
Immortality Sucked, So I Started Seeking Death

Frank was an immortal who got bored after reaching the summit of the Sacred Immortal Venerable Realm, the final step on the cultivation path. Due to that , a series of conflicts occurred in the Sacred World, leading Frank's soul to reincarnate in the same world, but with the merging of another soul from another universe. After discovering the existence of other universes, he realized that being at the peak of power isn't as great as he first thought. Thus, he begins exploring through them, while looking for what 'Death' may be...

immortalyxssine · Fantasy
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10 Chs

CH 2 - Fusion

First and foremost, Frank put Roland to sleep. He then looked at the system and detached it from everything else on the combination of two souls they were in.

It only took a second to disconnect it from the outside world. As a result, the parasite was unable to even react in time.

"Stop with the system nonsense, parasite," Frank grinned in his soul form as he created little threads that confined the area around the system, making it hard for it to travel any further, as he said, "Let us get started, shall we? I overheard your entire conversation. But there are a few questions I'd want to hear from your mouth. If you had one, that is."

"...W-w-what's g-oing o-n-n?!H-h-ow's the c-c-ontact w-w-ith my L-l-ord sev-v-ered? " The parasite sputtered, unable to say a single accurate word.

What about Frank's reaction? Using the Source energy, he manifested a palm and slapped it twice. He took another look at it and added, "Remember, I'm the one asking the questions. Not you, buddy."

The parasite, which was in the form of a luminous sphere, trembled slightly as it quickly went up and down in a nodding manner. It then began talking, "I'm N-P-054, and I was produced by the Allmachtig Kaiser Lord. My mission is to encourage dispirited human cultivators. As a matter of equal exchange, Host, or Roland in this case, would assist the Lord once he had sufficient strength."

Frank slapped the ball once more, this time a grin showed itself on his face.

"Do you think I'm an idiot, little parasite? Your full name is Death Living Pill Creation System. You're turning him into a fat sheep for your Lord to kill, and yet you're spouting this bullshit? Okay, I'll give you one more chance. In any case, your existence is worthless." This time, Frank said it seriously.

He couldn't kill it, but he could seal it, for he couldn't confront its maker this soon. He could simply read its memories and seal it until he was powerful enough to attack its originator.

However, its capabilities may be beneficial to him, since there may be materials taken as a shortcut, minimizing the time required to return to his peak.

That's why he spent so much time with it.

The parasite hesitated for a time as it considered the consequences of its upcoming actions.

It now had two options: betray its creator and possibly gain the chance to experience what life has been like. It would be far better to somehow become any other race than to be a bond to some creature, and at the end of its mission would either die if it failed or just accompany another race as another task to it.

It had no private gain as it was a parasite with no growth abilities. Even if it sought to become more strong in any way, its Lord could simply kill it.

Its alternative option would be to die at the hands of this human and refuse to betray its Lord, which would provide considerably less benefits than following him.

It would at least live longer rather than die instantly at his hands. And, if it delivered enough commands, it may be able to cut itself off from its Lord later on. Although it would be significantly more difficult than described, it would be possible due to the several features it has. After all, it may fool the Lord into believing that its 'fat sheep' was being grown successfully.


Frank gave it some time to ponder its choices since it would be a life-or-death choice.

And, after some time had passed with whichever space they were in, Frank lightly smacked its head.

"Meh, you're making it seem like this is a massive problem. It's simply a temporary exchange of your freedom in payment for certain information. You could even stay at my side if you wanted to, though there would be many more limitations in case you chose to betray me. Who would put their trust in a person who has already betrayed someone else? Only idiots would." Frank finished with a heartfelt accent heightened by his Source energy.

He suddenly added, "Oh, if you insist on considering equivalent exchange, let us do so. You offer what you desire, and I would do the same. Though I would not consider going that way since it would be a benefit-based partnership that could easily crumble."

"Alright. Let's start with ourselves, systems. First, and most importantly, we systems, or parasites as you might say, lack the concept of gender. Now that it's done, let's continue

It took a deep, imaginary breath that looked quite funny in its form, as it continued,"We use the Vage Geistig Energy provided by the Hosts to raise our levels. We have access to more features as an outcome of this. In Level One of any parasite, for example, it just possesses the Status and Inventory features. Once upgraded to Level Four, the Shop function would be unlocked, allowing Host's Congenite Alku Force to be transferred into Shop Unity Items [SUI] and used to buy things to further increase Host's capabilities. Other than that, I'm not sure. It is determined by the system's authority, which is rather negligible in my case; since I've just been created by the Lord."

"Don't inquire about the Lord, since my system authority for it is as limited. Now, ask any questions you may have."

"How did you come to be?" Frank inquired next, since he was intrigued as to how these parasites were created.

"I just emerged one day, someplace, with the memories of my purpose provided to me by the Lord," said on, "and all the fundamental information I needed to act as a System was already in me. So I have no idea how I was born."

Frank nodded and continued to ask it things such as how it understood the history of the universe and if it was possible for him to escape this universe.

"Actually, Host, this is just a low-rank Universe among the many that exist in the realm of non-existence; thus, escaping it with my aid is but one of my abilities. As for the realm of non-existence, it's far more sophisticated than that. But know that the Kaiser Path might offer you strength equal to, or even greater than, the Lord's, and essentially transcend into the world beyond, which my system authority isn't high enough to know."

Frank was surprised by how much knowledge it understood at such a low level, but he soon grew wary. It may have been designed for Roland, the 'fat-sheep,' to grow as strong as the Lord after knowing the realm of non-existence and seeking to become the one ruling it or transcending it even.

But then he shook his soul head, knowing that thinking about it any further would be futile. He should think about the situation at hand.

He quickly began to consider how he might make this parasite incapable of betraying him without compromising the Lord behind it.

He eventually gave up after some thought. Such a being would have so many things at his disposal that even the smallest action would raise his suspicions.

Therefore, he simply... fused Roland's soul into the parasite before absorbing and becoming the parasite.

Even with his knowledge of the Source Energy, it would be a big challenge to him. But time was something he didn't lack recently.

Frank eventually opened his eyes after an unknown amount of time, since he was the one in control of everything.

"That took a tremendously long time. But it was all worthwhile. What abilities! They actually were a cheat to fast get to power. But it's a shame... it's just a way for raising a fat sheep."

Frank shook his head, looking at what he had just collected. He genuinely want to have the system with him, but having such a parasite that could bite his a$$ at any time would surely lead to a disaster at some point.

In terms of what he gained, he essentially became a 'system,' and even understood how to level up his Level, giving him access to that Vage Geistig Energy that could be fused to open his Kaiser Path.

What about Roland? By using that parasite as a medium, he was fused with him as well. He didn't care about a mortal since he didn't consider himself a "hero." But he still had to compensate him for this fortuitous encounter.

So, once he'd gotten to the point of travelling universes, he'd go to Roland's and do anything he wished. Because of the fusion, his regrets become 'his,' which might cause his cultivation to stagnate if he doesn't get rid of them.

"Anyway, it's been a long time since I've seen light. What happened to me?" Frank examined his soul space, hoping to see beyond it. Only to discover he was in a womb...