
Imperial Love

James walked me down the long hallway. We were discussing our science project when we arrived at chemistry class. Luckily, I was not late. I slumped down onto my seat and started revising all the notes. Allen and his crew came up to me. Allen would bully me almost every single time.

"Go to the park after school, you hear?" He commanded.

I ignored him. I do not know how, but I could see him smirking. He walked away - finally. Mr. Smith walked in with his grumpy expression and started writing something on the bored. After my last class, I decided to go to the park to see what Allen wants. When I got there, the place was empty. I knew this was a joke. I started to leave when I fell into a hole they made. I heard them laughing. Shocking thing is that Allen was not laughing. Confused, I ran away, not wanting to sleep late.