down to her stomach as she could feel the outline of Viktor's cock pressed against her walls, bulging against her stomach.The moment Eve touched the bulge, Viktor moaned as she smirked and pressed against it while Viktor moved in and out of her.

The pressure went both ways as soon Viktor and Eve had to break the kiss from the moaning as Viktor buried his face in her neck while Eve closed her eyes and moaned to the ceiling, and her legs wrapped around Viktor's waist, locking him there.

"Eve... I'm about to cum," Viktor said once again as he tried to pull out, only to find that Eve's legs were locked behind him.

"Pull... out," Eve said as she didn't realize her legs were locked.

"I can't," Viktor grunted as he pushed his cock all the way inside Eve and shot his entire load into Eve's womb.Eve moaned loudly, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as her walls clamped on Viktor as she experienced the most powerful orgasm she ever had.

Eve's body twitched and shivered from the powerful orgasm as the aftershocks continued while Viktor was still shooting cum inside her, filling her womb to the brim.

"Fuck, you drained me dry, Eve," Viktor said, only to get no response as he looked at Eve to see she had passed out.

Viktor smiled as he gently set her down on his bed and pulled his cock out of her pussy as all the cum flooded out of her pussy.

Speeding around, Viktor cleaned up a bit and put Eve in a clean pair of panties before laying her down to sleep.


Lemon Over


The following day, the sun hit Eve's face as she groaned and began to sit up, feeling a little sore down under as she put a hand to her pussy and felt something wet.

Shocked at the feeling, Eve brought her hand up to her face and spread her soaked fingers apart as she stared at the white substance and started to freak out as she looked next to her at Viktor.

Viktor was lying on his back with his head turned away from Eve and one hand resting on his stomach as the sheets barely came up to his underwear, where Eve could see the outline of his large cock.

"Oh, fuck," Eve whispered as she brought her hands to her head in shock."He came inside me," she whispered before noticing a bright yellow sticky note at the side of her vision.

Looking over at Viktor's crowded desk, she noticed a white and pink bottle with a yellow sticky note.

Quietly and softly, Eve crawled out of bed, picked up a shirt from the floor, and pulled it over her head; it was one of Viktor's, so it fell past her panties.

Walking over to it, Eve picks up the bottle and reads the note.

"Sorry, I couldn't pull out.Got you a bottle of Plan B. You should get on birth control.- V," Eve read quietly as she smiled, brushed some hair behind her ear, and looked over her shoulder at the sleeping Viktor.

Smiling, Eve put the note down as she opened the bottle and took a pill quickly before closing the bottle and setting it back down on the table, sighing in relief.Eve did not want to be pregnant this early.

Walking out of the room, Eve went into the bathroom and took off the shirt, and looked at her neck to see a few hickeys before she took off her panties and turned on the shower.

Waiting for the hot water, Eve finally stepped in and closed the curtain behind her as she let the hot water wash over her, flowing down her DD cup breasts and perfect figure.

After a long shower, Eve exited the bathroom with one towel wrapped around her body and another around her hair as she sighed blissfully before smelling breakfast.

Walking around the corner, she peered into the kitchen to see Viktor, still in his underwear, making breakfast.Eve looked at the table to see it was filled with pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

"Dobroye utro," Viktor greeted without turning around.

(Translation: Good morning)

"What?" Eve asked, confused as she chuckled lightly.

Viktor smiled as he turned around, holding a pan with a finished pancake, "Good morning," Viktor clarified as Eve chuckled again.

"I should have guessed that," she said as Viktor slid the pancake off the pan and onto the stack.

"You'll learn," Viktor told her, smiling as she smiled back.

"Thanks for the pills, by the way," Eve said as Viktor nodded.

"Don't want mini me's running around just yet," Viktor told her, smiling as Eve blushed.

"I'm gonna go get dressed," she told him as she turned around to walk away, and Viktor's eyes trailed to her butt, the bottom of which could be seen peaking out from under the towel as he smirked.


Later, Eve sat at the table, sighing in bliss from the delicious breakfast as Viktor stood at the sink washing the dishes.

"So, what are you doing today?" Eve asked, curious.

"I gotta put some time in at the lab.Scientists are coming by the lab today to see my prototype Arc Reactor.The reactor is finished, but they must inspect it and ensure it works as promised.Once they see it works, I'll be awarded another grant and get a massive check," Viktor told her as he finished washing the dishes.

Eve could only sit there, impressed.

"So, you got any plans for today?" Viktor asked, looking back at Eve, who smiled proudly and stood up from the table.

"I'm gonna do what I did yesterday and make a real difference," she said as a pink light came over her, replacing her previous clothes with her costume.

"Go for it," Viktor told her.

"Bye, Viktor.I'll be back by dinner," she told him before opening the door to his patio and flying off.

"Go get 'em, Atom Eve," Viktor said as he turned to get ready for the day, not knowing what today would bring.