
Immortal Queen

Everyone knows that Family comes first, a family will show you love and care, would even risk their lives for one another! A boy whose lost everything and only lives for revenge, on his journey for such revenge he will find something even more, something that even he never thought he would ever get. Turned in to a girl, loss of his/her memories, but found happiness nevertheless, Not one but two mothers, a family a lover, or lover's maybe wife's in the future who knows, only time will tell!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: the cover photo isn't mine, if owner wants it taken down please let me know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE. This is my very first novel and my favourite one. I have never written but I always loved to write, my grammar maybe bad but please try to enjoy my story. Who knows, it just might surprise you!!!

QueenNovels · LGBT+
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25 Chs


yaloooo... hope you are enjoying the story so far even though my grammar is bad. (sad imoji)

just wanted to let you know that there won't be a new chapter for a long time. so don't wait for it

thank you for those who commented and stuck with me through this journey.

see you when I get back.