
Immortals Of Sandroville

"When I was a little lad, I asked my father, " O papa, what makes a man powerful?". The old man stared at me with his wrinkled up face, sipping his wine and spoke, "Man may say he has power, might or wealth. These are what us, human think we acquire that make some few men think they are free and untouchable but don't be fooled, my son because power owns us. We all are slaves to power, even to those high men you call powerful but they are not because they are also slaves to power, a bleeding being subjected to life, greed and pain and till the end of time, we will never change... These words meant nothing to me until the day I turned into what I ignored the most - A slave to power. From Human turned a vampire into an endangered Akmoonatural, Edward Carnon seeks for the One whom might discover the truth of his existence. Uncertain of his options and unresting questions, He embarks on a mission with four instruments of Darmich : Chimeandel The Great, Jark Andre, Aragon and Naltina to bring together all living souls of Darmich to prepare them for the coming storm but as the north cloud thickens, little did they know that a mystical hired killer on the hunt for their souls. Will the universe be redeemed or be devastated into the darkness?

Manny_BlaQ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 12 : Hideout In Zarmin

I am still alive. More than a hundred days and i can still breathe.my race has finally come to a halt.i came to a stop at the great city of Zarmin province in Sterling.Thus,I still have an urge and determination to hike on to Cladus city but my mission was haunted by my weak legs. I, Edward Carnon was now weak.

Six months passed by and I already became famillar with this new locality and livelihood.

Though, Zarmin isn't regarded as a city but it is well known for its tall walls to protect themselves against intruders.

Its other famous attribute is the blessed soil for their green fruits and veggies and also an enriched advanced spaces for pastures for growing animals. I even stopped feeding on humans actually for they invented large room in which the farmers stored large barrels of blood, both human and animals. I heard they were meant for medical and agricultural use. According to a friend called it "blood reserve".

I guess it was for their lifestyle but who cares?.

All those junks are to be deposited in my tummy anyways. Merrily instructed the mangers of the store house to deliver me a delicious barrel of human blood right at my door step every week!. Of course, I lied to him that I was a specialist. I wasnt going to tell him about my dubious lifestyle. I just have to live with the moment.

Indeed, life's sweet!

Due to the land, most men are farmers so in other not to be left out, I took my horse to the field with my fellow cowboys. To my greatest luck, I even became so drowned with their aspect within a short while. At first, it wasn't easy. When I came to this so called place, I was not fully welcomed by the people.

I was even named an outcast by their Head, Counter Paulini. I had to prove myself to the people to become an actual person. Can you believe this bitches?

Even with my overwhelming happiness and peace, pity found me here. It was still a dark prison meant for me. I am still who I am and unpleasant people are still on the trail for my head. Peace can never tamper with protection but in my care, will be used for my destruction. Last few months was hell for me. I lost my love, dignity, self control and finally, I will soon lose my head to the raging Sandroville townsmen in search for my blood.

What kind of shit hole am I really in?

I don't know how to survive anymore. All I know is that my days on this earth are numbered. What I realized was that my enemies seems to draw closer and closer towards me. Day by day, I feel their strength grow stronger and stronger. Those weird vision never stopped.

I hope my consciousness would help me fight my anguishing dreams but it was all fucked up, down to hell. I don't have a single idea about what's happening to me. No clues, less ideas and no hope discovering out my problems.

Every one of these psyche healers here are total scams, defining my problems as a mental illness. Something huge is eating up my mind, ashamed about my future but this turn of events was a total shocker to me...

The heavens applied no mercy as the sun shone as high and scorching from above, trying to find a soul to kill. I and my buddies were out on the grain maze field. I was given a portion of sites to be managed so as the rest of the crew. Truely, hot blazing sun rays shone down to my feet. With just a glimpse, you can easily see that I was totally exhausted.

No blood available at my disposal, expect for the men on the field but take it from me when I tell you, when you can control yourself to the limit you can forget anything, control will be at your finger tips.

After what happened at Sandroville, I have been trying to have control over my urge and my killer side.moreover, I don't want to be a ripper no more... never!

I leaned closer towards the bushes, cutting down the guinea grass on my left site. I leaned closer to get a cup of water.

I heard a funny sound. Something was under my boots. I stepped on an unknown substance which laid carelessly on the earth. I moved my boots from the spot and to my dismay, It was a medium sized whitish-brown item. I picked it up, looking at the strange item. The answers to the puzzle was quite simple. I was shocked.

It was a exact Human bone!

It looked like it was dumped here recently. My wit kept pressing on. I made a move slowly through the bushes, following the order of my instinct. I pressed on until I got to a grove of mango trees. It was quite a place of divine.

A lovely, peaceful and colourful place as different species of birds flew and rested high on the tree tops. It would had looked like a mini-paradise, if not that a swarm of hungry crows circled reculantly under one of the trees, lavishly devouring a dead man's corpse. Bush flies counter-attacked the deceased man's flesh.

I looked at the body, investigating more closer on what might have happened to this poor soul.

I saw his neck was kinda broken. My curious eyes kept on preying. I tore up his clothes and to my face was an unexplainable phenomenon which even I couldn't decipher about this sort.

Marks! large huge horrifying Marks.

What could have done this? I would have taken it as a normal incidence if it was I if maybe a herd of vampires in this environment but how? I am the only vampire existing on planet earth... as far as I know, demons roams on planet earth. This should be totally be the work of a salvage animal but even at that, the marks were so magnanimous for an animal to shred to pieces. Something doesn't add up.

Three hours later, I was back to the city. The surprising answer to this was that this human was indeed been missing for some days now. It was then confirmed after my heroic reports to counter Paulini.

The search was categorised futile in the case that the body has already been found. My discovery was already made know to the people. The body was delivered to the appropriate families.

It was really a cold night for the people of Zarmin. Inside voices of the unexplainable death of their kicked the bucket or should I say it was opposite to the mind of the deceased family... a real shocker. I went to the home of the deceased to offer my condolences but shockingly, they were having a party!

A real party!? …And their family member was to be buried under six feet in less than a week? I asked myself this same question once more, filled up by my curiosity. Did they wanted him dead? Why were they partying? What is really wrong with this city anyways?

Few days later, my name has been spread out throughout the city and beyond about my heroic act. Day after day, I have been receiving unidentifiable visitors bearing gifts and grains right at my doorstep. Conversations about my vigorous act entertained the minds of the drunkards.

With the widespread of my brave dead, I was quickly given the qualification rights of a citizen. At last, 6No more farmwork! Though, these continuous visits kept repeating itself even though there was a wide spread curfew in the city plus all the wide range of parties going all around the city.

Till this day, parties keeps ranting at the deceased family's house. Eventually, I discovered that this city was made up by a bunch of misfits. Their idea of living was based on one major disadvantage:

There was nothing like culture.

That's by saying that the lifestyle was totally shitty, living your life anyhow you want, regardless to no law. No law, no king and no culture,customs or traditions. No constitution either. That's why the deceased family dumped their flesh and blood for a clueless party. Well, it's not against the law because there is no law.

A great place for a vampire.

A great place for a demon. I could live here for life but I can't. My cover was at risk. My darkness will find me soon.

The poor soul still inflicts me. The scars were quite convincing. The claw marks were so numerous that one could even vomit from the sight of it. This don't add up. I have only one lead but with a disturbing question... Am I the only demon?

"When a man dies, his secrets follows him to the guillotine but what about his conscience?"

Edward, the most powerful yet scared young man in the entire country finally found peace in another foreign land. Happy and all, one question still remains:

Would it last or The fate of the town of Sandroville repeat itself?

Stay enlightened... ?

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