
Imperial System: New World Pax Romana

Everybody dies. Ethan Specter came face-to-face with that reality when a refrigerator collided with him on his way to university. fortunately, his story didn't end there. With the help of help of a newfound power, The Imperial System, he must struggle to survive in a new world consumed by the flames of war.

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 9 - A Bully is always a Bully

Ethan was startled when he saw Amira's reaction to the ring "What's wrong? Do you not like it? I can get you something else instead-"

"No, it's not that. It's lovely. I just don't know if I deserve all of this." She replied sniffling back tears. The ring was just a simple silver band with a small emerald embedded. It may not have been impressive by modern standards, but to Amira it was nothing short of a treasure.

"Don't be silly. This is what I should do for my for my future wife. If I can't even do this much what good would I be?" He said with a gentle smile "Come on, let's head back to the Inn for now."

Amira wiped her cheeks with her arm and nodded her head with a weak smile "Mmm, let's go."

Soon the pair had arrived back at the Blue Moon Inn but before they could enter a familiar figure exited. The guard who had scammed Ethan was leading two others. The one following behind on the left was short and fat, somewhat resembling a turtle, and the other on the right was taller and wirey, with a rat like face.

"Heh, just who I wanted see." said the guard with a wicked grin

"Is this him, Luka? He looks easy enough..." said the rat faced follower

"Shut up, Kenn! I'll handle this." barked Luka, causing Kenn to take a step back.

"Sorry about my associate, he's a bit stupid. dropped on his head as a child you see..." he said feigning apology.

"What do you want? why were you looking for me?" Ethan said with a deepening scowl. He might have been a bit naive at first but he wasn't stupid. It was obvious this trio was up to no good.

"Hey now, no need to get so worked up kid. It's only a simple matter. You see the thing is, yesterday was the last of the month, and that makes today the first of the month..." said Luka while rubbing his hand together

"And? How does that concern me?" Ethan asked although he had a sneaking suspicion about where this conversation was headed.

"Isn't it obvious? Taxes. According to village law this is your second month here. I came to collect." Luka said his wicked grin growing wider "It's not much. Just 4 Bronze should be enough."

'Bingo' thought Ethan. It was just as he had expected.

"No. Get lost." He said putting an end to this farce.

"Watch your mouth you damn milksop!" shouted the turtle man

"Easy now, Ves." Said Luka to the upright turtle. While maintaining his grin "Maybe he just doesn't have it on him? If that's the case..." His gaze then turned to look at Amira who was standing just behind Ethan and a malicious fire ignited in his eyes "I suppose if you don't have the money, you can hand over that little girlie to play with us for a few hours..."

Kenn and Ves began to snicker behind Luka. In their minds this was just as good if not better than getting the coins. To them Ethan had no choice but to comply. After all, there were three of them and only one of him. Even if he resisted what could he do against superior numbers. Not to mention Luka was the strongest guard in the village which is why the village head always overlooked his other less savory actions.

Ethan's eyes narrowed when he heard Luka's words. He had already not liked this man when he found out he was scammed. The attempt at extortion moved his feelings squarely into hate. But now, His blood was practically boiling.

"Fuck off." Ethan said, barely containing the fire in his chest. He could ignore insults to himself, but Amira was now his reverse scale. He would rather die than hand her over.

Luka's face froze when he heard Ethan's words. He might not know what 'fuck' meant but he could guess that he had been rebuked.

"Now listen here you little brat-" he started to say

"I said, Fuck off! Do you have potatoes in your ears? Or is your brain full of shit?!" Ethan shouted back cutting him off mid sentence.

"Alright, have it your way. I was going to let you off easy but now..." Luka took an aggressive step forward

At this moment the Imperial System activated

[Emergency Quest Activated 'A Bully is Always a Bully' has initiated

Defeat the three villains and receive a reward!]

The sudden appearance of the System distracted Ethan momentarily but that was it. Since he was a history professor in his previous life you may think he was a pushover. That was definitely not the case with Ethan. His father had been a soldier and thus actively encouraged him to play sports and practice martial arts. 'A healthy body makes a healthy mind' He had often been told.

At the moment Luka launched his first attack, a lazy right hook, Ethan was nowhere to be found. feeling his fist had hit nothing but air he looked around but he was literally left gasping as a heavy blow landed on his abdomen.

Luka dropped to his knees with a thud. clenching his stomach "Get...him...now!" he spit out between gasps

The first to move move was the turtle, Ves. He charged with arms wide, obviously going for a bearhug. However he met with as much success as Luka as he was suddenly staring at the sky, the victim of a perfectly executed hip toss. in line with his body size, he impacted the ground like a sack of rocks.

Kenn, who was hoping to see a good show went pale when he watched the scene play out before him. When he saw Ethan make his way toward him he fell to all fours and began to beg "Have Mercy! It was all Luk-" He needn't have bothered as Ethan's foot made contact with the side of his head. He was knocked out cold.

Ethan then returned to look at Luka who was still gasping for air

"Who...the hell...are you?" he questioned with eyes now full of fear

"Someone you shouldn't have messed with. Now scram! And take those two pieces of trash with you!" Ethan said with a viscous growl. "For your sake, I better not see you again." he said as a parting warning. He then returned to Amira who was scared stiff and took her hand, leading the way around the injured trio into the Blue Moon Inn.

Once inside Ms. B hurridly ran up to the couple "Are you both ok?! When Luka and his minions were here looking for you I got worried. But then I ovheard your argument."

she said clearly scared for their well-being.

"Yes, we're both fine. the same can't be said for that bastard and his lackeys." Ethan said with confidence

Still worried Ms. B said "You may have beaten them today but He has the backing of the Village Head. I can almost guarantee that this won't be the end of it."

"Thank you for your concern." he said with a smile. "If they do come back to make trouble I'll just have to figure it at that time."

She had thought about trying to get Ethan and Amira to leave Lorik but when she saw the confidence in his eyes she gave up on that idea "Sigh...okay. I'll trust you. But you better not let anything happen to this girl. I'll never let you survive otherwise." Ms. B said with a serious expression.

"But of course. Any danger would have to crawl over my dead body first before getting to her."

"Good. I'll hold you to your words." Ms. B said with a gentle smile. She felt relieved when she heard his words. while she had only known them a short time, she already considered Amira to be like a little sister.

After exchanging a few more words Ethan and Amira returned to their room to rest. while it had started out simply enough, the day had quickly escalated.

Once inside the room Ethan asked "Are you okay? I know that whole thing must have been stressful."

"I'm okay. you don't need to worry about me." Amira stated but it was obvious from her voice that it had been scary.

"why don't you lay down for a bit and rest? I'll join you in a moment."

"What are you going to do?" Amira asked

"I just need to check something in my bag. I won't go anywhere." Ethan assured

"Okay then."

Amira then layed down on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

Ethan then sat down in the chair and activated the Imperial System. He was curious about the rewards for completing the emergency quest he had received.