
Garden Island

"The timeth of mast'r's awakening is closeth. The new trees we plant'd can finally beest shown to mast'r," I hear a deep whispering voice echoing.

"The Mistress of col'r still sleeps within h'r dreams. 'Twill taketh h'r mistress far longeth'r to awaken and seeth the new trees," another whispering voice echoes. I slowly open my eyes to see a large white glowing flower above me.

"The Mast'r hast awaken!" I look to my side and see the featureless faces of the Gardeners. However, this time they look a bit bigger.

"Mast'r! thou's returneth endues most wondrous joy to us," for some reason the Gardeners can talk as well. What happen to them? Also, most importantly, where's Alta!?

"Where's is she? Where's Alta?"

"M'lady still rest just beside thee," I immediately sit up and look to my right and see Alta soundly asleep on a bed made out of white color leaves. Ah, it looks she's just fine.

"Where are we? How long was I asleep?" I look around me and it seem we're inside a room made out of giant roots?

"Mast'r, thou art within on of the chamb'rs of the first tree. T'hast grown so big aft'r thou hast been asleep f'r so longeth," Wait, I'm in the colorful broccoli-tree? Wow, it's really grown big. Speaking of big, the Gardeners must have grown more than four meters tall. Every step they take shakes the roots around.

"How did you guys grow big? Also, since when can you speak?" Did they know how to speak from the beginning?

"Mast'r, we has't not grown big but, t'is thou yond hadst shrunk with m'lady. Our size hast not changeth," we shrink? How? Is this an effect of expanding all our wishes?

"The matt'r about our ability of speech, stems from the gift from m'lady upon us," so, that's why she becomes tire at that time. But, why didn't she tell me about making that wish? I stand from my bed and goes over Alta to wake her up.

"Alta. Alta, wake up. You're about to see something amazing if you wake up," I put my hand on her shoulder and gently shake her. No response whatsoever. She just lying there soundly asleep as if she's in a coma.

"Was I like this as well?"

"Aye, Mast'r. Thee w're deep in slumb'r even aft'r we tryeth to waketh thee," So, when we past out, we really are in a state of coma. I guess it's best to just let her sleep. I guess for now let's go outside and check how big this tree has grown.

"Doest mast'r wanteth to seeth the outside? I shall esc'rt thee," one of the Gardeners kneels down in front of me and place his hand on the ground with its palm facing upward. I get on the hand and it proceed to put me on its shoulder.

"Six of you guys should stay here and guard Alta, while the others follow me," I say so while pointing at sic of them.

"As thee commandeth, Mast'r," the six being left behind bow their heads, while me and the other six starts to head out along a path that's within the tree.


It takes around five minutes of walking along the long path and getting out of the tree trunk. It seems the 'room' that I was in is under the huge tree. We emerge outside to see numerous gigantic roots spreading everywhere in every direction. Seriously, most of the roots are as wide as a normal house.

I realize that outside here it's all kinda dark but, the reason I could see the roots is because the roots themselves are glowing. Is it night time? Looking up, the sky can't be seen at all. All the branches and leaves blocks the whole sunlight and making everything under them almost night time.

Also, for some reason, I could see some lights above us that resembles star lights. However, upon focusing my vision on them, the lights are actually coming from numerous flowers that glow. It looks almost the same as the flower within the 'room' under the tree.

"Wow, all of this so magnificent. Hey, Alta-" oh yeah, she's asleep......Sigh. I already miss her not talking to me.

"You guys really did a good job. Who knew it could grow this big,"

"Thanketh thee, Mast'r .Doest thee wanteth to seeth the whole garden as well?"

"Yes, please," with my reply, they turn around towards the the trunk of the huge tree and starts to climb up. When they get to one of the branches all the way up, they get on it and start to jump on higher branches. This takes around five minutes, until we arrive at one of the tall branches.

Looking down, I could see the whole glowing sea of roots with some small trees with glowing varied color leaves jutting out between them. It seems unlike the first tree, which is huge and have leaves of varying color, the other really smaller trees only have one color of leaves, but almost all of them have different color from the other. Also, it seems that none of them grew any taller then the lowest branches of the first tree. So, it creates a scenery that looks like a funfair at night. Wow, everything is just so breathtaking.

Just how big did this tree grow? Looking back up and to to the edges of the island, I observe that the branches of the huge tree grow so wide, that it almost covers the whole island. Also, it seems even the roots are growing over the edge of the island.

Seriously, I want to show this to Alta.