
Chapter 1 ❤️ Back to my daydreams

Hey! I'm Patrick Martin Stump and I'm going to tell you my story.


I don't want to go on vacation with my family. I am 19 years old, I can do what I want and above all I don't need to go to a chalet in the middle of nowhere with my parents and my younger sister as the only company.

It's not that I don't love my family, but being with them in a confined place for more than a month and a half would certainly hurt my mental health.

Only one factor managed to change my feelings during this trip: Pete Wentz, the son of my chalet neighbors.

Pete is male perfection (in my opinion of course), with his piercing eyes and tanned skin, not to mention his black hair.

I remember that during all my former stays at the chalet, I spent all my days observing the young man. From my beach towel, I dreamed of scenarios that will probably only take place in my head.

POS ❤️ Patrick

"Patrick! We're leaving!"

My mother warns me of excitement.

The poor. She works more than 40 weeks a year hoping that we can go on vacation, but she doesn't complain. It almost looks like she didn't realize how crappy her position is. We didn't say it either because we don't want to upset her.

"So this is it? Are we ready to go? " Ask my father when getting into the car.

-I don't understand... I answer, ignoring his question. Why do I have to come? Kevin doesn't have to come, and as far as I know, he's still part of the family"

I don't really think about what I just said. I did it to preserve my adolescent facade who don't want to follow his parents wherever they go.

It's true that I am not very excited to go to the chalet, but I am impatient to see Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III.

Yes, I know her full name even if I only spoke to her twice.

What can it to do?

My father just sighed at my stupid tone (which means my tactics worked well)


We arrive in Grand Beach, Indiana at the end of the day as the sun sets aver Lake Michigan.

If I had remembered that the trip would take so long, I would have let Pete so it and I would have struggled longer not to come.

To say that I do all this for a guy... A guy who doesn't even know me, I'm a big idiot.


"No Megan, I'm not going to bathe, I warn my sister for the fifth time in two minutes.

-Let's go! She moans, pulls me by the wrist (a chance that I'm heavier than her otherwise I would already be in the water).

Why does she want to bathe me so much? I'm on my towel, toasting in the sun. Why would I want to dip my love handles in ice water full of algae?

I ignore her request once more and, to my surprise, she drops my forearm. I turn my gaze to her face, she is livid, as if she saw a ghost.

"Oh my god, Patrick! You have to see this..." She said to me with fascination. As she suggested, I'm looking in the same direction as hers.

I am totally amazed at what I see!