
Chapter 116: A Pill of Elixir Medicine, A Hundredfold Harvest (Thanks to Mr. M for the reward)

Translator: 549690339

With so many Spirit Stones, how many Elixir Medicines would Lin Jing have to sell to earn that much...

Indeed, to earn more Spirit Stones, opportunity is very important.



"3500 Midium Grade Spirit Stones."

The person calling out this time was someone in the corner of the venue.

He seemed to have let go as well, and after being silent for a while, he directly added 500 Midium Grade Spirit Stones in one go.

However, this increase in price did not cause any wavering from the Zhang Family; inside the Zhang Family's private room, Zhang Yuan's voice remained calm and steady.

"4000 Midium Grade Spirit Stones."

The other people in the venue did not dare to make any noise at this time and just watched the two people bidding against the Zhang Family.

The atmosphere in the venue was extremely tense for a time.

By now, anyone could understand that behind these two people, there must be someone instructing them to specifically oppose the Zhang Family's members.