
Improbable and Irrational Love

I am Automated Magical Golem model 1 of the Alpha series, my creators shortened it to Automata A1... The task given to me by my creators was to learn and interact in the school that their club was located at... The results were unsatisfying... Creator Leonardo, what do you mean by that?... Fall in love with one of the various test subjects that catch my interest? That is impossible, all the other subjects act within all calculable possibilities, I recommend to be given another task... Yes, I understand... ... ... What is it, Itsuki?... Yes, I love you too Cover source: haya_kewi [Twitter]

Lazy_Author_san · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Rivalry escalation

(A/N Notes: Time for more Ichi!)

A day had passed since Itsuki accepted Emika's deal of him becoming her fake boyfriend while she had to pay his food bills plus 5 thousand yen per day, and right now it was the lunch break

"I'm back!" (Itsuki)

He had just opened the door to his classroom just 5 minutes after he had jumped from the window to reach the convenience store, and this time his shopping bags were more filled than usual, and he walked to his seat to eat, meanwhile, Ichi remained still in her seat that was right beside his


"Here's Itsuki's food bill, Emika ojou-sama" (Mio)

"Ah? Thanks, now let's see how much I will be paying..." (Emika)

Mio handed her master the shopping bill that he had handed to Mio slightly earlier, and after laying her eyes on the bill Emika blinked a lot and opened her eyes a lot

"W, wha... W, what? W, w, w, what the hell is this convenience store bill!? Why does it have this many zeros!?" (Emika)

"I don't know, I don't care, And I'm leaving, adios, ojou-sama" (Mio)

"Wait! Where are you going!?" (Emika)

"I'm going to give Itsuki my homemade food, my mother said that if you want to get a man, you first need to conquer his stomach, so that's exactly what I'm going to do, so adios!" (Mio)

"Wait!" (Emika)

And Mio left Emika's office without caring about her master's pleading

Back to Itsuki

"..." (Ichi)

Ichi was observing Itsuki eat, and was still impressed by the amount he was capable of eating, and she kept watching until he finished eating all the food that he had Emika pay for him

"... Itsu-" (Ichi)

"Itsuki-sama!" (Mio)

Ichi was about to ask him something, but Mio's lively voice cut her before she could even finish saying his name, and then Mio walked towards him and stopped right in between Itsuki and Ichi

"Hm? What is it, Mio-san?" (Itsuki)

"I brought you a bento" (Mio)

"Really!" (Itsuki)

"Yup, and it has my own homemade food too" (Mio)

"Sorry for the trouble, Mio-san" (Itsuki)

"Don't worry, it's my pleasure" (Mio)

And he opened the bento, and when he did so he felt quite some gazes gathering on him

"What's wrong, guys?" (Itsuki)

"Well, aren't you a lucky guy, Itsuki?" (Ken)

"Yeah, and it's not we are jealous or anything" (Jin)

"You two and those other guys look very jealous though" (Itsuki)

"No, no. That's your imagination" *enduring his jealousy* (Ken)

"Ken's right, Itsuki. Because it's not like we're jealous" *enduring his jealousy* (Jin)

"From you receiving a homemade bento by a beautiful girl dressed in maid clothes" *Enduring his jealousy* (Classmate 1)

"Since it's not like we don't want that to happen to us... WHO AM I LYING TO??? I ALSO WANT TO RECEIVE HOMEMADE FOOD FROM A BEAUTY!!!" (Classmate 2)

"YEAH!!! GO TO HELL YOU DAMN LUCKY BASTARD!!!" (All lone boys in the classroom)

"I already went there a few times already *munch munch* pretty hot and dry, but still a nice place to visit *munch munch*" (Itsuki)

"Huh?" (Everyone)

Everyone got confused, aside from Mio and Ichi who didn't show any reaction, by his casual comment as he ate Mio's bento, and after finishing it, he handed the bento box back to Mio

"It was delicious!" (Itsuki)

"That's great to hear, I'll make sure to make it more delicious to you tomorrow" (Mio)

"Really!" (Itsuki)

"Yup, now if you excuse me" (Mio)

Mio turned to leave, but before she started moving she looked and smiled at Ichi, while Ichi simply looked back at Mio, who she kept barring from looking at him by staying in front of her, then after doing that she went and left the classroom. Ichi who knew that there was still around one and half hours until the end of the lunch break, got up from her seat

"Where are you going, Ichi-chan?" (Itsuki)

"... I have assigned myself a task, that I must start gathering examples and experience for now" (Ichi)

"I see, good luck on that" (Itsuki)

"... Yes... Thank you, Itsuki-san" (Ichi)

And she left the classroom and made her way to the... home economics room, which was also used as the cooking club room (A/N Notes: Pan pan paaaaaan)

"... Sorry for the intrusion" (Ichi)

She said so in case there was anyone inside, but surprisingly there wasn't anyone inside during lunch break. Regardless of that, Ichi swiftly gathered the different recipe books and began reading them with great efficiency and speed, after reading all the books she put them back in the exact position they were

"... I still have enough time left for more research" (Ichi)

Ichi who noticed that there was still about an hour or so of lunch break, quickly began thinking of other alternatives that she could employ within the places she was allowed to go and practice

"... My creators should all be in the club room today" (Ichi)

Ichi who knew her creators with the back of her hand was capable of guessing their positions through their habits, that she had stored in her memory cache. So with that, she left the cooking club room and went to the magic technologies study club room

At the magic technologies study club room

"Look at this beauty" (Leonardo)

"*Whistle* A beautiful one indeed" (Jack)

"Man, I would do anything to get one of those beauties" (???)

"Oh, yeah... Anything for those beauties" (??? 2)

"I could keep looking at this beauty for days" (??? 3)

"... What are you, Creators, talking about?" (Ichi)

"Hm?" (The five)

The five who cooperated to create Ichi who were all looking at a certain magazine targeted towards men turned their heads in unison towards the owner of the female and emotionless voice. And they saw Ichi slightly inclined forward with her hands on her back as she looked at the magazine they were looking at

"... ... ... Kyaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" (The five)

And they all screamed like girls as they panicked, then Leonardo accidentally dropped the magazine they were looking revealing the perverted... indecent... depraved... image of... the anatomy of an old sports car (A/N notes: What kind of pervertedness is that!?)

"..." (Ichi)

And Ichi simply waited for her creators to calm themselves, before she could ask them about her request

Some minutes later

"Arf... Arf..." (Leonardo)

"... Here is some water, creator Leonardo" (Ichi)

Ichi offered her creator some water, and after giving the glass of water she went to offer her co-creators some water too

"Thank you, Ichi *Glug glug glug* Puhaaa... What brings you here, Ichi?" (Leonardo)

"... I require your assistance in a self-assigned task, creator Leonardo" (Ichi)

"Wait, wait, wait... You're requesting my help for something?" (Leonardo)

"... That is correct, creator Leonardo... And if possible I also request the cooperation of my co-creators too" (Ichi)

"And can I know what you want our help for?" (Leonardo)

"... I request my creators help to evaluate my cooking during today's dinner" (Ichi)

"... You want us to eat your food for dinner and evaluate it?" (Leonardo)

"... That is correct" (Ichi)

"... *Sniff* Our daughter is an angel!!!" (The five)

The five became emotional from hearing Ichi's request that they started crying out of happiness

"... So what are the creators answer?" (Ichi)

"We accept! We'll help you! Buaaaaaaahhhh!!!" (The five)

"... Acknowledged" (Ichi)

With her request accepted and still have some time left, Ichi decided to give the club room a quick cleanup, after finishing her quick cleanup she returned to the classroom right before the end of the lunch break

"What were you doing, Ichi-chan?" (Itsuki)

"... ... ... I do not want to comment about it... Yet" (Ichi)

"Okay, then" (Itsuki)

(A/N Notes: Ichi is number one)


Lazy_Author_sancreators' thoughts