
Immortal Witch

In a world where some humans can select a power, they will have had since childhood. This power is trained in several phases until it reaches immortality. This year is the new school year of a well-known academy and only selects special students to study there. Neuvrost Academy is the academy that is also the center of various secrets of Aternum World's history. Clare is doing the most reckless thing in her life in the academy. Instead of being expelled, she gets on a mission to fix her fatal mistake that could change the world. In conjunction with her friends, she went through many things of life and death up to reveal a secret. The secret about her identity made her have to sacrifice her life.

Chintyaboo · Fantasy
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62 Chs

After Tomorrow

Clare glanced at Blaire remembering something. "You got a party invite?"

"Now it's Orlane's turn to throw a summer party at the White Mansion. All the nobles are invited, do you want to come?"

Clare put on a lazy face, she didn't really like going to parties. "I'm just asking, I don't want to come. I'm not royalty after all."

"I can take you. You know Gavin and Luke too. You can be a special guest. Come as teammates." Blaire pleaded.

"I don't want."

"I'll talk to Gavin about inviting you, Jules, and Zoey as a team. They won't mind."


"Please, don't refuse anymore."

"Jules in her hometown, Zoey in San Francisco, how can she come back so soon?"

"I got word that they're going home tomorrow because of a mission order. Can't you see your tablet?"

"I live in the room." Clare answered carelessly.

Blaire snorted in annoyance. "Next time you have to bring her. The party will be the day after tomorrow from 8 to midnight. I'll pick you up with Jules and Zoey."


Before Clare could continue her sentence, Blaire interrupted her. "No refusal!" Blaire insisted making Clare silence.

Clare was really confused. She didn't want to come to any party at all. If dad finds out, how will he react. Don't ask how Mom will react, she will be very enthusiastic even if she doesn't come, she will lose her rationality, of course it will be troublesome for Clare.

The sun was already in the west, the sun's light was getting fainter. Now Clare was in front of her house after walking with Blaire all day. Enough to release excess boredom.

In a good mood, Clare entered the house and was immediately greeted by mom. It can be seen from her folded hands and the look on her face, nothing seems to be right let alone her eyes showed as if he saw something valuable. Clare never understood the changes in Marine after she came home from the academy.

"You all right?" Clare tilted her head and raised her eyebrows.

Clare started to think, what other mistake she made, she didn't remember doing anything wrong. Hopefully it's not Ryna's doing secretly coming home saying things about Clare. Or mom has found Clare's tablet and checked the entire contents of the tablet, it's certain that Clare will be sent back to Korea or Russia.

Clare stiffened and tried to cover it up. "If there's nothing, I'll clean up." She said awkwardly. Her eyes searched for Clark's whereabouts who always helped her when she felt oppressed, unfortunately Clark hadn't come home.

Clare stepped slowly, wary of Marine's unexpected actions. She also thought of as much as possible the answers to the strange questions that might be asked.

Clare got past Marine and was about to climb the stairs. But apparently Marine had anticipated and immediately called her. Clare stopped in her tracks.

"The day after tomorrow, you don't have much time." She said to Clare.

"I don't understand." Clare frowned. What plan she was going to do the day after tomorrow, she couldn't remember.

"Come on, don't pretend you don't know." Marine grabbed Clare's arm and pulled her towards the sofa. Clare flinched and complied as best she could this time and sat next to her.

"Mom, don't do hard riddles." Clare said still warily.

"I heard you were going to the summer welcome party the day after tomorrow. You should have prepared yourself from the start, don't be like that time preparing suddenly made me dizzy. You're a girl, you have to prepare everything as much as possible."

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Clare was still unsure about Marine's statement that was so strange to her. How did Marine know that Clare was offered to the party. But that's just an offer, not a direct invitation.

Marine flicked Clare's forehead feeling exasperated. "Either you stupid or what. Weren't you invited to the party? You have to prepare everything, not just wander around in the dark."

"You always make decisions based on your own thoughts. It's just an offer, I don't necessarily agree and I don't necessarily come. There is no invitation card, even the one offering me is another noble, not what mom meant. Besides, how do you know someone offered me to come?" Clare was irritated by Marine's treatment.

"I only heard from the passing wind. That's why I asked you and you admit it after being tested." She said casually leaning against the back of the sofa without guilt.

Clare snorted in annoyance. Apparently the statement was just a statement to confirm that the passing wind was true or not. Strange how can anyone talk about Clare? That's impossible, right?

"I'm sure it's not just the wind." Clare wore a doubtful expression.

Marine sighed his intention was caught by Clare. "Actually just a temporary guess. You have noble friends, of course I should think about it."

"You said the party was only for royalty and better not to come. Why change your mind now? At least if you refuse, I will easily reject my friend."

"It is not good to refuse good intentions. Don't you miss your friends? Come on, show me that Clare is just like them."

Clare couldn't understand why she had a mom like this. Too fond of noble people as their idols even though they always look down on people below them.

"Take it easy. Tomorrow I'll take you somewhere." She said. Don't know what else she's planning.

Clare didn't respond anymore and decided to go to the room annoyed. For the first time he experienced this. Usually all this time he always received advice when he made a mistake and was immediately sent to Korea as a bluff. Is this karma from the mistakes that Clare made in the past?

Clare could only speculate for now. She really wanted to be free from trouble. But it turns out that this mission lasts until she gets old which means Clare will never be free except for her. Don't know how long she has to hide her problems from everyone. Clare was furious and wanted to run away.