
1. Letting go

The sun was setting and the sky was beautiful with shades of pink and orange hues reflecting the water on the beach while the bride looked mesmerising in white with last rays of sun reflecting on her face making her look mesmerising and the groom was looking at her with love so deep that it pierced through her heart once again.

It was so painful; it felt like somebody had pierced an arrow to her heart and was twisting it continuously.

It could have been okay if she didn't have to see it but as they were friends they were bound to meet.

Each time the three of them met, they both were likely in their own world and she always felt as if their world is far away from them.

It was always painful to watch the man she had been in love for so many years in love with her friend.

They shared a bond that she could not reach and so she knew that it was never meant to be. But her eyes stung every time she saw them like that.

Ela didn't know why she liked to torment herself with this sight every now and then; it had been eight years and still she couldn't let go.

But she knew that she had to.

He has gotten married and it was time to end her unriquited love.

She knew she couldn't stay in this city any longer else she would never be able to forget him.

This was a decision that had been one of the hardest in her life but what could she do?

It was something she ought to do.

Her luggage was packed already and all that was left was to bid her final goodbye.

When Ela noticed that Heath was alone, she slowly made her way to him with a big smile, "Congratulations Heathy!"

He grinned at her, his whole face bright as a day, a clear sigh of how happy he was. He gave her a big hug and thanked her.

Her eyes misted slightly but she didn't let it fall. She always wanted him to find happiness, it was just that it was not with her. She had never expressed her feelings for him for it not to burden him and because she knew he would never see her the way he looked at 'her'.

They separated and looked at each other and Ela knew this was the last time she would see him and this memory would probably be etched in her brain for a very long time.

" I just came to say goodbye and give you your wedding gift". Her voice got caught in her throat but she took a sip of wine from a nearby waiter so as to keep saying.

"Can I open it now?" He asked, clearly as ever as a gift enthusiast he was.

She nodded and before she knew it, he had already unwrapped it.

It was a complete set of navy grey suit with a light pink tie for him and a baby pink satin floor dress for her. She knew it would be a perfect fit for him the moment she laid her eyes on it.

With the smile on his face she knew that he liked it.

"Thanks Ela. Your the best." He beamed at her.

" Wear it at your coming presentation with the Neat Corps. It would look splendid on you." She stood on her tip toes then and gave him a peck on his cheeks as a final goodbye and said, "I wish you all the happiness in this world dear. May you be shine like the brightest star in this world. I wish you my all" She then added words 'My love' in her heart and turned to leave.

It was time.