

According to the transition of the new Sun, it has taken me and Alta two days to recover after creating two new moons. So, above us right now, two huge white spheres is floating next to each other. Each of us decide to create our own moons.

"It's getting more and more beautiful up there, Alto,"

"Yeah. But, I think it would be better if the weather right now isn't this horrendous."

After we wish for the atmosphere, the gentle breeze now turns into a strong whirlwind. I should've guess that a featureless planet without hills or mountains to decrease the wind's speed will cause this. Also, because of that the shallow black seas is now splashing everywhere in the air. But, strangely enough, no matter how strong the wind is, me and Alta are just fine. I guess somehow the things we wish can't harm us?

So, to overcome the problem we have with the wind dilemma, right now we are trying to wish for the black dirt to turn into hills. Also, we're doing this because after Alta says that she really didn't like standing on the black waters.

Underneath us, a black hill slowly rises from the dark waters as it pushes away the waters surrounding. The cone-shape black hill finally stops growing after me and Alta couldn't continue any longer. We just lie down on the hill taking a nap.


It seems like the hill we wish becomes a giant volcano. When we wake up, we're suddenly in a lava pool. At first, of course, it scare the living hell out of me. Then, realizing we're not hurt by it at all. What's even more surprising, is that it even feels like we're in a Jacuzzi. In fact, even Alta's dress and my clothe is not burnt. I guess the theory about our wishes can't harm us is true.

How can our wish for a simple hill becomes a volcano? Also, without us realizing, clouds begin to appear. They're covering the whole sky. Then, a drizzle begins.

"Wah! Alto, the water is coming from above us!" while covering her head with her hands she gets out of the lava pool. I guess we should wish for some shelter?


A few minutes later, we're sitting down in a small cave. Huddling next to each other.

"Alto, I don't like being down here. It's dark again," We should've wish for the rain to stop, but I know rain won't stop forever. The black sea is going to evaporate and clouds will appear. Once again, rain will drop. So, instead we wish for a cave, but apparently Alta doesn't like it.....Wait, why didn't I just wish for a house!? What the hell is wrong with me!?


"Alright, I'm going to wish for a house."

"A house? Wait, Alto is wishing alone? We agreed that we're wishing together."

"I don't think you can imagine the wish this time, Alta. It's a hard wish," It seems that we can only wish together if she and I has the same image of the wish. The two moons is created after I showed her how a Moon looks like and after that, she copied it. It's the same with the wish for the hill. But, this time, I think the house is really complicated.

"Don't worry, you can wish for it after me." She looks at me a bit worry but, she nods reluctantly.

Closing my eyes, I picture the shape of my house. I try to remember all the furniture and items in there as well. I imagine myself walking down the hallway of my house, looking down at all the furniture. At the end of the hallway, the door to the kitchen is close. For some reason, I feel some inexplicable pressure coming from behind that door. It's telling me to come over.

Arriving in front of the door, I gulp my own saliva. Slowly I twist the door knob. Suddenly, before I could pull the door open, someone else is pushing it open. Before, I could even react, a finger is place on my lips.

"Listen. This is going to brief and only said once. Don't create this house first; you'll waste your last powers and also, plant this in the ground where it's safe," the person hands me a small spherical object and quickly closes back the kitchen door. My mouth is agape not knowing how to react.

That person has my face! What!? Before I could react fully, the kitchen door opens again.

"One last thing. Be afraid of Alta when you two are-" Before he could finish, a hand pulls his shirt back into the kitchen and the door slams shut.

I just stand there for a few moments, with wide eyes. After that, I try to open the door again. I lift my hand forward and slowly twist door knob. Out of nowhere, a blinding light flashes everywhere and I'm back on the black hills with Alta right in front of me. What in the world happen there!? Also, what did myself give me?

Looking down at my left hand where the small spherical object is being hold, it's about the size of a ping-pong ball and looks like a translucent crystal ball with something like a green liquid inside it. What is this? He says to plant it somewhere. Is it like planting a seed in the ground?

"U-Umm, Alto. I-I don't mind you touching me, but touching there makes me feel a bit strange," huh? Looking up at Alta's face, she's blushing red. Then, I feel a really soft and elastic sensation on my outstretch right hand. Also, it's kinda heavy and big, it's even overflowing from my hand.

"Arggh! I-I'm sorry, Alta," I quickly pull back my hands from Alta's bosom.

"It's alright! A-Alta don't mind," she's looking down with a small hint of a nervous smile.

"A-Anyway, Alta. Umm, look at this," let's change the subject quick! I show her the crystall ball in my hand.

"Oooh. Is that the house?"

"Ah. No, this is a.......seed. I think. We should plant in the dirt and wait it to grow," I really don't know if this a seed, but myself did say I'm suppose to put in the ground. So, lets do that. Even though, that is really odd and kinda shady, but I think I can trust myself on this.


We dig up a small hole with our own hands and bury the seed on another new hill we had wish. Alta and me scoop up some of the black water with our hands and splash it over the buried seed. Immediately, Alta lose consciousness. I catch her in my arms and I too slowly fall into sleep.