
IMPACT MANIPULATION (Boku No Hero Academia fanfic) [Dropped]

Hey guys I'm kind of new to this so expect some grammar mistakes, I'm just gonn post when I have nothing to do, but i hope you still enjoy this fanfic :) (no Harem btw) ____________________________________________ Shin an orphan that have a mysterious quirks that allow to manipulate the impact that he created. when he turned 4 that year. It was a stormy night, Shin was inside a closet, hiding, as his parents get tortured and killed by a bunch of yakuza while unable to do anything. He was powerless. Even after 6 years their screams are still vivid in his mind. He swore to himself that he ever be weak again, never be powerless again...

Azezzz · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 Hero training

I was walking to school, but then I noticed a bank robery was going on. I moved in closer to get a better, then I saw 3 heros standing still while looking at the robber who was holding a women hostage

'tch useless bastards'

at this point I decided to step in. I stomp my 2 legs manipulate one of the impact to go to his gun while the other to go to his face while making it 100 times stronger

When the impact hit him, he dropped his gun and got knocked out instantly. The hero quickly run up to the rober and arrested him immediately.

One of the hero came up to me and said, "hey, kid, thanks for helping us". I glared at him and said, "you should've killed that motherfucker instead of just standing around", "but that's against the her-" I cut him off and said, "Oh and what do you think standing around is gonna do is that the part of your" Hero Law" too? What happens if the villain got impatient? You're endangering her life and plus there's no place for society trashes like them. If you don't have the guts to kill a villian to save someone's life then maybe not ready you become hero". He stood there silently while I just walked away.

'tch I' ll become a hero and show these useless motherfuckers what it is to become a true hero'


I went to school in a bad mood today. Sho came up to me to ask if I was okay and I just said that I was not feeling well today.

The class went on normally until it was All Might's class. I was sitting there thinking about the incidence 11 years ago and how those useless bastard couldn't save my parent, but then I heard a shout.

"I AM...."


Then the door opens and there stood a tall blonde man with a big smile, it All Might the number 1 hero, everyone else is so excited, shouting All Might name and punching the air.

All Might told us that we'll be having a hero's training today which got everyone even more excited.

All Might told us to change to our hero costume and meet at training ground beta.


I changed into my costume which is just a black pants and shirt with gloves and boots. Then I went to the training ground with everyone.

There were some costume that looked pretty cool like the porcupines', but what caught my attention was the purple ball dude was looking at Yamomo in her revealing costume, and naturally I gave him the normal punishment which sent him flying.

Anyways back to the hero's training All Might explained to us the rules and we have to decide pair by drawing lots. I was paired up with Sho as the hero while going against the Porcupine (Bakugou) and Sonic (Lida) which was the villian.

I was getting ready for the training when I remembered the incident this morning which pissed me off, my expression got dark which was noticed by Sho.

"You okay?" he asked

"No I'm a little pissed today" I said

"What happened?"


We went to the building where the training was going to take place. We wait for the villain to go to their area and wait for All Might to start the training.



Right from the start Sho was going to freeze the building, but I stopped him.

"Sho... U mind if I handle this?" I said emotionlessly

"alright..." he answered

I walked into the building with every step stacking up the impact.

When I arrived at the place where the villain was I stepped as hard as I could on the last step catching the attention of Bakugou and Lida.

"Finally decided to show up huh ya bastard, LET'S FIGHT" Bakugou said while charging at me


I then the Impact of my last step to create an earthquake which caused Bakugou to lose balance and then I send the Impacts that I built up increased the power, splitting them and aim it towards Bakugou and Lida


It was then, at the same time Bakugou and Lida both fell on their knees and spat blood, they were desperately gasping for air for a few second and then lost consciousness.

I walked to the weapon and touch it

"hero team... win" All Might said softly


(Monitoring Room)

"hero team... win"

"what the fuck was that?" Kirishima said nervously

" that was... fucking... brutal" Kaminari said in fear

"shit this not good" All might cursed and rushed out of the monitoring room


(Training Building)

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT WHY FUCK DID I DO THAT??? I ALMOST KILLED THEM!!" I was having mental breakdown when suddenly I felt hand touching my shoulder

"hey, let's go to the coffee shop today with Yaomomo, talk to us we want to to help you" Sho said


A few second later All Might appeared in a panic. He immediately picked up Bakugou and Lida head to the nurse, before he left he told me to come to his office after the training

The training continued, some of my classmate looked at me in fear while Yaomomo and Sho was worried for me, I was silent the whole time while reflecting on my action.

After the training ended I went to the All Might's office.

"Ah, Shin Shounen, take a seat" he said

I sat down and we immediately got to the point

"Shin Shounen, why did you do that? As far as I know you wouldn't be someone who would act like, you could've killed them" he said seriously

"I'm sorry I lost control because of my emotion" I answered

"What happened? As your teacher I need to know"

Then I told him about my situation. He let me off but told me to go to Bakugou and Lida to apologize

I went to apologize to them and Lida said that he understand that I lost control and forgave me but Bakugou shouted something along the lines of "I GONNA BEAT YOU NEXT TIME YA BASTARD UNDERSTAND! "

After that I went back to class and the day ended.

I was walking with Sho and Yaomomo to the coffee shop and Kirishima noticed and tagged along

(Thank You Very Much For Reading This Chapter)