
All Sorts of Positions

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Looking at her staring straight at him and laughing, Mu Feichi suddenly reached over and pinched her chin. Then he narrowed his eyes as he asked, "Why are you smiling at me?"

"No reason." Yun Xi blinked and turned her head away. She felt a little self-conscious and didn't dare to look into his eyes.

She had smiled at him for no other reason than how different it had felt to her when he was lecturing her, compared to how it had felt in the past.

Back then, when she hadn't cared about him and he was just a stranger to her, his lecturing had felt like that of a teacher.

But now, when he lectured her, she felt a strange sense of admiration and respect for him, and she revered him from the bottom of her heart. It felt totally different.

But the man had caught on to her slipup and wasn't going to let it go so easily. "Such a pervy smile, are you planning to do something to me?"