
Ch.10: Series Of Crazy Events.

When his eyes opened, he felt needles pricking his entire body.

'What the hell?'

And then, he saw a cloud, getting farther and farther away from him.

'Blue skies...a cloud? Wait-..!'

He flipped around, his arms spreading out. Free falling in the sky and towards trees that stretched infinitely over the horizon, he was in an unfamiliar world with no clue how he got here.

'The hell did you do, Jasmine? Where the fuck am I?!'


That same <electric zap on his brain> type of feeling from the alleyway came back to him.

Hurriedly, he looked to his left and saw something far out. A long neck, an even longer beak. Wings that rivaled a bus when stretched out.

It was a creature you'd only see in Prehistoric times.

'A Pterodactyl?'

With an ear-drum breaking screech, a single flapped propelled it several meters in the air. 'A fantasy world. I'd be in disbelief if this was a bigger deal than meeting God himself.'

It titled it's head slightly and opened up its huge mouth. It was terrifying, the way atleast five normal sized cars could fit into its mouth.

'I've studied these things before. Since I always pondered Immortality, I've studied things from the beginning in order to act out how things would go if I was sent back in time with the power to never die..'

Clay tucked his arms to his sides and dived down, just narrowingly avoiding the bite of the creature. It followed after him though like a homing missile, attracted to Clay's foreign scent and weird physique it's never seen in this world before.

'Okay, okay, okay. You're calm, Clay. No worries, not like if it does catch you, you'll die. But you don't wanna get eaten anyways, right? Yeah, so avoid it and...'

He saw a pond of sorts and knew that it was his best bet since them and water creatures have are natural enemies. 'I'm gonna 'die' landing in it with how fast I'm going. But it'll be better than being eaten.'

The forest was becoming clearer. Around the pond, even above the trees, he saw animals and such that either have existed in the past or are from a completely different world.

'Now I don't wanna call Jasmine a bitch and all, but...what did that bitch get me into. She's lucky I like her or else...'

Yeah, he didn't necessarily know what he'd do to her. She, for some unknown reason, gave people information about him, info they knew already apparently, but still...

'I don't know what she's thinking. Can I...can I trust her? A person can change a whole lot in 3 years so it is possible...'

He put his arms up instinctively as the water from the pond became the only thing in vision.


He flew into the water, the Pterodactyl screeching and stopping just above the water. The force of wing flapping made ripples in the water, ripples that Clay felt even under the water.

'That...didn't hurt. Man, I'm loving this Immortality thing..' In water that was murky, he looked around and saw all kinds of weird fish.

They didn't bother him and he didn't bother they. Instead, he looked up and saw the bird flapping above the water, looking around in hope for him, or so Clay assumed.

'I'm peak Superhuman, I'm sure now. Enhanced strength, reflexes, stamina, endurance, all of that. I'm an above average human and yet these monsters make me fell less than human. Strange..'

Clay grabbed a fish nearby, ripped it in half and took a bone out from its ribcage. The blood attracted other small fish, but since Clay was there, they were weary and cautious.

'No predators in this water, only it's prey. I can stay down here forever bro. Take all the time up there you need..'

Using the spoon sized bone as a weapon for defense, he started swimming down deeper. The water pressure would break down his bones and organs, but he'd just regenerate from it almost instantaneously.

He was really starting to understand that nothing could harm him, fear, like they say in movies, not existing anymore since it was never actually there.

The deeper he went, the darker it got. Fish became more scarce, the water got colder and his abilities such as his endurance increased to the point that his body didn't substaint damage at such depths.

His immortality wasn't in play anymore.

His head then bumped into the sea bed and he buried the bone in the sand. He then stripped down and placed his clothes in one spot. With his left hand, he took the bone out the sand and pinned his clothes into the sea bed with it.

'Prehistoric times with no one around. I'm most definitely getting naked..' He then started swimming along the sea floor, catching a mini current which made him faster.

He would pick up seashells and such as souvenirs, not knowing if he'll be able to bring them back to the real world or not. Hell, maybe he really did go back in time and he has to live through history.

'Oh, well. Imma rule this jungle and make every dinosaur my pet!'

A dream of his if he actually did get a chance to go back in time and have ever lasting life force.

'Don't know how long I'll be here for, so let's just find some shelter...' The current's speed picked up and he surfed in it. Like a bullet train with him as the passenger.

After traveling for a while, the current branched off to different areas. He got out of it and swam up to the surface. Once his head poked out, he shook his head, and rubbed it eyes.

'It's night? And I'm in a whole 'nother area. A lake maybe..?' He looked all around and saw that there was a miniature waterfall. 'If it's like the movies or TV shows, there's most definitely a hidden cave behind it..'

He then started paddling over towards it. Once in front of it, he stared at it, the sound of gushing water being somewhat peaceful. 'I see it. An actual cave...'

He peered through the waterfall, then looked at the water just up to his shoulders. 'I feel like I can do it..'

He sunk into the water and seconds later, emerged with propulsion, flying out the water and into the cave just behind the waterfall.

'Met with no resistance from the water, I was able to jump out of it like I was standing in two inch deep water..'

Shaking his head once more, he started walking down the deep cave. 'I wish I could see in the dark. Using all 5 senses to the max right now just to not hit the wall..'

After walking for a few minutes, he found himself in a large, empty chamber that used natural moonlight as a light source. 'Did I make my way into a empty volcano or something?'

He gazed around, the chilling air breezing around and tickling his crotch. 'Now this is the experience I was asking for...'

He shook his head while making his way towards the center of the room. Once there, an alter which was covered by shade this whole time appeared.

'The only thing covered in black in a room full of light. Must be something worth while..' On the alter was a dirty brown colored chest. There wasn't a key slot, so Clay was easily able to open it.

Inside of it, an ancient like scroll with a tie. Undoing this tie, he unraveled it and blew off all the collected dust.

A human male doll sitting crisscrossed. His entire body was hallow, 7 circular black balls going in a vertical line from their foot all the way up to their head. His hands were clasped together which made it seem as though it was praying.

'What the hell is this? Some sort of magic scroll or something..?' He then looked at the text underneath the drawing of the hallow man. Surprisingly, it was in english.


The header said.

<["Chi Is Your Life-Force. It Is Energy That Flows Through You And Through Everything. By Harnasing This Inner Latent Energy, You Can Move Moutains, Crush Boulders With Your Bare Fist.

You Can Even Become A GOD.

Do You Wish To Step Into A New World Of Power?

(Yes) | (No) <----- Idiot's Choice"]>

'Chi, huh? Yeah, I've heard about this stuff before. Yeah, uhm, everyone has it. It's just manipulating and manifesting it into the real world is the tough part.

And now, thinking about it, he thought, 'I mean, how can I seriously trust this though? It could be an actual ancient scroll that could possibly curse me.

Heh, curse.

Immortality is a curse though, so what am I so afraid of. Not like there are any down sides in not picking yes, unless me being labeled as an idiot is..'

With a shrug, he pressed on the (Yes) icon. Nothing happened after that howwer, Clay just standing there, starting a whistle.

'Soooooo, what now? What am I supposed to-'

He blinked and the next thing he knew, a woman on a stripper pole was swinging around, kicking these weird looking humans.

"Oh, Clay, you're back! That was faster than I thought!"

She landed in his lap and said into his ear, "Now please, help me. I'm kinda in a tricky situation right now.."

He blinked twice, looked around, then looked back at her. "What's going on? I was just... Wait, no, what the hell did you do to me?! Where did you send me to?!"

She was surprised to hear his sudden outburst. Deep down however, she knew he had every right to be angry and confused.

He was kidnapped, identified by these random people who looked dangerous, and then, sent to some place of unknown origin.

"Clay, I-, I'm sorry, but you'll really have to trust me. I did all of this to help you.."

"I can't, Jasmine. We're friends, yeah, but right now, all I see you as is the person who kidnapped me. Heck, don't you wanna make me into a weapon of sorts?"

The many zombies on the floor started to get back up. Seeing this, she knew she was at a lost. With his uncoeoperation and her stamina starting to deplete, she might actually die.

'I didn't do any of this right. I should've told him before. God I'm such an idiot...' She sighed and the metal pole shrunk down to the size of a string. She then placed her hands on Clay's shoulder and said,

"The people in this room are all in a organization. An evil one. They commit heinous crimes that police and law enforcement's can't do anything about. Clay, I lured them out using you and your ability. They're the type to buy people, enslave them and make them do their bidding.

Once I knew ghat their true intentions were to enslave all ability users, I..decided to fight back in hopes you would too.."

She paused for a moment before continuing.

"Your dad, he's put a lot of their members behind bars. Afraid of messing with him, knowing the city was literally his playground, they instead tried luring you out until you were completely alone and.."

"Wait, so you did all of this just to lure these bad guys out? Wait, what about my family? Their alone right now, sleeping peacefully while I'm here..." He started worrying.

His dad was a cop, a good one who had the backing of the city. He was so well known and so loved that he was considered the second mayor by a lot of townsfolk.

'They wanna use me as bait to either kill my dad or to use me as some type of ransom. Maybe control over the city for my life?'

"Don't worry. We have people protecting your family as we speak, so they'll be safe. Clay, all I wanted to accomplish today was to lure these people out, make them seem like I was on their side by selling you out and in the end, hope that you'd break free and show these people,

show anyone who tries to threaten you, that you're not someone that should be taken lightly. Striking fear into the hearts of people can be useful in many ways, y'know?"

She was trying to justify all of this which is what really pissed him off. 'I was used as bait to lure out bad guys.

I guess she knew of my Regen ability and somehow thought I'd be the best person to use as bait since I can't die from anything they'd try throwing at me. It was her safest option and probably the most probable to succeed in...'

"I don't trust you, Jasmine..."

She was all smiles, but Clay could tell she wasn't satisfied with those words. "However, I get what you were going for. You wanted to get rid of some evil people and after what happened to me earlier, I realize how heroic that is of you.

If my family really is safe right now and acting out won't get them killed, then fine. Tell me how to get out of these ropes and I'll help.."

She didn't have the right to be happy with what he said. She screwed him over, and it wasn't fair to him.

'The fact that he's still willing to help me... Is he really nice or just really stupid..?'

She threw the string up and it extended into a metal rod again, this time with a blade infused on one end. She got up off of him and grabbed the spear-like rod.

"Let's begin the lesson then, shall we?"


An: Hear me out.

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