
Immortal in the World of Magi

Dropped into the world of The Warlock of the Magus World, Michael, alongside his trusty aide, a Mother Box from the DC universe, will have to supersede what he imagines a human is capable of. AN: If there are any errors please comment on it.

BloodDemon9 · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 9: It's About Time

About 2 km from the Wild Stone Mountain Range, in a small town 50 km from Black Stone Town.

Spring Berry Town was a small, yet decently wealthy town. Due to its special soil and the sunstone, a delicious little berry grew. The Twilight Zone was scarce in resources, especially in sweet fruit and other delicacies, and as such this small nondescript town was able to amass a decent amount of wealth. It was said that a Rank 2 Magus associated with the Nature's Alliance Academy was both raised and lived here when he wasn't fulfilling his administrative duties.

The townspeople were in a crestfallen mood, something rare in this town. Arthur, disguised into a brown-haired knight, walked around the town observing the state of the people. Even with their large distance in between, both towns were fairly connected, so news on Black Rock Town should be readily available.

"Can I get 2 slices of oat bread and a cup of spring berry juice?"

"Coming right up."

A young, light voice was heard from the stall. A woman of around 20 years of age walked to the front to greet and prepare Arthur's food. A long, tall, wooden table was between them, so Arthur could watch her work.

"You're a knight?"

The young woman looked up curiously. Arthur was wearing worn leather armor and a trusty steel sword hung at his waist. It was a rare sight in the town as they mostly specialized in tending to the berry fields and other farm oriented jobs.

"Indeed, I am a knight. I came because I heard a bit about what's going on at Black Rock Town. I don't have all the details, I was hoping you could fill me in on the current situation."

Arthur spoke smoothly, his eyes gazing into the young lady's with an ethereal charm only a magus could have.

The young woman, absentmindedly, began to recount everything she had heard, from her father's mumblings to her cousin's visual descriptions.

According to her, Black Rock Town had become a home to the rebels. The Academy had made several threats and it appeared that they would make a move soon. Spies that had been sent for reconnaissance had witnessed the town in complete lockdown. The higher-ups were acting chummy and were in fact not being held captive as they were seen walking around in a good mood. Arthur, the head of the Fent family had disappeared and it was presumed that he was being held captive. Overall, the situation seemed pretty bad, unless the Academy made a move soon other nearby towns would just as well be captured.

"Mmm, not bad."

Arthur took a couple sips as he walked through the people, his eyes analyzing people's body's.

A piece of bread later, he seemed to have spotted the perfect target. A young man with about the same dimensions as Michael. He seemed to be an apprentice knight as he was training with and learning from the city guards in the town's center.

Arthur reclined against a shop as he occasionally glanced at the young man, his eyes holding ill intentions.

The sunstone was lowered and it had been about 6 hours since Arthur had arrived. A thick darkness coated the town. The occasional fluorescent bug dimly lit some areas of the town.

Through a crack in the window of a small wooden home, a gray mist seeped through.

A misty figure stood at the foot of the bed. The aura of another being awoke Jeremy.

What he saw brought shivers to his spine. He attempted to scream for help, but some of the mist went into his facial orifices, dulling his mind and he once again fell into a slumber, only this one would be longer.

Arthur opened the window and disappeared into the night, the young Jeremy on his materialized shoulder.

'This kid is pretty perceptive, he was actually able to sense me even though I was in this form? Not bad. Your heightened perception will give me better results.'

Arthur flashed past the town, making his way to the Wild Stone Mountain Range. About mid-way through, while passing by the desolate plain, a wild boar appeared, snout digging into the dry land looking for anything to eat.


Arthur swiftly palmed an area near its head knocking the burly creature out. This would be perfect for the experiment. The blood of such a creature had just enough vitality for the Runic Blood Pattern, yet it was not overwhelming for a human body.

A portion of the mist extended from Arthur's partially materialized body and lifted the creature. Contrary to popular belief Arthur was not weaker in his phantasmal form, instead he was much stronger. His family had developed this spell over a millenia, its creation the fruit of generational research.

Arthur's speed did not diminish as he rushed to his location.

Back at the cavern, Michael had just completed his session for the day when he heard a light shuffle outside his room. His father had gone out a day earlier and he was a bit excited to see what he had brought back, be it a delicacy or information. Neither of them had been out since just now so they had been in the dark for an entire month, the danger looming over oneself was an unsettling sensation.

"Father, may I come in?"

Knock, knock, knock.

After several light knocks, his father's voice came through the door as it opened automatically.

"Come in, son, I need to show you something."

Michael walked in, a pep in his step, as he saw a fatigued Arthur, an unconscious kid and boar the size of a lion at his side. Michael instantly knew that it was time, his father was ready and the experimental trials were going to start soon. A smile grew on his face, his desire for power apparent.

"Son, I have finished practicing the runework. I am going to begin as soon as I recover, I wanted to ask if you wanted to be here for the proceedings?"

"Yeah, I want to be there to see it."

Michael was filled with glee, he would be able to witness a magus at work and the procedure could be stored and analyzed in the Mother Box for the future. He was getting quite the harvest so soon.

"Alright then father, I'll see you in a bit. Just call me back when you have recovered, okay?"

"Alright son, just wait a little while for me."

Arthur closed his eyes and began to meditate to recover his spent spirit force and magic particles.

Michael walked out and returned to his training room, he estimated that it would take about five hours at the very least. He wanted to begin practicing the meditation technique right now as he would need it in the near future. The Runic Blood Pattern required a meditation technique to control it, so it wasn't really an option.

Michael lay on his dry, cushioned floor. He always made sure to clean after himself, lingering sweat would only bring him a sense of discomfort and disgust.

'Mother Box, transfer the Rising Sun Cold Autumn Meditation Technique directly to my soul.'


Following that ever so familiar ping, Michael passed out, the Mother Box transferring complex images and words into his soul.