
A Normal Day

I woke up just like any other day to Circus Baby's sassy and bossy yelling to start making breakfast. I decided after five minutes of hearing her screeches to get breakfast going so that's exactly what I did. When i was making in the middle of making bacon Puppet came in, He is the only one who doesn't hate me for no dang reason, and asked if I needed help so of course I said "Yes." Not even ten dang minutes later miss screeching bossy lady comes in and accuses me of making Puppet my slave. I was like "Bish he offered to help so keep yo mouth shut." but C.B. decided to come over and slap the heck out of me. After Puppet trying to calm C.B. down I went down to BonBon's lab, BonBon bosses me around but she is sweet about it mostly cause every night Funtime Freddy yeets her into a wall, and she did some tests like how long can sheep stay underwater for before drowning. Soon it was lunchtime and like normal i wasn't allowed to eat and Funtime Freddy was just mockingly eat chicken in front of me I somehow managed not to take that freaking chicken and burn it infront of him. Puppet said he would take over the rest of the chores i have to do since he probably saw i couldn't really walk cause i had no sleep getting shocked and trying to kill the nightgaurd. Ballora was just being a flatout jerk and punching me and basically mentally and physically abusing me. Soon it was night and we all were getting ready to kill the nightgaurd but BonBon was putting a helmet on her head and taping pillows to her body with Funtime Freddy just staring at her like she is a crazy hand puppet.