
Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

A young man finally managed to become an immortal, a powerful cultivator able to lord over millions of souls. He took advantage of his tremendous luck and fortune to become the youngest immortal in history. He now wants to create his own sect and enjoy life, one filled with female disciples! © 2020 Kirbyisgreen, All Rights Reserved. Join my discord for updates and to discuss the novel: https://discord.gg/dY5UApw Support the novel on patreon and get early access to chapters: https://www.patreon.com/kigreenwriting

Kirbyisgreen · Eastern
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676 Chs

Lingxi and Qianyu (III)

The duel of geniuses soon came to an end. It seemed way too short and the crowd roared in disapproval. Such an exciting battle between two geniuses was simply too rare.

Both Peng Lingxi and Wu Qianyu remained on the platform but the victor was clear. But Peng Lingxi was not disappointed. She glanced up towards the east, catching the gaze of the special person in her heart. He had been watching her all this time and that was all she wanted.

She sheathed her sword and bowed toward Wu Qianyu, "Elder Sister Wu, this is my defeat."

Wu Qianyu responded in kind, "Lonely Hero Peng's sword is wise and profound. Qianyu sincerely thanks you for your guidance."

Peng Lingxi smiled warmly. Her plan had been successful and Wu Qianyu had understood her intentions. She was glad that this disciple of Chen Wentian was not a small minded person. She had heard too many rumors about the sect master of Ten Thousand Flower Valley and his beautiful disciples.

The two left the stage and strolled towards the eastern stands at an unhurried pace. Both people seemed ignorant to the titillating scene they were creating. They were one beautiful man and one noble woman, opponents inside the dueling arena and perhaps something more outside of it. Everyone's imaginations ran wild.

"Elder Sister Wu, five minutes is all too short. I already feel a sense of loss. I hope we can find opportunities to exchange swords in the future." Peng Lingxi said.

"You jest, Lonely Hero Peng. With the current relationship between our two sects, I don't think another friendly duel can be possible." Wu Qianyu said

"Unfortunate... or maybe, we can fight together against the dangers inside the Forest of Swords." Peng Lingxi said hopefully.

"Mmm. Perhaps. That sounds more possible." Wu Qianyu nodded in agreement.


The pair arrived at the bottom of the eastern stands and Wu Qianyu turned to leave.

"Elder Sister Wu, I hope your master won't mind my actions today." Peng Lingxi said.

Wu Qianyu paused and turned back slightly, "Well, my master is generous towards female disciples but he can be petty and distrustful towards handsome, talented men."


"But I suppose... you have nothing to worry about." Wu Qianyu said and smiled lightly.

Peng Lingxi's expression turned into one of surprise, "When did you find out?"

"It took me a while but you also weren't trying very hard to hide it."

Peng Lingxi laughed and saluted, "I suppose so. I'm glad you found out but could you please keep it a secret for now?"

"Alright." Wu Qianyu replied.

"Thanks. Then, farewell for now."

Wu Qianyu nodded in response and went up the stairs.

Peng Lingxi quickly turned and marched off towards her own sect. She knew she would suffer great consequences for her actions. She had even purposefully lost to Ten Thousand Flower Valkey without putting forth her full abilities. Her master would be furious.

Wu Qianyu was also a little nervous when she returned. Looking around, she found Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun sporting conspiratorial grins. The five ice sisters had a variety of worried expressions while Bei Yingluo was actually hiding in the back.

Chen Wentian was the most peculiar. His lips were pursed as if he had just eaten a sour plum. His eyes flashed with a dangerous aura like how a hawk would view a tasty little rabbit. He didn't say anything but his body language told her everything.

She quickly went in front of him and bowed deeply, "Master."

There was long pause before Chen Wentian spoke unhappily, "So, did you make a new friend? Why don't you introduce me to him next time."

Wu Qianyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. His reaction was totally within her expectations. She knew he was rather narrow-minded in this aspect. He still carried the heart of an insecure young man due to his experiences in the past. Despite having so many women now, that weakness still remained. Or perhaps, this was a weakness of all men.

She didn't blame him. She would also never purposefully try to stir up trouble by testing his limits. She had no interests in seeking friendships with other men and Peng Xiling was a unique case.

"Master, I apologize for my actions. Please do not be angry. I can explain." She said.

"Oh, really?" He said, sounding fully unconvinced.

At this moment, Lin Qingcheng finally couldn't take it anymore and jumped into the fray. "Master, stop being so mean! Don't bully Big Sister Wu!"

Both Wu Qianyu and Chen Wentian were astonished by this turnabout.

"Silly girl, what are you saying?" He asked.

Lin Qingcheng crossed her arms and didn't back down. Out of all the disciples, she was perhaps the only one that dared to stand up to him like this.

"Master, Big Sister Wu just won a wonderful duel for our sect and yet you are blaming her for some reason or another. How is that fair?"


"That's right!" Now it was Zhou Ziyun's turn to attack, "All she did was act courteously to her opponent. Is she not allowed to do that? Are we all supposed to act like a piece of wood or a block of ice in front of all men except you, master?"

"You!" Chen Wentian angrily pointed at her and then at Lin Qingcheng. He struggled to retort but couldn't find the words.

The two conspirators shared a look between them and continued to argue with him.

Seeing his first three disciples like this, he tried to find Li Yuechan for assistance but she refused to take a side. The other ice sisters quickly followed their elder sister. As for Bei Yingluo, she was still hiding in a corner and didn't utter a peep. Helpless, he was forced to stew in a pit of frustration. He suffered under Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun's cooperative nagging until the jealous beast within him was finally put down.

"Alright, alright, alright!" He said and they quieted down. "I give up. I was wrong."

He took Wu Qianyu's arm, pulled her to him, and said softly, "Qianyu, I'm sorry. I was being a jerk."

"Thank you, master. However..." Wu Qianyu smiled secretively and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "My behavior today did not meet master's expectations. I hope you can punish me tonight."


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