
Imperial System: New World Pax Romana

Everybody dies. Ethan Specter came face-to-face with that reality when a refrigerator collided with him on his way to university. fortunately, his story didn't end there. With the help of help of a newfound power, The Imperial System, he must struggle to survive in a new world consumed by the flames of war.

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 7 - Could it be he's a prince?

A small bell rang out when Ethan entered the clothing shop. He hadn't taken more than 6 steps in before someone began walking towards him.

"Welcome to Janessa's Fabrics. Could I possibly help you find something?" Asked a kind looking older woman.

"Yes. I'd like to purchase a few sets of clothing for myself and my female companion. After certain events, we were both left with only one outfit each."

Ethan decided to make up an easy to believe explanation since the truth might be too ridiculous, or so he thought. of course, he would learn with time that his imagination was quite lacking.

The older woman simply nodded and smiled as she listened to his story "I see. It sounds like it was quite the ordeal. But don't you worry, you'll be satisfied with how you look. I guarantee it or my name isn't Janessa." she said with a confident grin.

"So, what kind of clothing would you like? I have a decent selection of premade outfits made from both linen and cotton. Or if you want something custom made I can do that too."

"Hmm, I don't really know." Ethan said while thinking it over

After a few moments "I guess for now, I should just get us one premade outfit each. But I would also like to order two custom made outfits for us both. If possible, I'd like to pay for those in advance and then come back later with her since I don't know here exact measurements."

"Certainly. If you want, I can take your measurements now, and you just show me with your hands how tall and wide your companion is. I should be able to find something she can wear based on that." She said will a wide smile

"Okay, let's do that then." Ethan replied happily

Janessa then pulled out a ball of twine thread that she used to measure his body by cutting it to specific lengths. The whole process took less than 2 minutes. clearly, she was a professional. After she was done Ethan used his hands to give her a general idea of how big Amira was.

"Alright. I'll go find something for your companion and you can look around for something to wear." Janessa said giving him a smile and a slight bow.

Ethan said his thank and began to walk around the small but we'll stocked shop.

Eventually finding something that didn't look bad and seemed to be the right size he made his way to the counter to pay.

"All done?" Asked Janessa

"Yes, I think this should do." Ethan said setting the linen outfit on the counter.

"Is that also mine?" he asked pointing at a green linen dress

"Indeed. It should fit, but if it doesn't, you can exchange it for free when you come back. By the way, what would materials do you want your custom outfits to be made of? The cost is not too different but it does matter for quality sake." Janessa inquired

"I suppose I'll just choose whatever is best. I'm not sure when we'll be buying clothes again so I'd like them to last." Ethan stated innocently

"Good. Very good. well then, your total comes to 20 Bronze Coins." said Janessa. Her eyes sparkled as it had been a while since someone ordered so many custom outfits. However her heart nearly leaped out of her chest when Ethan set a Silver Coin on the counter.

"Sir?! Are you sure sure you want to pay with silver?!" Her face had gone quite pale after seeing the coin.

"Can I not pay with silver?" Ethan asked

"No, you can. it's just that it's a lot more than you need to pay for your orders." She replied

"well to be honest this is all I have at the moment." he said with an awkward laugh. He was really going to have to figure out this worlds logic on money he thought to himself.

Janessa let out a defeated sigh and said "Okay, if that's how it is I'll take it. But it might take a couple days to collect your change. I don't have enough on hand to give back to you at the moment."

"That's fine. I'll be in Lorik for a few more days still." Ethan stated calmly.

"Then please take this as a deposit on your change." She then handed Ethan a leather coin pouch that had 30 Bronze Coins inside of it.

Ethan took the pouch and tied it securely to his belt near his Dagger.

Janessa then wrapped up the clothes he had just bought and handed them to Ethan.

"Thank you for your help. I'll be back a little later with my companion." He said with a smile.

"No dear customer, I should be thanking you for choosing my shop." She replied with a respectful gaze.

"Then I'll see you later." Ethan said and turned, leaving the clothing shop for now. He then headed back to the Blue Moon Inn. With the Systems map of course.

Once Ethan left, Janessa nearly collapsed but managed to steady herself.

'who is that young man? He must have an amazing background if he spends silver like it's nothing. Could it be that he's a prince?' She mused silently. Although she was wrong about his origins, he had left a big impression nonetheless.

Back at the Blue Moon Inn, while Ethan was paying for the clothing, Amira had just finished recounting the story of how she had met him. She even included the events from last night after Ms. B had given them the water to wash up.

"...and that's about it. as I said, it's not much of a story." Amira said with a sigh.

"What do you mean?! That's the most romantic story I've hear in ages!" Ms. B exclaimed enthusiastically.

"I wouldn't go that far..." Amira began to say however Ms. B cut her off

"Silly girl! A handsome young man saves you from monsters, He then sees you naked--twice, and then instead of just taking you he takes responsibility and proposes? Not to mention all this happened in one day? If that isn't the start of a fairytale romance I don't know what is!"

Amira was flabbergasted by what Ms. B had said. She hadn't thought of their meeting and interaction like that until just now. if she went off of Ms. B's words, it certainly seemed like a fateful encounter.

"Do you really think so?" Amira asked after thinking it over her story again

"Of course! I the Great Love Sage Brianna has never been wrong about these things."

Just then the door to the room opened and Ethan walked in

"Ms. B? what brings you here?"

"Oh my! Speak of the devil." Ms. B said with a laugh before standing up. "I'll leave you two alone. I'm sure you have quite a bit to talk about so I won't get in your way." she then took Amira's hands in hers and whispered "If you need any advice, you can always come to me."

After giving Ethan a warm smile she left the room.

"Welcome back." Amira said blushing slightly

"Thanks. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. I went to go buy us some clothes since we were both in desperate need." Ethan explained. He then noticed that Amira was wearing a light yellow dress "Did Ms. B bring that for you?

"Yes. She brought it for me to use this morning after you left. She also told me she had given you directions to the fabric shop." Amira explained

"So you knew? I guess that spoils the surprise but it's fine." he then handed her the green dress he had bought "Janessa said it should fit, but if it's off we can exchange it for free later when we go have your measurements taken."

Amira was looking at the dress Ethan had given her when his last words entered her ears.

"Measurements? For what?" she asked curiously

"Well, I ordered us both some custom made outfits but since I don't know your sizes we need to go back later. perhaps after lunch." Ethan explained as he sat down on the chair.

"You ordered custom made clothes? wasn't that expensive?" she asked, her eyes going wide with shock.

"It's fine, I had enough." he said but when the sound of Amira's stomach growling echoed in the small room he changed the subject "I guess that's that then. let's go get something good to eat. Neither of us ate anything yesterday so I know your starving."

Ethan quickly changed into his new outfit causing Amira to cover her eyes in embarrassment. when he was done he said "Alright, shall we go find some food?"

Amira was unable to protest as she was indeed famished "Okay, let go."

They soon left the room in search of a meal.