

Natalie Havens is an American teenage high school student who meets an interesting young man around her age who has secrets. Looking passed her strange dislike for him, her emotion of curiosity overtake her leading her into research of the mysterious Johnathan Catcher. But, as if fate isn't on their side, an old enemy of this charming young man finds him and causes problems targeting Natalie. A trail of betrayal and hurt follow as tragedy falls over the Catcher Manor.

RenFestLovrr · Fantasy
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Chapter 4

Natalie's POV

Everyone was very quiet. I blinked a few times as I watched Johnathan run off. I have never had anyone stand up for me like that in my life. He surely had Mark shaken up a bit. And I'm sure everyone else shaken up.

"Hey, are you okay?" Carol asked, putting her hand on my shoulder as she wrapped a towel around me.

I nodded. "Just take me home."

She looked at me worriedly and nodded. She didn't have to be told twice. She ushered me inside the house and up to her room.

"You're so lucky Johnathan jumped in and saved you! I was frozen in place, I was so scared," Carol was saying as she dug through her closet for dry clothes. "That Mark is a jerk. He could've killed you and he didn't seem to care."

I just sat there in silence while she continued to ramble on. I didn't have any words. Everything happened so fast. I caught Carol staring at me with dry clothes in her hands.

"I know you've been avoiding Johnathan all day. But I think you owe him your thanks, yeah?"

I rolled my eyes because I knew she was right, and I took the clothes and went to her bathroom to change. This was ridiculous. I don't even like the dude. But he seemed to like me for some reason. I stared at myself in the mirror for a few seconds then met Carol outside in her car after saying bye to Lukas and Malcolm. This day was so over for me.

"Just get a lot of rest, okay? You've had a long day," Carol instructed.

I smiled and nodded. "You got it."

I didn't even want to come in the first place. I wasn't blaming anyone but myself for the events that occurred today. If I would've kept my mouth shut, I might not have been thrown in the pool.

It wasn't long till we pulled in my driveway. I hugged her and stepped out of the car and waved goodbye as she pulled away. I looked down both ways of the empty street and just felt this strange eerie feeling come over me. Like I was being watched or something.

Turning, I got the life scared out of me. "Johnathan..."

"Hi... Didn't mean to scare you," he gave his smirk that quickly disappeared. "I was just making sure you were okay."

I made my way to my front door, him following close behind. "I'm fine... And thanks for, um, jumping in and saving me."

I glanced at his smiling face. "No trouble at all. Anything you need, just tell me and I'm there."

I zoned out for a bit. First, he goes all ape on Mark and now he's here at my front door.

"I don't know what your game is, Johnathan. But don't think for one second I'm buying it." I pointed a finger at him.

He smirked again. "Whatever do you mean?"

With that he winked, said goodnight, and walked off. Something was just off about that guy. He knew exactly what I meant. No one who's normal goes crazy at a pool party, threatens someone, and randomly runs off as if they have a secret.

I shook my head in annoyance as I watched him disappear around the corner. He was indeed an odd fellow, that was the truth.


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