
Lessons on Imagination

On the replica beach of Hawaii, one hundred and twenty children all sitting down on the sandy beach looking up to a young man in his early 20's. All the children consist of little kids, teenagers and some infants that are currently being held in the arms of their elder siblings.

Although, earlier Jaune state that not all the kids could fit within my dreams, apparently it is just not to strain my dream realm. After I tell them that it's fine and I could take it, she calls all the others that has been waiting outside.

"Alright, now that all is here, we can begin this tutoring class," I believe that one of the first things I need to teach as a parent is about morality. Thus, I thought them by trying to show some pointers on a black board that I just summon. Apparently, as you might imagine in my own dreams, I can do whatever I want within it. Summoning anything in here needs jut a mere thought just like my power of creation when I'm awake. But, with none of the headaches and fatigue.

Two minutes after I did my introduction of the lesson, suddenly the green hair Vert lifts up his hand. "All Father, when we were created, our forms are based on your memories and dreams. More than just that, our personality are as well. In my circumstances, more or less already understand what you are about to teach us. Also, I apologize for my scrutiny, but didn't you make us to have free will? And isn't teaching us about what is wrong or right are within your own context of understanding would contradicts our own existence? Aren't we suppose to decide that ourselves?" My mind after hearing what Vert says stuns me.

"Vert! That is disrespectful to the All Father!" Ciel turns toward Vert with berating finger pointed up. I know what Vert is trying to say. My own understanding of what morally wrong or right isn't really full-proof. Also, most importantly, forcing this on them makes me rob of their free will to decide those questions of morality themselves. But, still isn't it a job of a parent to teach those? This creates a profound choice of whether that I created them to be my children or my creation to present free will.

"No. Vert is right. It will contradict your own existence of having free will. The memories that I have is your own choice to see whether it's wrong or right," I hope this won't backfire but, I have high hopes for them. So, in the end lessons of morality is cancel. Still, I have to teach them something, right?

"All Father!" Kahu puts up her hand, "if you can't teach us about this 'morality'. Can you teach us about this?" Suddenly, Kahu's body shines brightly with white light and starts to change. She transforms into a Tyrannosaurus Rex! But, it's only the size of an emu.

"I've only seen this within your memories but, I know nothing about it at all other than how it looks," all the kids looks at him with wide eyes with the words 'wow' coming from them. It seems that teaching them base on what their interest is a better lesson. So, in the end I explain what there is to know about this dinosaur.

After I finally told them everything I know about it, almost all of them scramble up to transform into many type of beings all from my known imagination and ask me about their characteristics. All manners of creatures, object, plants, animals and beings that could only come from my imagination, lines up before me, awaiting for my explanation about them. For the few who only watch this from the side, they would only listen. This includes all those seven eldest siblings. I guess they're being modest for their younger siblings.

Snake, Terminator robot, Ultraman, armored knight ,Slender Man, Alien, winged angel, horned devil, Sadako, Teletubbies, Godzilla, elf, Kermit, lion, treant, centaur, Dwarf, mermaid, human skeleton, Orc,

Cthulu, cat, Ogre and many, many more beings are standing in front of me. Of course, some of the known big size beings are downsize. My knowledge on fictional characters can be seen influencing the most of their forms here.

"Of course, they're characteristics are freely your choice to change. Let your imaginations run wild," I look over to the ones who still haven't change their forms, "are all you guys don't want to change your forms?"

"I don't know which form to choose yet from all the beings you know, All Father. All of them look magnificent and amazing ," Vert replies while putting a finger to his chin.

"Well, I'm not forcing or rushing you. So, you don't really have to. I am already proud that you have been able to pick these current form of yours within my dream already."

"Well, then. I think I've pick a form now," Ciel stands up and come forward, "witness my form, All Father," with those words his body glows and change. What appear before me is....nothing. Hmm?

"I've chosen the form of a Spirit, All Father! Just like you it appear within your memories. Something that can't be seen or touch but, still exist," a voice appear right where Ciel has been. Wow, cool idea.

"A really good imagination you've displayed, Ciel," I could only smile proudly, "however, Ciel. Like I've said before. You can always change the characteristic anyway you want. Don't be bound by own imagination."

"Alright, All Father!" Slowly, an almost transparent blue form of human Ciel slowly appears. He truly looks like a spirit of a ghost there.

"Once again, magnificent form, Ciel," peering over the other six eldest siblings, it seems they have a face of jealousy while looking at Ciel's smug face.

"Impressive indeed, elder brother. However, can you beat this!" Vert props us his spectacle and immediately stands up and begins to glow. He form changes into....smoke? Silver color smoke?

"I am a cloud of dust created from metals, All Father," upon closer inspection of the smoke, the silver particles within it is actually swirling within itself like a small tornadoes.

"As you can see All Father. I am a cloud of small metallic beings that creates this dust," oh! It's nanobots.

"Amazing! The small metallic beings are called nanobots. Impressive indeed, Vert," hearing this, all the other of my five siblings probably couldn't take it anymore and stand up at the same time.