
Immortals: The Curse of Samsara

"You have all the power in the world. The money, the strength, the charm. But what does it matter, when you are fated to a life of eternal misery? To repeatedly live a loveless life? Wherein everyone - and everything - you love dies and fades away with time?" For as long as Jason can remember, he has been a killer. Raised as a child soldier, he was trained in the arts of murder as a mercenary, an assassin, and a bodyguard. In short, his life was anything but dull. Yet his greatest wish was to live a normal life, date a normal girl, have a moment to breathe and relax. His wish was to be a normal boy, no, a real boy and not some weapon. But his thirst for strength led him to the path of both the scientifically psychic world and the mystically supernatural world. One day, he is entrusted to protect a young girl whose entire family was murdered. Two years after taking her as his sister, Jason tries to lead a life that's as normal as possible in the most technologically advanced city in the world, Sanctuary. However his newfound freedom is threatened when his past comes to haunt him, and his hunger to join the extraordinary life once more begins to consume him. As enemies from both the worlds of supernatural and science come crashing down upon him, Jason must make a choice, and choose which life he'd rather have. An uneventful, normal life. Or the life of the impossible, where dog eats dog, and only the strongest survive. "There are no good people or bad people. No heroes, no villains. Just people. People doing what they believe is right. From their perspective. Their experience. Their upbringing. Their nature. Their nurture. But there are monsters out there ... monsters who just want to watch the world burn. Wanna guess which one I am?" Cover art commissioned by me and made by ArtofLariz from DeviantArt. Warning: This is an 18+ novel with detailed violence and mature scenes. Spoiler-not-a-spoiler: The story will eventually leave the urban fantasy setting and head into high fantasy. Because of this, supporting characters may be written out as the story progresses forward, so please don't get too attached. (Possible side-effects to attachment may include crying in public and blaming ninjas, swearing out loud in a bus, smashing your pc's keyboard, or chucking your phone at the wall and almost hitting your mom. Readers discretion is advised)

Drakonous · Urban
Not enough ratings
228 Chs

Chapter 1.4

An hour later Jason stood amongst a dozen corpses, which were crowding the ground around him. Many were brutally murdered, several had their chests caved in. Others had broken limbs and crushed necks while the rest were riddled with bullet holes or stab wounds.

"Who - what … the … fuck… are … you?" the only survivor, the insipid leader of the mercenaries, was leaning on a wall panting, gurgling, to speak as a knife, stabbed through one of his lungs, slowly drowned him in his own blood.

Jason didn't bother replying and instead raised a gun he conveniently took from a now dead corpse and aimed at the mercenary. However, he did not pull the trigger and instead examined the dying man carefully.

". . . I know you," Jason murmured quietly to himself while gazing at the mercenary. He recognized the mercenary as Cage, a teacher for Second Academy, the school Alina was in, and expeditiously can't to a conclusion: Cage was the inside man who would said the mercenaries in abducting the young and impressionable ESPers.

Seriously, what was she thinking? Jason speculated as her thought of a certain glass-cladded woman.

The sound of a firecracker rang through the quiet construction site as the leading mercenary slowly slid down onto the ground, leaving a trail of blood that painted the wall behind him.

Blood covered Jason, his face and clothes were speckled with it. Yet, the blood was laying a millimeter away from his body, it was like there was a force field that was blocking it from landing directly on him. The blood eventually began to evaporate as the energy shield around Jason began heating up.

With a sigh, Jason looked up at the roof, the gun hanging lifelessly in his hand.

She'll know, he thought. No matter how well I clean myself up she always seems to know when I …

Jason wasn't aware but his face would always be colder and his eyes, despite being bright, had an apathetic look, like a doll's eyes, whenever he returned from a slaughter spree. This look would tell Alina everything she needed to know, and it would frighten her. But more than that, a pang of pain would stab her chest as she watched him become less human every time he killed. Realizing she couldn't do anything, Alina made Jason promise not to kill unless absolutely necessary, a difficult promise for him to keep.

Exhaling a sigh out once more, Jason exited the abandoned construction site and drove away in his motorcycle. As he took a different path than the one he came from, Ava interrupted him.

"Jason. The rumor I wanted to mention earlier, it's been confirmed. The Reaper was sighted, here, in Sanctuary, however, his current location is unknown..."

[1] Similar to the Lazareth LM 847.

[2] Like the Karlmann King, only with bigger tires.

[3] Atlantis: A nickname for Sanctuary, the city in which the story is currently taking place.