
Chapter 117 Locust Plague Appears, Great Progress in Medicine King Technique_1

Translator: 549690339

After washing up and having breakfast, he hurried out the door with a basket on his back.

He had cultivated eight bees yesterday, and today he needed to check on them.

He made a special trip to his own millet field, where every millet seedling was adorned with at least two plump ears of millet.

They looked very robust.

His gaze swept over the millet seedlings in the east, and he sharply noticed some leaves had been nibbled on, leaving behind various-sized notches.

Each type of pest fed differently.

Some pests sneakily lurk on the underside of the leaves, sucking the juice from the stems and leaves. They like to bite a small hole on the veins of the leaves, sucking out the juice like vampires.

These are mostly larvae.

Very hidden, not easily spotted by farmers.

Other pests prefer to bite from the fleshier parts of the leaf, creating irregular holes.

But right now, he discovered the notches were bitten out from the edges of the leaves.