
Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

Lin Fei, who had mediocre martial arts talent, unexpectedly acquired a martial arts system. All of his martial arts skills could be self-cultivated. "Your Giant Whale Body Refining Technique has increased by 50% due to its observation of the 'Long Whale Under the Moon' diagram, which enabled it to comprehend the essence of the technique." Despite not putting in much effort, Lin Fei's martial arts skills were too diligent... I am also posting this story on Royal Road. Here is the link to my profile:https://www.royalroad.com/profile/303843 Ko-fi and Patreon provide more chapters. https://ko-fi.com/bandefry patreon.com/righteousegg

Bande_Fry · Fantasy
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200 Chs

2. Selecting Martial Arts

The first floor of the martial arts pavilion had quite a few disciples, all of them at the body-refining level. Some were just beginners, with rudimentary martial arts skills, while others, like Lin Fei, had reached the fourth level of body refining.

There were also disciples at the seventh level or higher who were also selecting martial arts in the pavilion. After all, sometimes one might feel that the martial arts they were practicing weren't quite right, and might need to switch to another.

Ultimately, body-refining martial arts were meant to temper the body, so it could be changed at any time. But once one reaches the acquired stage and practices acquired martial arts that could generate inner power, it might not be so easy to switch at will.

However, there was no such worry during the body refining stage, one could switch whenever one wanted. The only problem was that changing body-refining martial arts meant that all previous efforts would be wasted.

Lin Fei did not plan to switch from the Giant Whale Body Refining Technique to others. This body-refining martial art was quite effective in tempering the body.

What he was looking for was a martial art for combat. "During the body-refining stage, weapons can play a great role," he thought, "so choosing a martial art that uses weapons is the best choice."

With a clear goal in mind, Lin Fei began to search through the pavilion. According to his thinking, since he had the system and could practice any martial art, he would naturally choose the most powerful one.

As for whether the martial art was difficult to practice, what did it have to do with him? A mature martial art should be able to be practiced on one's own.

Among a pile of weapon techniques, Lin Fei selected a saber technique called the Nine Shadow Saber Technique. The reason he chose a specialized saber technique was that the Nine Shadow Blade Technique was the only weapon technique among many that had the fastest speed. There was nothing else to it except for speed - the ultimate speed!

In Lin Fei's memory, there was a saying "In the world of martial arts, only speed cannot be broken." Therefore, when he saw that the Nine Shadow Saber Technique pursued the ultimate speed, he naturally chose it.

Of course, Lin Fei only chose this saber technique. The specific content of the saber technique was still in the hands of the elder in the martial arts pavilion, but Lin Fei wasn't in a hurry. Since he could choose three martial arts, he would make the most of them and not waste any slots.

"Nine Shadow Saber Technique is already strong enough. Choosing other weapon arts is meaningless. But when wandering the world, anything can happen."

"If one day I don't have a weapon with me, then unarmed combat is also very important."

"So, I still need to choose a martial art for unarmed combat."

Lin Fei came to the bookshelf of unarmed combat again. There were just too many martial arts here, making it really hard to choose until he saw the Dragon-Elephant Vajra Fist!

This martial art sounded very powerful, and Lin Fei chose it because its characteristics were very distinct. Moreover, it was a martial art that could be grown.

The Dragon-Elephant Vajra Fist required a person with immense strength to unleash its great power. The greater the strength, the greater the power of this martial art.

If a person with innate divine power could unleash it, it could even kill an acquired realm strongman with it!

Of course, if one lacked strength, this martial art would be useless. Lin Fei's body-refining technique was the Giant Whale Body Refining Technique, which focused on qi and blood.

He had a huge amount of qi and blood, so his strength was naturally not small. It was just right for him to practice the Dragon-Elephant Vajra Fist.

"Wait, the Giant Whale Body Refining Technique focuses on qi and blood, but the body is not just qi and blood. There are also skin, membranes, and bones."

"I can practice all the martial arts that I choose on my own, so why not practice the skin, membranes, and bones too?"

"That way, my strength will be even stronger!"

Lin Fei's eyes lit up. He thought of his advantage, which was not being afraid of how difficult the martial arts were, but being afraid of the martial arts not being comprehensive enough.

Generally, body-refining martial arts had a focus, such as focusing on qi and blood, skin, or bones. In fact, they were all the same.

They needed a focus to reach the ninth level of body refining faster, breakthrough to the acquired realm, and then switch to postnatal martial arts to cultivate inner power.

Therefore, whether the body-refining stage was comprehensive or not was not very important.

Of course, the main reason was that ordinary people have limited energy.

If they practice together, it will slow down their progress, and breaking through to the acquired realm would become almost impossible.

Lin Fei immediately chose a martial art that trains the skin and another that strengthens the tendons and bones.

They were Vajra Iron Cloth and Tendon Transformation And Bone Forging Technique.

The difference between Vajra Iron Cloth and ordinary iron cloth was that the former was the ultimate version.

When someone trained in ordinary iron cloth, their skin would become tough like cowhide, but there was still a weak point.

After training in Vajra Iron Cloth, there was no weakness, but it was much more difficult to achieve.

Tendon Transformation And Bone Forging Technique was the strongest martial art for strengthening tendons and bones, and there was no equal.

It was said that this martial art combined certain theories from both Taoism and Buddhism.

If someone was not well-versed in the deep principles of both schools, it was difficult for them to even learn the basics.

Lin Fei chose these several martial arts and came before the elder of the martial arts hall.

"Nine Shadow Saber Technique, Dragon-Elephant Vajra Fist, Vajra Iron Cloth, and Tendon Transformation And Bone Forging Technique. You can only choose three of these martial arts for free."

"You can only choose three."

The elder of the martial arts pavilion shook his head.

Lin Fei couldn't help but ask, "Elder, I want all four. Is there a way?"

"Of course there is, just pay more contribution points!"

"All the martial arts can be exchanged for contribution points. These four martial arts cost one thousand contribution points each."

"But I don't have any contribution points."

Lin Fei wasn't even at the fourth level of body refining, so he didn't have any way to earn contribution points.

"That's even simpler, just pay more money."

"One tael silver can be exchanged for one contribution point, and one thousand contribution points cost one thousand silver."


This price was a bit steep.

But after thinking about it, Lin Fei accept it. He was from a merchant family, and his monthly allowance was not small. He could still come up with one thousand silver.

"Okay, then I'll pay money. Here are one thousand silver bills."