
Immortal Prince of Dawn

The protagonist is Allen William, A normal highschooler that tries not to stand out. Been trough a traumatizing childhood, he has good friends that keeps him thinking straight, that keeps him normal! Coming to an close call he bows his head and receives help! Will Allen jump over his own fate? Will he accept celestial help ? He will be the one to make the decisions!

Katakito · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Is this... power?

In sleep Allen wakes up suddenly in great pain, trying to scream but he can't even make a sound, every part of his body is screaming, every inch is being torn. In a matter of seconds he's body emits an awful odor and a black liquid and he faints. Minutes pass, almost an hour. Waking up in a pool of black awful smelling and sticky.

"What the fu*k happened and what is this stuff.... Oh my god it's smelling so awful *Burf* I'll have to clean this before Alice get's up and get's worried"

Cleaning the sheets quickly and taking a shower after Allen is thinking what happened, without any answers, just more questions. He goes back to the bed he remembers what happened whit Emily

"Hey Mark how are you pall?"

"Nothing much bud, what's up?"

"Just wanted too give you a call too ask you about something"

"Oh, well what's you're question?"

"Did you know that Emily was bullied ?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's been bullied by another girl from our school, I don't know the details. The thing is that I've found out yesterday about this and it's pissing me off"

"Well.... how about we talk with Emily later and see who the bullies are, okay?"

"For sure, the we'll talk later!"

"Talk too you later Allen"


As Allen get's downstairs nausea hit's him

"Damn... better get something too drink...."

Opens the fridge searching for a soda, barely standing on his feet

Being thirsty grabs a soda quickly, he didn't even realize that the soda was broken to pieces, pouring drink on his clothes and on the parquet

"What the... was the soda so. malleable ?

I should clean this"

Creaky sounds coming from the stairs

"Allen you ok?"

"Yea, Yea just dropped the soda"

"Hmm... c'mon Allen it's 6 in the morning..!"

"Sorry Alice, did not want to wake you up"

"Well now I`m awake, soo let me make some coffee"

"Ok, I'll clean the mess"

As I watched the drink spill trough my finger I realized about the difference in strength that I

had, I started to overthink about what happen yesterday with master!

I started to cleaning the place thinking that I have become taller and being more muscular.

"What happen yesterday...?

Oh Master helped me with the cultivation technique. Can`t remember much after I started, I'm wondering why.."

After Allen finished cleaning the kitchen for the spilled drink, he was headed towards the exit door meeting with James holding an bouquet of flowers just about too knock on the door. As his eyes met with Allen's he froze and started asking about Alice, if she's home and that he want's to meet

with her. Allen slammed the door in anger.

"Allen Fucking open the door and tell me where Alice is!!"

*Allen opens the door and in a second grabs James collar*

"If you dare stalk Alice again I'll tear you to pieces" *Let's go off his collar*

"Do you dare speak like that in front of an older man ?"

"If you ever try to pursue Alice again I'll..."

"Kid get go back and BRING ALICE!"

"Hey.. Fuck you"

Allen slams the door, he turns around he saw Alice standing behind him, glancing, without saying a word.

"Alice? Did this Mother Fucker just keep bothering you? I tried to make him leave but it's an persistent asshole!"

"Allen don't be rude, by looking at you're face and the way you were speaking this must be our neighbor, James."

"Just don't let this creep get close to you, okay?"

"C'mon Allen don't be such a child, I can handle my own grown people stuff!"

"If you say so... I'll be in the kitchen cooking breakfast."

Pissed off and concerned about what James may tell Alice, he stays against the wall and eavesdropping on they're conversation.

Thinking that James would try something nasty Allen calls Alice to eat breakfast.

/After 2 minutes Alice came with the bouquet of flowers in her hands/

Cutting the corner of the wall Allen saw her with the bouquet of flower and get's disgusted

"Can you please throw that away ?"

"It's a gift from our neighbor."

"You know I told you about that asshole stalking you, he's a creep, please trust me when I say that he is just some kind of pervert."

"Allen I know he's a little strange sometimes but he has a nice personality."

"Trust me, he is just another weirdo!"

"Ok, Ok, just eat."

/It's 7:30/

Allen start to jog toward the park trying to meet master questioning himself what happen in the morning, with the soda, with the strong grip on the collar. Thinking that what the master told

him it's real, very real. He start's to realize that there is actually a hope that he can live an normal life, to be able to a second chance.

"You came just in time Kid!"

"Hello Master!"

"I see that the impurities in you're body is gone, that's good, we can start with the foundation and rose up to Gathering the life force, known as Qi."

"Master I wanted to ask you, today I squeeze a soda and just bend like it was bread. How is this possible?"

"I told you before that if you become my disciple you will challenge the fate, heaven, destiny, you will challenge the will of heaven, the whole world will be against you! Well this is just the beginning so you better get ready for a hellish training.... you did good kid, do not disappoint me."

Give me a good rating will ya ? <3

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