
Imperial System: New World Pax Romana

Everybody dies. Ethan Specter came face-to-face with that reality when a refrigerator collided with him on his way to university. fortunately, his story didn't end there. With the help of help of a newfound power, The Imperial System, he must struggle to survive in a new world consumed by the flames of war.

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 5 - Taking Responsibility

Ethan and Amira stood in front of the door to their room

"This should be it..." He said, turning the key over in his hand


After unlocking the door they stepped into a room dimly lit by a single lantern.

The room was very spartan. A single bed sat against the back wall. The mattress was little more than than a sack filled with straw.

A small table with a single chair sat in the corner just to the left of the door; and a worn green carpet lay in the middle of the room.

"Well, it's not exactly five stars, but I wasn't expecting much. So I guess it'll have to do." Ethan said after taking it all in.

"Five stars? what do you mean by that?"

"ah, that's just a saying where I'm from-"

A knock on the door interrupted his explanation

Amira opened the door to see the owner standing there, she had a big smile and was holding a large wooden bowl.

"Ms. B? Did you need something?"

"Oh no. I simply brought some warm water and rags. I figured you might enjoy wiping down before you two turned in for the night."

Amira hesitated for a moment before receiving the bowl.

"Thank you." she said, bowing slightly

"Don't mention it."

As Ms. B turned to leave she suddenly leaned in and whispered into Amira's ear

"One more thing, the walls are thin, so try not to make too much noise, okay?" she said. not forgetting to give Amira a wink.

Ms. B's parting words shocked her to the extreme. Amira's face and ears were bright red as she closed the door in a daze.

Ethan who heard most of what the two ladies had said sat his bag down at the foot of bed.

When the door closed he turned to see Amira with a red face, holding the bowl of water.

"Is everything ok?" he asked curiously

"What? oh, yes. everything is fine." replied Amira while putting the bowl on the table.

Ethan wasn't sure what was making her act like this, He just figured that if she didn't want to tell him; then he wouldn't pry.

"I'll let you wash up first. Since I didn't use the stream I'm dirtier."

Ethan grabbed the other clean towel and handed it to Amira.

"I'll wait outside the door till done." He said while moving to leave the room.

"Wait!" she nearly yelled while her hand grabbed Ethan's forearm.

"Yes?" he asked not sure why she stopped him.

"I...I need your help. To wash my back."

Amira's face flushed red again when she spoke the words. Her eyes darted to the floor, too embarrassed to make eye contact.

Ethan was taken back by her words. She had clearly warned him not to peek earlier in the day. Now she not only didn't warn him, but even asked him to wash her back?

'What is going on?! this girl is all over the place!'

Before Ethan could protest, Amira had already released her grasp and began to remove her dirty clothes.

He turned away quickly not wanting to compound his offenses and because he wanted to hide the tent that had appeared in his tunic.

After a few moments passed

"Okay, I'm ready."

Ethan turned to see Amira sitting in the chair sideways. She held the towel around her front only revealing her shoulders and back to him.

Ethan gulped when he saw her like this but then shook his head clearing any miscellaneous notions.

a moment later he was behind her, wringing out one of the rags.

"I'm going to start now." he said calmly, or at least he hoped he sounded calm.

Amira simply nodded her head, too afraid that any words would come out as a squeak.

When the wet rag touched her shoulder, Amira's body stiffened slightly. However, she tried to relax when she felt Ethan continue.

Unfortunately she couldn't calm her heart as it thumped like a war drum.

Ethan's heart was beating just as hard as he wiped Amira's back and shoulders. The sight of her alabaster skin would move any man, especially in the dimly light which almost seemed to make her glow.

Several minutes passed until...

"Alright, I'm done."

"Thank you."

Ethan passed the rag over Amira's shoulder so she could take it.

"when I'm done, I'll help you wash your back too."

"No, you do-"

"when I'm done, I'll help you wash too."

Ethan didn't know what to do, she obviously wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Fine, do whatever you want." he said after giving up.

Ethan then turned around and stared at the wall in silence.

A few minutes later

"I'm done"

Ethan looked back to see Amira wrapped up in the towel. She was waiting patiently for him to sit down on the chair.

Ethan got the other towel, the one Amira had used earlier in the day from his bag and wrapped it around his waist before removing his tunic, underwear and sandals before sitting down.

When Amira saw him get undressed she was stunned by what she saw.

'His Body! How can a person be so fit? it almost looks like he was carved out of stone!'

Her hands were slightly shaking when she began to wipe his back with the remaining wet rag.

"Does it feel okay? the water hasn't gotten too cold has it?"

"It's fine, thanks."

After some time passed, Amira handed him the rag so he could finish cleaning the rest of his body.

Once Ethan was done, he attempted to get to his bag as he had placed his modern-day clothes inside when the system had given it to him.

However, before he could move he was taken by surprise.

Amira grabbed Ethan by the head suddenly and placed a deep kiss on his lips. shocked, he managed to slightly push her away.

"What are you doing?!" he exclaimed

"was it not any good?" she asked, a puzzled look on her face

"No, it was good but that's not the point."

"You mean to ask 'why' then?"

"Yes, Why?"

After a moment of silence

"The moment you saved me, my life already belonged to you. additionally, even though I warned you not to peek, you did. At this point, even if I wanted to, I couldn't get married out of shame. So, don't you think the least you could do is take responsibility?"

Her words left Ethan speechless. He had no way to refute her since everything Amira said was technically true.