
Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

A young man finally managed to become an immortal, a powerful cultivator able to lord over millions of souls. He took advantage of his tremendous luck and fortune to become the youngest immortal in history. He now wants to create his own sect and enjoy life, one filled with female disciples! © 2020 Kirbyisgreen, All Rights Reserved. Join my discord for updates and to discuss the novel: https://discord.gg/dY5UApw Support the novel on patreon and get early access to chapters: https://www.patreon.com/kigreenwriting

Kirbyisgreen · Eastern
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677 Chs

Dual Cultivation (III)

A tactical retreat didn't mean Chen Wentian gave up on the battle. He quickly worked out a new strategy, divide and conquer. He noted that Song Wushuang seemed somewhat receptive to the idea and he set his sights on her.

That evening, Chen Wentian went and knocked softly on Song Wushuang's room. He put up an isolation barrier so her sisters in the rooms next door wouldn't be alerted.

"Wushuang, its me." Chen Wentian said.

"Master." Song Wushuang opened the door and bowed.

"At ease, I wanted to chat with you alone. Can I come in?"

"Yes master."

She led him to a small tea table and they sat down. Her intelligent eyes seemed to have guessed something as she studied him.

"I wanted to talk with you alone, without your sisters. I wonder... What are your thoughts about the second cultivation path?" Chen Wentian asked.

"Master..." Song Wushuang blushed. She thought for a moment before replying, "I am very grateful for everything Master has done for us. I want you to know that I completely believe everything you've said. My talent for cultivation is not high and truthfully, I am very tempted to try that method. However..."

"Master, at Glacier Palace, we rarely interact with men... To dual cultivate, it's just a very scary thought... Eep!"

Before she knew it, Chen Wentian gently swept her into his arms using his spiritual force. She felt his embrace was warm and comfortable and didn't fight it.


"Master?" She squeaked.

"I only want the best for you. I want you to reach the immortal realm. I sincerely do. I will never do anything to harm you. Do you believe me?"


"Good. You're a smart girl. I'm sure you've realized the method is different from normal dual cultivation. Normally, a man and a woman need to build up passion and feelings of love towards each other. Otherwise, they won't be compatible and they won't be able to sustain the cultivation. Right?"

"Mhm." Song Wushuang was well read and understood this.

"My method is different. We will only be joined for a short period of time. What it needs... is trust. Trust between a disciple and master. I have to warn you, what you need to worry about isn't the intimacy but the pain and suffering..."

Chen Wentian looked into her eyes. "When I saw you in that cave, your entire body was pale and blue with ice. I sensed the destructive yin energy wrecking your body from the inside. Pain, unbearable pain, will you be able to fight it? Can I trust you to be able to withstand that pain? If you can't there's no need to try, the method will be completely useless. For the sake of cultivation, will you be able to bear this suffering? Are you willing?"

"Master!" Song Wushuang had a determined look. "I can bear the pain; you can trust me!"

"Ok, I'll trust you." Chen Wentian smiled at her. "Then... will you trust me? Trust me completely... that I will be able to pull you back from the abyss, wash away all your pain, protect you, and guide you forward?"

Song Wushuang looked at him with eyes filled with emotion. "I trust you." She finally whispered.

"Excellent... Let's go!"


She could barely react before she was carried into the sky. A few moments later, she was atop the platform high up the mountain.

"Wushuang, are you ready to give this a try?"

Song Wushuang looked at the Frozen Netherworld Jade in front of her. Her determination and desire to be strong finally overcame any remnant of doubt.


"Alright, start meditating, prepare to receive ice energy into your body." Chen Wentian instructed. "... Now, shield your vitals with your spiritual energy but leave your lower dantian open... Ready?"

Song Wushuang nodded, not breaking her focus.

"It's coming." He warned as he opened a hole in the shield.

With a split second, netherworld yin energy shot out and spread across the platform, seeking to freeze everything in its path. The temperature dropped instantly and even the air seemed filled with ice. The destructive yin energy couldn't overpower Chen Wentian but it eagerly drilled into Song Wushuang's body.

"Uhhhhh..." Song Wushuang couldn't help but moan in pain as the unfiltered, frigid yin energy entered her. As she absorbed more and more, she felt every fiber in her muscles scream in complaint. Every nerve was on fire. She had never ever felt so much pain!

Beads of sweat formed on her brow as she gritted her teeth, struggling to not utter a sound. Chen Wentian observed her with satisfaction, her determination was quite good!

He closely measured the amount of yin energy released and when it was enough, he closed the shield. The residual yin energy in the platform all eventually entered Song Wushuang and he waited while studying the state of her body.

Song Wushuang was lost in her own world, a world of white-hot pain. At some point she couldn't bear it anymore and retreated into her mind sea. It numbed the pain slightly and it was a common ability gained during the Mind Focusing Realm. She put forth all of her tenacity to resist and carried on, motivated by the trust in her newfound master. Unknowingly, the netherworld yin energy had finally collected within her lower dantian. The mass of dark abyssal coldness circled around her source of yin like a whirlpool.

And then... she felt something. A fiery hot, blazing meteor suddenly crashed through into her world of pain. Her lower body felt weird as a scorching rod of flame charged into her. The flames spread all across her center, directly clashing with the netherworld yin energy. However, the expected explosion of conflicting energies didn't happen. Instead, everywhere they collided, there were soothing bursts of pleasure that washed away her suffering.

It felt like fireworks of joy within her core. Each burst would sweep through her body from head to toe. Her weary cells eagerly absorbed this abundant energy. Song Wushuang finally smiled as pleasure overtook pain. It was like being reborn, out of ashes of suffering, renewed by ecstasy.

As the last wisps of netherworld yin energy were wiped out, an explosion occurred within her.


Song Wushuang awoke from her trance as she felt the surge of energy from her spiritual sea. The first thing she saw was Chen Wentian's gentle smile.

"Congratulations." He said simply.

It took her a moment to realize, 3rd Level of the Spirit Initiate Realm! Song Wushuang was elated. Tears of happiness fell from her eyes as she hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, thank you." She mumbled and cried into his chest.

Chen Wentian was also happy as he held her and let her cry.

Song Wushuang eventually calmed down and glanced around. She saw that Chen Wentian had brought out a soft mattress for them. She looked up and saw the calm night sky above. Quickly though, she realized Chen Wentian was still on top of her and they were both naked. She also felt a wonderful sensation within her folds and a large hot object that was stretching her…

"Master!" Song Wushuang blushed bright red as she discovered their hips were still joined.

"Oh, you finally realized?" Chen Wentian chuckled, "Wushuang, don't need to thank me so early."

He leaned down until their noses were almost touching. "Since we're like this..." His voice was husky, "I'll teach you some more."

He captured her lips with hers as he started to rock his hips. His unsatisfied little dragon roared in approval.

"Mmmm." Song Wushuang moaned as she felt renewed stabs of pleasure inside her.

It was simply everything she had dreamed and read about. She as she felt renewed stabs of pleasure inside her.

Chen Wentian took the opportunity to kiss her open mouth, using his tongue to caress hers. He felt her pussy had become flooded with wetness after dual cultivation. Side effect perhaps? As her first-time having sex while awake, he wanted her to feel the greatest pleasure.

It was Song Wushuang's very first kiss and it simply everything she had dreamed of. He was so forceful and determined and she could only melt into a puddle of pleasure under him.

He eventually broke their kiss as he increased the speed and length of his thrusts. He also palmed her breasts that overflowed from his hands. Her breasts were slightly smaller than Wu Qianyu's but her nipples were especially beautiful, like ripe cherries begging to be plucked. He couldn't help but take one in his mouth and taste it.

"Ohhh... Master!" Song Wushuang exclaimed as new sensations assaulted her one after another.

Her wet folds cried out in pleasure as her master's passion plowed into her. She felt her insides stretch like she could never imagine as she was finally able to take all of him in. She never thought something so big could fit inside her. It was all very overwhelming. And suddenly, it was a switch was flipped and the gates of heaven opened.

"Ahhhh!" Her body shook and she cried out. Pleasure like she had never felt before overtook her and she could only let go.

Chen Wentian felt her walls tighten around his dick. A few more deep strokes and he was almost at the edge. His lustful mind thought of something new and he pulled out of her at the last moment.

Having come down from her high, Song Wushuang looked on in wonder as her master's cock spurted like a dragon. Jets of cum landed across her breasts and her stomach. When it finally ended, her front was painted in his essence and it glistened under the moonlight. She blushed once more and had to look away bashfully.

Chen Wentian took in the alluring sight. It was like he had completely claimed her body, she belonged to him now! He gave her a final kiss before taking her back to her room. By the time he tucked her in bed, she was already fast asleep.