
Chapter 7

Siddharth's POV

" And you will not react at all. Like you can't kill me or even shout at me. Siddharth, please make sure. " She said.

I swear, I was enjoying it. My brother looked helpless in front of this girl whom he once called just a child.

Their fight was so cute. I was loving every bit of their banter. I wanted to record it but I like any other human being, I had only 206 intact bones, I didn't want him to break them.

" Why do you think that I would react? And that I would shout or even kill you? Who is he? "

" Promise me first ... " she said with a smile.

" Ok, I promise, now tell me. " He gave the money to me and went to the other side of the table. She took a deep breath and gulped.

" Gautam.. "

She said hesitantly and looked at him anticipating a reaction out of him.

While we both were looking at her, waiting for her to tell the name.

" Don't waste time now, I have full filled all your conditions. Now just tell his name. I will find him and beat him. " Bhai said. She looked at him and then at me.

" Gautam "

" Maurvi tell me the name of that guy don't just keep repeating my name. I am already irritated, I don't want to hear another word. Just his name. "

" Gautam "

" Yaar please, now I am losing my patience. Ok, I know how to make you speak. " He started coming going towards her.

" Hey, this is cheating... You can't come here and can't react... You are angry now."

" And what about you? Are you not cheating? You are not telling his name. Either tell me his name or I will tickle you. "

What ?? Seriously?? Were they kids??

" No. I already told you thrice ... "

" Don't lie... I didn't hear. Did you Sid? "

He asked me and I shook my head.

" I already said that thrice. Gautam... His name is Gautam. Ok ?? " She said.

" What?? Seriously?? " He was shocked and I was looking at both of them.

" You are saying it just like that as you don't want to tell me his name. You are kidding ?? " He started walking towards her.

Oh God!!! What was wrong with him?? He was being an idiot now.

" You can't come here. Siddharth, please stop him. You can't react. "

" Bhai, you promised her. " I came between both of them but Bhai pushed me away.

" Stay away Sid, if you love your handsome face." His facial expressions were unreadable.

I was shocked but raised my hands in surrender. I didn't want bruises on my handsome face.

I thought that I should leave them alone but I was enjoying every minute of this. But now my brother was getting hyper and it was their private matter. She just accepted that she had a crush on him so I thought of giving them privacy.

I was going towards the main door to go out when the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and a good looking man was standing there. Before I could ask him who he was, he came in and said. " Hey, Maurvi??? How are you? "

She heard a voice at looked in our direction and was happy to see the man standing there.

" Hi Kshitij ..... How are you? What are you doing here? " She was pleasantly surprised to see him.

" Why ?? Can't I come and meet you?"

" Of course you can. " Just then another man came in with a bag full of things. He kept the bag on a table greeted her and left.

" What is all this?? "

" Well I went to meet your parents and my would-be mother-in-law sent all this for you. "

What did he mean by that??

" What??? You went to meet mom and dad? What happened? What did my dad say? "

What was that?? I was about to leave but now I could not for the safety of this man.

I looked at Bhai, he was shocked as hell. I wanted to check his heartbeat. But I could not risk my life...

" Well later on dear, but right now I am really hungry. So can I have the amazing food prepared by your magical hands? " He said.

My brother looked really annoyed. I hope he had medical insurance as he would be needing it soon.

" Of course, my mom would kill me if I didn't offer food to you. I don't want to die so young. " She said and served food to him and he started eating.

" Wow !! The food is amazing, Maurvi. You are awesome. I am so happy that I will get to eat such tasty meals after marriage. "

He is definitely going to die now. Bhai did not kill me as he loves me a lot but this man...

I could see that Bhai was fuming now.

" Forget it... Don't say flattering words. I am not going to cook for you every day."

" I meant what I said, Beautiful. "

" You can't flirt with me.... "

" Well, I have every right to flirt with you. Ask your mom..."

Oh God, save him !! He seems to have a death wish...

" Did my dad gave his consent? "

" Well they approved but your dad said that you are not ready to get married yet. Please yaar Maurvi, have mercy on me and please get married."

" What?? " Bhai and I said together.

Even I was shocked by what was going on. My brother... Well, he was raging like a fighting bull. I held his forearm to stop him in case he was planning to attack this man.

" No, but I can't get married right now... "

" Why what is the problem? I have been waiting for you to get married for at least 6 months. Now even your parents agreed. "

Bhai took a furious step towards him to kill him. I held his arm tightly and pushed him in another direction. He was glaring at that man with clenched jaw and fists.

" First of all, I need at least 6 months to complete my studies and my internship. The most important thing is I would need to find a guy to get married to me Mr. brother-in-law. " She said.

" Brother-in-law?? How can he be your brother-in-law?? " Bhai started walking towards them again but I held him back again.

Hey!! I was getting stronger...

" Hey, Maurvi you did not introduce us. But my dear friend why can't I be her brother-in-law? Why are you getting offended ??" That man asked him.

" Of course, I would get offended. Sid would be her brother-in-law. "

" What nonsense ?? Who is Sid? Why would he be? " That man got angry now.

Both of them were looking at each other as if they are going to pounce on each other. I was standing in between. She also came and stood between them.

" Will both of you be quiet, please? " She said and Bhai looked at her with a hurt and angry look pushed me and went out banging the door loudly. He looked furious.

" Oh, God !!! He misunderstood. Kshitij please just wait. I need to talk to him. Siddharth please be here with Kshitij. I will be back with him in 5 mins. "

" All the best, " I said. She rushed after bhai.

" What was that?? Who was he?? What is going on?? " The man asked me as only I was left there in the house with him.

" He is my brother. "

" Who are you?? "

" I am Siddharth Jindal. Who are you?"

" I am Kshitij. I am going to be her brother-in-law very soon. "

" What?? How?? "

" What do you mean how?? So are you the one he was talking about?? Why would you be her brother-in-law according to your brother? "

" Because they ... She will explain that to you. How are you going to be her brother-in-law?? "

" In the usual way... By marrying her sister. "

" You are getting married to... Noopur?" I said and smiled as I understood everything.

I was smiling now.

" Of course, How else would I become her brother-in-law ?? What is the confusion?? "

" You can also become her brother-in-law if your brother marries her. "

" What?? Oh yes... Of course !! Oh !!! Ok !! So, according to your brother, only you could be her brother-in-law. That means... He wants to get married to her ?? They... They?? "

" Yes !!! "

" Oh my God !!! Thank god!!!