
Imperial System: New World Pax Romana

Everybody dies. Ethan Specter came face-to-face with that reality when a refrigerator collided with him on his way to university. fortunately, his story didn't end there. With the help of help of a newfound power, The Imperial System, he must struggle to survive in a new world consumed by the flames of war.

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 3 - Rock and a Hard place

Not very long after, Ethan and Amira arrived at the stream.

"Wah! The water, it looks so clean!" She said, mouth agape.

"Alright, I'll just be right over there." He pointed towards a large rock "Just shout if you need anything."

"Ok, thanks again." Amira replied while bowing slightly, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment. The fact that a man would be so close while she bathed made her incredibly nervous.

Ethan nodded and turned, moving to sit behind the nearby rock.

After seeing his figure disappear behind the rock, Amira removed her clothes and stepped into the water.


Ethan sat behind the rock

[Congratulations! You have successfully completed the quest 'Save the Damsel, Save the World'.

Would you now like to view your 'Rewards' for this Quest, Y/N?]

He selected the [Yes] option and the system window changed

[Reward Calculation completed...

Congratulations! You have unlocked the <Imperial System> Quest tab

Congratulations! Your Stats have increased by +5 points Each!

Congratulations! You have received...

Animal Hide Backpack x1

Canvas Tent(2 Person) x1

Cotton Towl x2

Flint Fire Starter x1

Bronze Coins x5

Silver Coins x1

Would you like to receive your reward, Y/N?]

After selecting [Yes] the items once again dropped at his feet. However, this time they were all neatly packed in the backpack.

'Convenient' He thought to himself 'though how am I going to explain where these came from?'


As Ethan was receiving his prize, Amira was washing the dirt and sweat off her body. She crouched in the stream, using her hands to scoop up water.

'I wonder who he is?' She wondered, sending a look in Ethan's direction. 'Could he be a soldier? He wasn't wearing any armor, but his fighting skills are decent. Not to mention his looks....'

Amira's Face went tomato red after realizing where her train of thought was going. Sure, He was good looking, strong, and had even saved her life but that was no reason to think like this, right?


"Amira, I have a towel you can use if you're almost done." Ethan's voice sounded out from behind the rock, bringing her back to reality.

After a few moments of silent contemplation "Ok, but you'll have to bring it over here."

Ethan was stunned. He wasn't expecting a response like that. He had thought that he could set it on the rock and she could come and grab it.

"Um, can't you come get it if I leave it on the rock?"

"No, I'd just get dirty again walking over. that would defeat the purpose."

"Then can't I just throw it to you?" He asked

"Also no. You would be able to see me since you would need your eyes open to aim your throw."

Ethan sighed "You have a point. Well, I guess I can just use the towel to block my view."

He pulled one of the towels out of the backpack and stood up, his back to Amira. He held it up in front of his face to block the view of her body and moved in her direction.

When he was close enough

"Okay, T-that's good right there." She said, barely able to resist the shaking in her voice.

Ethan stopped just short of the waters edge and he could hear the splashing of water as she got closer.

"D-don't peak! If you peek, you'll have to face the consequences!" Amira yelled, trying and failing to sound threatening.

"Yes, yes. As you command" He replied with a wry smile and a hint of laughter.

He closed his eyes and held the towel out in front for her to grab.

Amira reach for the towel...and lost her balance. After slipping on the stony stream bed, she fell, taking the towel and Ethan with her.


'what the hell? Why is it heavy all of a sudden...and...soft?'

He couldn't help it. Even if he knew he shouldn't, he needed to know what happened. So, prepared for the consequences, his eyes opened slightly.

Amira's eyes went wide, and her cheeks cheeks were beet red! But, when she saw his eyes open slightly, she went pale. Not only because he could see her, but because she could feel something....h.a.r.d.