
Change of Plans

I blinked as I saw the exam results on the board. My proud name, Leo Norman, atop many others. I held my chest, I passed, thank god.

High school was hard enough and dropping my GPA would make things worse and worse. I did not smile, at least I finished top of the class.

I felt a few gazes look my way.

"He scored third in nationals too..."

"Isn't he the genius that never studies and still passes."

"What a nerd, I bet he is a virgin."

I sighed and ignored the few rumors spreading about. I adjusted my tie around my collar and stalked away. More and more people glanced at me as I walked. Their gazes quickly taken aback as they saw my face.

It was my curse and my greatest blessing.

I had the meanest eyes and for some reason people believed I did not show emotion. I did show emotion, just most of it was inside me, not daring to seep out. I only did it to keep my status clear among those who challenged me.

I was the shining beacon for those inspiring to be smart, only I crushed them so effortlessly.

It may be because I also have a photographic memory, something I did no disclose to anyone. My memory worked very differently than most in this regard.

I could force myself to permanently forget things and I could force myself to always remember.

So technically a photographic memory.

I smiled internally as I stepped past a girl who cried slowly. Educational selection at its finest.

Yeah it was rude to say but the fact stood that she was meddling with boys more than her studies. Her own fault.

I made sure to remember her face.

I exited the school grounds and headed toward a familiar Inn, just barley visible from the mountain side. It was Garden City's many inns that had a name for itself, this one being known for more ambiguous reasons. I sighed heavily as I took a sharp turn heading for it.

It was my family Inn, The Headless Dragon. Yeah, who would of thought a regular run down place had such a precarious name. It was my Father's doing after all, that man being heavily swayed by history.

Apparently that has been the inn's name for over one hundred years and after the old owner told my great grandpa, I think they were sold on the idea. It actually at one point was a haunted attraction and most teens would stay a night there close to Halloween, just for the thrill of it.

Every year I had to lug those disappointed teenager's luggage to their cars. Shameful that someone as intellectual as me could be reduced to a bell hop.

I grimaced just thinking about the chance of doing that for the summer, the days now limited until I finally I would possibly be able to go study in America for some time.

I closed my eyes as I walked, reminiscing about how I could have improved my scores.

I opened my eyes in annoyance, then I saw it.

A girl about my age tapping along as she waited for cars to come by. The cross walk waited patiently as she jammed to music on her air pods. I scratched my chin wondering if I should purchase my own, I could not remember the last time I truly listened to music, it was too distracting.

Waving the idea away, I looked closer at the girl. She had flowing purple hair and the most amazing blue eyes. I usually did not pay much mind but for the one time, I admired her.

I edged closer now, only ten feet away. She had on a tan uniform with red accents, meaning she attended the high school even closer to The Headless Dragon. I tilted my head, maybe I could meet her again somewhere.

The wind gathered up and seemed to push me forward, almost like it was telling me something. I ignored it and moved my brown locks away from my face, my eyes finding the girl in motion.

My heart and mind kicked into overdrive in a split second. My retinas scanning and calculating the situation instantly.

The girl was sauntering on the cross walk, not a care in the world. Only, there was a car speeding over the hill with no intent to stop.

My legs moved on their own, step after step I made my way toward her.


I called to her. Her hair moved away from her ear for a split second. She could not hear me. I sprinted harder than I ever did in my life, making sure to take the best possible angle to make it.

I glanced at the driver of the yellow BMW. the man looking at his smartphone and still not noticing the girl.

Drat, this was going to be a close one, just like all the other ones. All the other times I throw an arm and a leg out to save someone.

It was mere seconds before she got hit and just to my luck, I reached out and grabbed her shoulder. The girl swirled around in a fright, unsure of what was going on. For a moment, she was looking at me but in the next, she was wide eyed as she saw the car.

I wrapped my body around her and aimed my back at the vehicle.

Here it comes...

The car hit me without a moment to spare, the impact sending us spiraling into the air, the girl neatly protected by my body. I felt my lungs burst and my spine start to crack and bulge. Pain ran down my entire being and my arm stretched with tension. I bit my lip, blood squirting as we descended toward the asphalt. As we hit, the breath was knocked out from my shattered lungs and my grip fell away from the girl.

I lay still on the street, a few images flashing before my eyes. I saw my Father sweeping with a smile, my Mother leaving to go study wild animals which were endangered. The memory of my first exam, the feeling I had when I topped the list and was given academic student of the year. It seemed all of the joy flung across my consciousness as everything started to fade.

My body went numb and I could feel the blockage of blood in my esophagus. Damn, I was going to die for sure. I glanced over at the purple haired girl, her eyes filled with tears as she crashed to my side.

For the most part, she looked fine. Damn I am such an idiot. My brain was something to be praised and I so effortlessly threw my body into the fray, only for it to fall apart. I winced as a tear landed on my cheek, I craned my neck up at her. She was sobbing beyond belief, such a pretty face downgraded to this.

There was silence as the yellow BMW sped away in haste. I made sure to remember the license plate and his face.

I felt another intangible jolt of pain as blood trickled out of my mouth.

The girl looked down at me, "What's your name mister, I can't forget you?!"

I lost my smile and looked at her.

I tried my best to mouth my name to her, the girl leaning in to hear me better.


She smiled, "Thank you Leo, I will always be in your debt!"

Then she grabbed her smartphone and started to dial emergency services, her other hand cradling her side.

Shit, she was hurt.

My eyes closed, the last spurt of life leaving my body.













Then I opened them and stole the phone from her hand.

"Yes Hello, what is your emergency?"

"Yes, my name is Leo Norman and I witnessed a slight hit and run."

"What is your location?!"

"Avalin Street right next to Hamphin High School, use the street camera to get the license plate."

"Okay I am sending an ambulance your way, how hurt is the person?"

"Its a girl and she was hit on her side and may have internal bleeding so please hurry."

"Okay, would you please stay on the line."

"Sorry that won't be necessary."

I hung up and tossed her the phone.

She looked at me with the most bulging bewildered eyes.

I smirked at her, "Sorry for saving you, its a habit."

I bowed.

Oh, did I forget to mention I was immortal.

Yeah, can't die one bit no matter how hard I try, surr the pain is a real asshole to deal with but hey, I was literally Immortal.

She pointed at me, "How-Wa-Bu-"

She tried her best to formulate words but all that came out were hiccups of sentences. Did I startle her that badly. I shrugged and stood upright, "I have to go so wait here patiently for help, also sorry about the stains on your uniform."


I waved goodbye and headed toward a convenience store just a few blocks away. It was Marty's, a place where I usually made trips too.


She held her hand up, my blood drying on it.

I put up a peace sign and kept walking.

I sighed as I studied the damage, the wounds I had were already healing and the inner damage actually already gone. Man that one hurt, you just never really get use to the pain.

I casually entered the store.

"Come on Leo, you are getting my floor messy."

I looked at the few blood drops that sputtered to the ground. I smiled and scratched the back of my neck, "Sorry Phil, just some girl w-"

He cut me off, "Yeah Yeah, just hurry up and go change."

Phil was an African man with dreadlocks, him and I being the only people who ever worked at this store. he had a slight accent and a gold loop ear ring just on his right ear. He was also the only other person who knew I was immortal, me actually saving this store from getting robbed once.

After I told him about my problem, we became really good friends.

I was in the changing room at the back of the break room, Phil coming back to take a sip of coffee.

"So how were the results of your last junior high school finals?"

I bit my lip, "Barley made it."

Phil laughed, "By barley made it, do you mean you scored above everyone?"

I scoffed, "What else did you think I meant?"

He chuckled and tossed me a mop, "Well clean your blood up, I don't want my customers thinking some girl was in a rush."

I nodded and took the mop, hating that once again my amazingness was dumbed down to cleaning. I sighed, at least everything seemed okay.

She wouldn't remember me, no one does, they freak out when they can't come up with an explanation and pin it on a nightmare or that I was never there. No one could fathom the possibility that they were saved by some kid who just got up and said peace, quite literally in this case.

However, the girl was slightly familiar, I knew here but for once, I couldn't remember. I shook away the useless thoughts and put the mop in the corner, my handy work quick.

"Well Im heading home Phil, I'll work tomorrow if that is fine with you?"

He nodded and turned up his native music, "You are a hero Leo, just I hope you know what you are doing."

I walked away, stuffing my hands in my pockets, "I'm no hero, I'm selfish."

I whispered under my breath. There was no way someone as gifted and lucky as me could be a hero. So many people were less fortunate, yet, they have more determination to do anything.

My photographic memory of sorts would never fail me, I knew that, so the test were a breeze and the thrill of saving someone was gone.

I ate up the miles, my head down as I thought, I finally bumped into the door. I laughed internally, not the first time I did that. I could walk without looking, since I knew the way.

I fished the keys out of my pocket and looked around. The same old Japanese type inn, the same garden out front, the same stone pebble walkway, the same dark cloud moving into the top window.


I glanced up again, the cloud gone. Hm? I screen shotted the view from before, forcing my mind to remember. Sure enough, there was a dark storm cloud just outside the third floor window. I gazed up again, a surreal look in my eyes as the window was shut.

I needed some sleep.

Dying made me tired, or getting as close as possible did have an effect. I stored the picture in the back of my head, "temporarily important" was the folder I placed it in.

I reached to unlock the door, when my key hit the lock, the wooden door slowly opened. It was unlocked.

I swallowed hard, moving swiftly and swinging the door open. I haven't been in this inn for a while, I never have gone upstairs either. If there was an intruder, they had to be up there. I took all my pride and pushed through, slightly closing the door.

A white folded paper was on the floor. I glanced around the waiting area and took it. I unfolded the paper and read its contents, it was from my father.

"Hey Leo, I know this is sudden but because of an emergency, I have to leave and I don't know exactly what is going on so I can't say specifically. I have one big favor, I need you to live at the inn for the summer, I know you usually stay at your mother's old apartment but this time is different. I will be gone all summer, and I need you to keep the residents in check, Please."

I read it again, and again, and maybe one more time just to make sure It was my father's speech pattern.


I sighed, there goes my summer, ruined because I was stuck babysitting the "grown ups" that most likely live here. Well let's see what that cloud was, there was a possibility of a robber, I needed to clear that problem first.

Then I could think about doing what my father asked. I was only seventeen, how was I going to take charge of people.

It just made little sense.

I stalked toward the stairs, looking to my left at were the inn phone was kept on the wall.


I grabbed the bat hidden behind the coat rack, my eyes darting across the assortment of chairs and couches. The kitchen was in the back but I may not have time to check it. I grinned as I gripped the metal bat.


I took my phone out and pressed it against my ear, bat still at the ready.

"Care to explain dad?"

The soft deep laughter I knew so well came from the other end, "Well first off, I love you son, Second off, I'm sorry about leaving on such short notice."

I laughed ironically, "Well I wanted to go study abroad before my senior year starts, but I guess you can just cancel that."

There was silence as I placed my first foot on the steps leading to the second floor.

"So what exactly made you disappear, you realize you run a business right?"

My dad spoke rapidly, "Well this outweighs the inn, family problems I can't exactly tell you okay. Just trust me son, I need you to do that favor for me."

I got on the second floor, only one room meant for my father on the right, and the bathrooms and bathe room on the left. I inched closer to the door on my right.

I threw it open.

"Also I moved all your stuff to the innkeepers room, I never used it anyways since I slept on the first floor so happy Birthday."

I almost dropped everything as I saw my two bookshelves filled with famous literature and my bed neatly in the corner. My desk and PC were all here too.

I took a photo memory and moved on the the bathrooms, "Hey by chance dad, did you leave the door unlocked?"



I gulped down my dwelling fear and decided to check the third floor then come down to the bathrooms. I had to make sure this place was safe, even if I disliked it.

"Okay just wondering, so is there anything I need to know?"

I could physically hear him scratch his beard.

"Well for starters, clean everything," Well my summer was ruined, "Also make sure to keep to the garden, feed Luna the dog in the back. Hmmm, also word of advice, don't go upstairs."

I stopped halfway up the stairs that led to the third floor.

"Wait what?"

My dad seemed to get serious, "Just don't go to the third floor, I know it sounds crazy but don't."

I took a step on the third floor, six rooms evenly spaced out, three on each side. Hm.

"And why should I not go," I stepped on a wood board Which suddenly creaked, the noise echoing off the walls. Oh, that is dandy.

"Well because you might die."

I rolled my eyes, "Yea-"

I stopped...

I glanced down, a red glowing spear protruding from my chest, right were my heart was. Blood slowly dripped out of my mouth, my pain receptors taking no time to react.


I held the phone up to my ear, dropping the bat to the floor, "I'll have to call you back dad, something came up."

"Well okay lo-"

I hung up, staring back at the red crystalized spear, the point of the spear having my heart placed on it.

That was neat.

I started to lose consciousness, falling forward to the ground.





