
Imperial System: New World Pax Romana

Everybody dies. Ethan Specter came face-to-face with that reality when a refrigerator collided with him on his way to university. fortunately, his story didn't end there. With the help of help of a newfound power, The Imperial System, he must struggle to survive in a new world consumed by the flames of war.

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 20 - New Arrivals

As Ethan sat relaxing in his chair, he decided to take a look at the System Quests. By his count he had recruited 3 out of the 5 needed to complete Quest #1.

'Quest Tab' He said silently

[Welcome Back!

You have managed to gather enough people to your side to complete Quest #1!

Would you like to complete Quest 'Follow The Leader'?

Followers recruited 33/5]

'What?! How have I recruited so many? I thought I only asked Frans, Dinnin and Virgil?'

Ethan racked his brain to figure out the vast increase in numbers recorded by the system when a thought crossed his mind

'System, Do you consider the followers of those I recruited as mine as well?' Ethan asked


If someone you recruit has followers, they are counted as well.]

It was just as he had suspected. Now he not only completed the Quest, he had overdone it by a wide margin.

[Would the user like to complete the Quest?]

Prompted by the system

'Yes, Complete the Quest please.' Ethan affirmed


Due to the number of followers gathered, you have qualified for a special bonus to your rewards!

Please standby while your rewards are calculated.]

'A bonus? I wonder what it's going to be...'

[Calculation completed!

Rewards are as follows

Gold Coins x2

Silver Coins x8

Lorica Segmenta(Plate Armour) x1

Bonus - Cohort(480 legionaries) x1

Congratulations on your achievements! The arrival of your reinforcements will be in approximately 2 hours.

Would you like to view your other items or move them into storage?]

'Um...move them to storage?' Ethan said somewhat bewildered. Just when he started getting used to getting rewards from the system, it always seemed to throw him a curveball.


you will receive an update as soon as the cohort arrives.]

The system window then closed, leaving Ethan in a state of disbelief

"Okay, the food is done. You can come and eat now." Amira said from the kitchen, bringing him back to reality

"Thank you." Ethan said to her as he sat down at the table

The meal consisted of braised meat, some leafy vegetables, and a small potato. Although not anything like high class cuisine, the food was seasoned well and tasty.

"How is it?" Amira asked with an unsure expression

"It's good." Ethan replied with a smile and he noticed her mood improved slightly.

While she was confident in her cooking skills, Amira had only ever been the one eating the food she made. Now that Ethan had said that it was good, she was no longer as worried. In her mind, a wife needed to be able to cook well. Of course, she didn't know that he had mostly eaten fast food in his old life, so to him any home cooked meal was a big deal.

After the meal was over Amira cleaned up before joining Ethan who had returned to the living area and had started a fire in the fireplace

"So what did you and Ms. B talk about when you were together?" He asked her when she sat next to him

"Oh not much, just girl things." Amira said in a dodgy manner

"What kind of 'girl things'?" Ethan asked, now suddenly more curious

"You know...clothes, jewelry...our wedding...and b-babies." She said, blushing bright red and turning away in embarrassment

Ethan was slightly taken aback but didn't let it show

"I see." He said before continuing

"Then what do you want to do about our wedding? Should we start planning it now, or do you want to wait?"

"But what about the invasion? wouldn't it be a bad time to plan something like that now?" Amira asked in surprise at his suggestion

"I think it's just as likely that Embershroud doesn't come all the way here as much as them actually making it this far." Ethan said reassuringly

"Besides, I'd say it would be good for everyone if Lorik had something to celebrate in order to take their minds of the situation. Even if just for a day." He added

"Are you sure?" Amira asked, still slightly unsure

"Of course. And I'm sure Ms. B would literally jump for joy if you asked her to help you plan everything." Ethan stated

Amira lit up like a Christmas tree at the idea of planning her wedding with Ms. B. She already considered her to be like an older sister who was wise in the ways of love.

"Then can I go see her now?!" Amira asked full of excitement

"Haha, sure. I'll go with you since it's getting late." Ethan said

They both soon left the house and headed for the Blue Moon once again despite evening quickly approaching

When they arrived the found all the tables full of people, Both soldiers and former bandits, and Ms. B was serving food and drink to all those present.

"What brings you back?" she asked when she saw the couple standing near the doorway

"Amira has something important to discuss with you." Ethan replied with no hesitation

"Oh? what could it possibly be?" Ms. B asked with curiosity

Amira ran up to her and pulled her close

"I need your help, and you're the only one who can!" she exclaimed

"Help? Help you with what?" Ms. B asked in a confused manner

Amira then whispered "With the wedding plans!"

"Come with me!" Ms. B said with a face full of delight and taking Amira into a back room to discuss the matter

As soon as he watched the two ladies disappear, a System alert appeared

[Cohort will arrive at the West gate in approximately 10 minutes]

"Dammit!" he shouted disturbing the men who were eating

"Sir, what's wrong?" one soldiers asked

Ethan thought of what to say but decided to tell them something

"Go find Magistrate Virgil, Captain Dinnin, And Frans. I want to see them at the West gate as soon as possible." He ordered

All the men present suddenly got up and hurridly ran off to track down the three individuals

Ethan then went to tell Amira and Ms. B that he was leaving

"Where are you going?" Amira asked when he said he needed to go

"To the west gate. We're about to receive some more company, people from 'my home' are about to show up." he explained

"Wait, 'your home'? How do you know they're on their way?" She asked

"I just do." was Ethans plain answer

Amira narrowed her eyes at him but didn't pursue the line of questions any further. Instead she asked

"Can we come with you then? I'd like to meet them if they're going to stay here."

Ethan thought it over for a moment then said "I don't see why not. It should be safe enough."

Ms. B didn't really know what was going on but she decided to follow along anyway

And so the three headed towards the west gate

Ethan spotted Virgil, Dinnin, and Frans as soon as they got there. By now it was almost sundown so they were concerned that they had been assembled this late.

"What's happening?" Virgil asked straight away

As if answering his question

"Torches! I see a large number of people headed our way!" shouted a guard from one of the towers

"What? Is it another bandit attack?" asked Captain Dinnin

"Everybody settle down." Ethan said calmly as he moved to open the gate

"I don't think that's a good idea." Said Frans

"Do none of you trust me? If you do, just wait." Ethan told them

As the gate opened, A long column of heavily armed and armoured soldiers stopped just shy of Lorik Village

"Ave, Caesar." Said the soldier who was leading as he soluted to Ethan

"What's your name soldier?" he asked

"Reporting, I am called Quintis Veranis, Primus Pilus of the First Cohort." He said with respect.

Quintis was in his mid thirties and stood about 5'7" with short light brown hair, crystal blue eyes, a natural piercing gaze and a strong, chiseled jaw line.

"Then welcome Quintis. Your arrival couldn't have come at a better time." Ethan said while clapping the man on the shoulder

"If I may ask my lord, where are we? The last thing any of us remember, We were in the midst of battle when a blinding light swallowed us and then we were here." Said Quintis

"I know it's confusing, But sadly I may not have all the answers you seek. I was in a similar situation no less than a week ago. Perhaps it is the will of the Gods that we find ourselves in this distant land." Ethan said

"But what I can tell you is, This Village is named Lorik. I have taken control here, and so it is Rome."

"I understand. I apologies for my insubordination." Quintis said solemnly

"There's no need for that. I would not blame you for your curiosity. Perhaps in time we will both come to understand our situation. Now come, let me introduce you."

Ethan then lead Quintis into the village and introduced him to Virgil, Dinnin and Frans while the rest of the men began to construct a camp before it got too dark to work.