
Chapter 212: Moon Mulberry Spirit Fruit Seed, Acquired

Translator: 549690339

However, just at this moment, a series of rapid footsteps were heard from outside the courtyard.

Afterwards, a steward walked in.

The steward arrived in the courtyard, stood at the entrance, and first greeted Lin Jing and the others…

Then he said to Zhang Yuan:

"Young Master Yuan, the old ancestor requests your presence…"

Zhang Yuan stood up, walked to the entrance, and asked the steward:

"Uncle Yue, may I know what the old ancestor needs me for?"

The steward spoke directly:

"People from the three major sects have arrived."

"They say they want to ask Young Master Yuan about that incident that occurred in the secret realm a couple of days ago…"

Zhang Yuan nodded and said:

"I see…"

"Uncle Yue, please wait a moment, I'll talk to my friends…"

Before Zhang Yuan could speak, the others had already gotten up.

Li Tangyu stepped forward, came to Zhang Yuan's side, and said:

"Brother Zhang…"