
Chapter 1

They keep telling me you're a monster.

A fallen angel with broken wings.

But when I look into your eyes.

All I see is a forsaken soul.

A life lost in the winter storm.

And oh, since when did monsters have lips like yours?

Because as our lips met, we found home.

- Vampire Diaries -

"Morning, Paps!" The girl in a nurse uniform greeted his grandfather who is eating his breakfast. "Morning, sit down and eat with me." The old man said. The two servers placed a plate and the cutleries infront of thier little miss. "Thank you." The girl said with a smile on her angelic face and the servers nodded with a smile too. The servers are thankful that eventhough the old man is a very strict person, his granddaughter is the complete opposite of him.

Katherine Garcia, an OR (Operating Room) nurse of St. Leonard Hospital. A kind hearted girl whom everyone loves especially her grandfather. Her parents died when she was little due to an accident (that's what Serafino let her believed). She was under his care from then.

Serafino Garcia, Katherine's grandfather. A strict old man that everyone feared except for his granddaughter. He's a man but he owned Fresh Blossom Shops. These are chains of flower shops around the country. But those shops are only covering the true identity of the old man and his whereabouts.

"Morning, Paps, morning, Kath!" Katherine's butler said. She's in a nurse uniform too. The butler and Katherine are both working in St. Leonard Hospital.

Amber, Katherine's butler. Yes, she's a girl. She was with Katherine from the time her parents died. For Katherine, she's not only her butler but also her bestfriend.

"Morning!" Katherine said while Serafino signalled her to sit and eat with them too. "What's Katherine schedules for today?" Serafino asked talking to Amber. Every morning, Serafino would check Katherine's daily routine. Sometimes, he would add few more activities to her schedules. "Our duty will start at 8 am until 4 pm. After that we'll go straight to the gym for her Kickboxing and Jiu-Jitsu." Amber said. "Wait, I thought it's Muay Thai and Krav Maga." Katherine said with her creased forehead."Ahm, let me see." Amber said while looking on her tablet. "Hhhmmm... Monday will be Kickboxing and Jiu-Jitsu, Tuesday will be Muay Thai and Krav Maga, Wednesday will be Taekwondo and Karate, Thursday is Boxing, and Friday is your free day." Amber said. "Wow, thank you, I thought you're going to kill me the whole week." Katherine said. "Don't worry, there's more." Amber said with a grin on her face. "Saturday will be Mountain Climbing and Sunday will be Trekking." Amber said. "Paps, are you trying to kill me?" Katherine said while pouting her lips. "You'll need all of those and someday you're going to thank me because I did all those things for you." Serafino said and stood up and left the two of them.

Yeah, you heard it right, Katherine is into those self-defenses everyday. She started those when she began to walk and talk. She also knew how to swim, to fire a gun, to use bow and arrow, knives, swords, etc., etc and it is all because of her old man. Sometimes, she thinks that her grandfather is making her a tomboy but Amber will always explained that in due time, she will be needing all of those.

"He's always telling me that." Katherine said putting her two hands on her chin. "He's only after your welfare. You're the only one he got. He loves you so much that he will do everything for you. Just trust him, okay?" Amber said. Katherine sighed. "Let's go Milady, we're going to be late." Amber said and pulled Katherine from her seat.

Amber is not only Katherine's butler and friend, but she's also her driver. "Give me the keys." Katherine said. "Oh, no,no! The last time you drive gave me a heart attack." Amber said and hold the keys tighter. "Come on, Amber. You knew I can get it easily." Katherine said. Amber gave her a sly smile. "Let's see." Amber said and stepped back and signalled Katherine to get the keys from her. Katherine smiled wickedly.

Few minutes later...

"Slow down, you're very fast, Paps will kill me if he will know that I let you drive." Amber said while holding tightly onto her seatbelt. Katherine only smiled and stepped into the accelerator and their speed now is almost 300/kph. She's driving a Hennessey Venom car in which the maximun speed is 435/kph. "Woohoo..." Katherine screamed but Amber wanted to throw up.

After the two ladies left, Serafino went inside his personal office. He pressed a button and a hidden door opened. "Milord." Few bowed and some kneeled to show their respect to their Elder. Inside were leaders of four different clans. Their identities were hidden from the outside world. They're normal people outside the hidden room but inside, they are powerful enough to tear you into pieces. Yes, they have super strenght, they have hypnotic powers, sensual effect on their victims, they have no image on a mirror even a shadow on their back, they are immortal, because...they are all Vampires.

"How is she, Milord?" The leader of Raeb asked. "She's doing fine." Serafino answered. "Is she ready for her transformation?" The leader of Mzukwa asked. Serafino sighed. "Physically and mentally, she's ready but, emotionally, I"m not sure." Serafino said. "How can we help you, Milord?" The leader of Fanpaya asked. "Just be patient and bear with her a little more." Serafino said. "But, Milord, the full moon is on the 27th of this month and it's her 21st birthday. It's only ten days from now." Raeb's leader said. "I know. I'm doing everything I can to prepare her." Serafino said.

"Are the guards ready?" Serafino asked his assistant, Vladamir. "Yes, Milord, they are always ready." Vladamir answered. "When her time comes, give her all the protection she needed. The Sanguinarians are just waiting for their chance to kill her. If she fully transformed, she will be their greatest threat." Serafino said.

"We will do everything to protect her, Milord." All the people inside the room spoke at once.

Raeb Clan, headed by Orpheus and his assistant, Silas.

Mzukwa Clan, headed by Lazarus and his assistant, Cassius. Lazarus is also the Director of St. Leonard Hospital.

Fanpaya Clan, headed by Raul with his assistant, Rodolfo.

And last but the least, the most powerful of the four clans, Banpiroa headed by Serafino and his assistant Vladamir.

"Good Morning, everyone!" Katherine said loudly that made everyone looked at her even the patients at the Emergency Room. "Morning!" Her co-staff said alternately greeting her back. "What happened to Amber?" Dawn asked seing Amber's paled face. "I'll guess, you drove again, right?" Thana said helping Amber to sit on the bench. Katherine smiled naughtily. "Ooopppsss, nah-uh!" Katherine said when she dodged Amdis punch. "Not bad." Amdis said giving water to Amber. "Next time, don't let her drive." Dawn said. "I lost." Amber said. "You lost again?" Thana asked though she's not really surprise that everytime they will have a match, Katherine is always the winner. "Let's switch places, I'll be her driver and you'll stay with this two." Amdis said pointing her friends. Their conversation was interrupted when an emergency patient came in.

Katherine and Amber go inside the Operating Room while Dawn and Thana stayed at the Emergency Room and Amdis go upstairs. Dawn and Thana are Emergency Room nurses and Thana is a Ward nurse.

"What happened?" Dawn asked the one that brought the patient. "He fell from the fifth floor of the building we're working." The man answered. "Where are his relatives?" Dawn continued asking. "I don't know, he just started yesterday and we barely knew him." The man answered again. "Dawn!" Thana called her friend suddenly. "Look." Dawn silently whispered and pointed two holes on the man's neck. The two girls looked at each other. "Amber, don't let Katherine go outside. Amdis, stop the time, now!" Thana said and with that, everything stopped excluding the five of them.