

Yawn lived in a run-down apartment in the United States. The rent was cheap that was the only reason why he stayed there.

At this time he was waking up, his eyes were watery with excitement as they adjusted to the light that peered in from the window.

Yawn had just had a rather great dream that involved him being the center of attention and lived in a mansion that was fully staffed and furnished and possessing the ability to breathe fire, akin to that of a dragon.

In a society where everyone and their grandmother had an ability not possessing one was like catching a non-curable disease as there was no way to gain an ability if you didn't have one when you were born. The divide between the powerful and the weak was like the difference between the heavens and the earth. The disparity only grew when a few were born with multiple powers, who were heralded as heroes.

Though Yawn was not the only one without an ability he was one of the few that did not just have that flaw, he had many flaws in fact.

After passing by his full-body mirror that reflected his flaws, he could only feel like he had been wronged by being brought into this world. He was short, at 5'3. He was fat, having more than a flabby stomach, and had a face that looked like a young child's art project.

The only thing that was somewhat good in his life at that time, though it came with its own share of problems was his job that employed a powerless person like him. It allowed him to pay his tuition and that's all he really desired out of the job besides paying the rent.

He worked at a factory that made toys. Second-hand toys. Now the bad part about being employed just about anywhere with his face was the insults. He was insulted every day and his self-esteem could not be lower.

Every day, he hoped he could live well, in an apartment that didn't smell like stale cheese, with a power, even if it was something on the lower end of usefulness such as being able to talk to animals. Then he would be content.

Alas, that wasn't the case at all.

Checking his clock he noticed that he had to get to work so Yawn left his bed, showered and realized that he would be late to work if he didn't hurry so he left without eating.

Yawn arrived at the bus stop a few minutes later. Seeing the advertisement on the side of the bus that read "looking for aspiring heroes" Yawn could only grind his teeth and hold it in as he got on the bus to get to work.

When Yawn arrived at the toy factory, he immediately took note of the stares that he was getting from the other workers when he arrived. His family, besides himself, was rather pleasing to look at but what he got left with was the least-ideal genetic leftovers one could ask for.

Yawn could only ignore the stares. He quickly checked in with his work card to begin to track his hours and went over to his work area.

Yawn worked hard assembling toys for 5 hours until his lunch break started. He did want to eat, but he would only be insulted such thoughts dulled his appetite and furthered his frustration.

Yawn backed away from the conveyer belt and stretched before wandering into the lunchroom. Yawn looked around and the gazes he received were not pleasant.

He instead walked back towards the area of the assembly belt where he worked and sat down away from everyone. Like usual, even when avoiding people he was not given a break.

A blonde man, with a roughed work uniform, carried a full tray of food that appeared right before Yawn. The blonde man's voice dispersed any trace of happiness from the good dream that Yawn had earlier.

"Hey, you fucking ugly shit, your ugliness will make my food state worse. Leave. You hear me?" The worst one of his aggressors showed up, it was Lane. Yawn did not feel like giving the blonde prick a response. Too many times had lane taunted and insulted Yawn and Yawn couldn't take his shit anymore.

"You hear me, you fucking ugly-" Lanes vicious words were interrupted by Yawn. "Can you shut up." Yawn's defense was not loud, but it wasn't a mumble either.

"Did you just say what I thought you said..." Lane responded. His face contorting with anger.

"I said can you shut the hell up." This time Yawn said it loudly.

Yawn felt like just unleashing his pent up feelings on Lane, no day went without Lane showing up during work who knows when with insult after insult.

This time Lane's anger reached new heights "What the fuck did you say!? Say it again and I will throw you out myself!" his words were said precariously.

"Do it. You have no reason to not, I am weak, I am ugly and I am poor. So do it. I imposed on your oh, great selfs meal so I deserve to be thrown out." taunted Yawn.

Lane paused to think before a smirk took up the bottom half of his face, his eyebrows still scrunched together.

"Yeah, you won't be missed either." Lane brushed the food that was on his tray onto the ground before grasping the bottom of the tray with both hands and struck the tin tray towards Yawn's head.

Surprised that Lane would actually do something like that Yawn could only take the strike head-on. The tray ended up hitting Yawn's stomach, causing pain to course through his body.

Yawn tried to get up but with his weight, it was a bit of a struggle. Lanes second blow hit Yawn's face knocking Yawn back onto the ground. Yawn felt something in his face break, blood dripping down from his nose.

Yawn at this point had little reason to not fight back. Lane having gotten two strong strikes on Yawn was rather content with what he pulled off. But Yawn wasn't in the slightest.

Yawn pulled himself up with the nearby conveyer belt before punching Lane in the face. This punch was as light as a feather compared to Lane's punch that was comparatively as strong as a boulder. Lane able to quickly shake off such a weak punch swiftly punched out his fist and hit Yawn's shoulder causing Yawn to stagger, his body hitting the ground.

Yawn braced himself for another strike but that did not happen.

Something worse happened. The supervisor had taken notice of Yawn's strike, missing out on what had happened earlier.

The supervisor that arrived, Smith, wasn't the kindest of fellows either. He had a stomach as well, but as Yawn had the same thing he didn't really care much about such a small detail - especially when Yawn realized he would likely lose his job over this.

"Did you just beat someone up, you ugly beast. Why did I even agree to hire you...! Get the hell out! You are fired! " Smith's voice was cold and demanding.

Compared to how Smith spoke to Yawn, to Lane he was much more friendly. "Ah, its Lane, please don't get mad. This fool will be paying for your week-long paid leave while you can recover. I will sue you Yawn if you return after you pay up. Its 2500 Dollars, you have to pay by the end of the week."

Smith's last few words were spoken with extra emphasis.

Lane grinned at this while Yawn could only nod his head in defeat. Yawn felt as if he no longer was treated as a human. No, he never was. He never desired to have more power than he did then.

How come it was his 18th birthday as well when he was at his weakest.

Why... he couldn't even afford the amount that Smith asked for...

That was when something appeared that gave Yawn hope for the first time in a very long time.

Either he was going crazy, or he actually had a crazy power.

[The Imperious Empowerment System has met the requirement to boot up.]

[Now Starting in...3...2...1!]

[The Imperious Empowerment System has now booted up.]

Perhaps with this, he could have the power he needed to change his fate.

Right after he figured out how to pay his bills and the 2500 dollars...