
Immortal in the World of Magi

Dropped into the world of The Warlock of the Magus World, Michael, alongside his trusty aide, a Mother Box from the DC universe, will have to supersede what he imagines a human is capable of. AN: If there are any errors please comment on it.

BloodDemon9 · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 3: Father

Sitting on the main seat of the six-person table, Michael shifted his buttocks. The chair was purely of wood and was quite uncomfortable.

'I guess comfort isn't the main priority, then, going off the carving and luxurious elements appearances must be the main factor.'

Another thing was added to Michael's list of to-dos.

While Michael was waiting for the food to be made and brought out to him, he gave the Mother Box a command.

'Digitize my body into values following Leylin's AI's parameters, use the novel in my memory. Also, analyze my body for any discrepancies.''

Shortly after, a holographic screen the size of blank printing paper appeared in front of his eyes. This was not a projection from the Mother Box, but instead what appeared to be augmented reality from his past life.

Name: Michael Mayor (Augustus Fent)

Strength: 1.2

Agility: 1

Vitality: 0.9

Spiritual Force: 1.3

Bloodline/Race: Human

Talent (Soul): 1

'Hmmm. Quite a bit better than Leylin's start. Looks like this body did not have such vulgar ambitions, though, this talent…'

A bitter taste was left in his mouth. This talent was not Augustus' but his true talent, on Earth and here. Reminded of the possibilities in this world with something as capable as the Mother Box, his mood became light once more.


The image changed, then a brain appeared, the image was incredibly detailed and beautiful to look at.

'The wonders of the world.'

Information then gradually appeared next to the image. Matching the words, the flesh in the area of the glabella was a light black color. This area was a physical connection to the soul and it being that darkish color can be attributed to trauma.

"Young master Augustus, this is the Three Horned Albino Boar stew that the chef prepared. Enjoy."

After serving Michael a bowl from the short wooden tub in the center of the table, the maid with auburn hair walked away, respectfully standing at the edge of the dining room. Michael focused back to the matter at hand, still a suspicion flashed through his mind.

Three plates were placed in front of Michael along with the bowl of stew. One held some purplish gray potato-like vegetables, the other held an oat porridge, while the last one held some oat bread.

All in all, it looked like quite the feast.

'Scan the food and look for toxic substances, make it invisible.'


This time, the hazy light did not appear, yet the confirmation of the absence of toxins in the food was replied.

A spoonful of stew after, Michael's face looked displeased. It was missing something crucial, it was missing seasonings.

'Man, what the fuck is this shit! What chef? Who can call themselves a chef when they make such bland food?'

"Young master, is the food not palatable?"

The auburn air maid looked a bit surprised and apprehensive. Had the chef not cooked it right, this delicacy that she never had the ability to try, was it not good?

"No, no, it's good. I'm just not too hungry.'

Not saying the blunt truth, be it to protect the person's dignity or to avoid confrontations, Michael had built a habit of embellishing his words. It was a useful skill in society as it was good to maintain a harmonious environment, but it also made one prone to be pushed around. That's why it was important to know when and how to act according to the situation.

"Aye, come, sit and eat with me."

The maid hesitantly neared and sat on the farthest chair. She thought that if she sat too close it would be disrespectful. It was already an issue, a servant sitting at the table. In this world, like in the past, the head of the table was for the Master and the closest seats were for his closest family or confidants. She had only witnessed the steward of the family standing behind the Old Master during dinner, and even he had not sat at the table. This was due to the unspoken rules of the class system.

"Tell me what has happened recently around the town and in the family."

Michael bit into the oat bread, finally something good. It was slightly sweet and milky, while the bread itself was soft and pillowy. After a mouthful, he asked the girl for some information.

With timid eyes, the maid obliged and spoke, trying to recall everything she had heard recently as Michael ate what he could.

"A week ago the family head was called to a meeting along with the other town's leaders. The family head then held a family meeting, the one you chose not to go to. The rebels have been spotted on multiple occasions in Black Rock Town's periphery. The price of many goods have also been increasing since two days ago. Everyone is excited that you are going to be going to the Academy, several influential people have also left you some gifts. But…"

Her voice slowly came to a stop, her face hesitant, as if she wanted to say something yet felt that she should not.

"Go ahead, tell me, I want to know everything."

Michael encouraged her and gestured with his hands to continue.

"That Cerne, he's been going around spreading rumors that you are useless and that the invitation to the Academy would be wasted upon you. Your uncle has also been rallying with the elders of the family, questioning the authority and decision making ability of the head of the family."

The more and more she spoke, the more hatred appeared on her face. It seemed this servant was quite loyal and pained at the disrespect of her master.

A contemplative look appeared on Michael's face.

'If things are like this, then my plans have been streamlined. I already have a seat in the Academy. That uncle of mine seems suspicious. I've seen way too many situations like these.'

A faint idea of why he was able to possess this body without troubles began to take Michael's mind.

'I'mma have to take care of this quickly. I guess I have to pay this new father of mine a visit.'

"Mmm, alright, I'm going to visit my father. Why don't you lead me there?"

Although Michael had offered her a bite, things weren't so peaceful now. She would have to eat at another time, right now she would have to lead him to his father. If he allowed his dear uncle to make another move, then he would probably die as well.

A slight kerfuffle happened when the maid tried to maintain herself a step behind Michael, but then how was Michael supposed to be led. After a slight bout of convincing, he was finally led by the maid to the tallest building nearby.

A tall spiral stone tower, completely carved from an existing black rock mountain, stood tall. Going by the carved windows, it was about 10 stories tall. The windows of this tower, unlike the rest, were not made with wood, as there was no need. A layer of magic coated the magic tower, making it impenetrable to bugs and the elements.

"Family head, your son Augustus, wishes for an audience!"

In a raised tone, the maid spoke on behalf of Michael. As Michael didn't understand the courtesy within his new family, he hoped and allowed her to speak for him.

The large, heavy, stone door slowly opened. The maw of the beast had opened up wide and welcomed Michael. Michael was too stunned to notice that it was only he who had walked in, the maid had remained outside. If a servant wasn't permitted by name, then they were not allowed to enter into a mage's tower.

Paintings hung across the welcoming hall, they hung intermittently. The first hung on the right side and then before the second, there was one on the left side. It continued like that, each side following the story, an epic depicting the fall of the dark elves and the triumph of mankind under the leadership of the Great Guardian, Leylin Farlier.

'Leylin really left a deep impression on the subterranean humans.'

Walking carefully on the soft carpet, Michael finally entered a large room, where important meetings were held and where his father usually was when he was receiving guests.

"Hmm, Augustus. Why are you here? I told you to come in a week, not two days. Speaking of that, how is your cultivation, have you still yet to feel your soul?"

In the beginning his father sounded a bit surprised, but towards the end he grew bitter, reminded of his son's poor talent.

"Father, I don't, I haven't…"

Michael was a bit tongue twisted as his mind was flashing with a flurry of thoughts. Were both he and his predecessor untalented? What were the odds?

"It's okay, I understand, still, why did you come?"

His father looked at him understandingly, although his son was intelligent, his potential for growth was really bad.

"Father, I have been having nightmares recently, I feel it may be due to some magical influences. I was wondering if you could check."

Knowing that the Mother Box had completely merged his soul with the body and that it would be incredibly difficult to be found out, Michael took the jump. Regardless, the Mother Box had a bit of remnant energy from the Source, and if needed so, it would be more than enough to protect him.

A bit of shock and perplexion appeared on his father's face. Deciding to check, he motioned his son to come closer.

"Come over here."

Behind a desk, his father reached his hand out and placed his palm on Michael's forehead, his neck outreached causing him some strain

A smooth, gentle, green light flowed from his palm into Michael's entire body starting from the head. It had only reached Michael's chest, when his father's face scrunched in anger, his eyes wide like saucers.


A loud bellow was released from his father, the magical barrier blocking it in.

"What father, what is it?!"

A faux worried look appeared on Michael's face. The acting was good enough. Michael felt that extreme emotions were easy to produce, it was the in-betweens that required the experience of an actor to pull off.

"Someone tried to kill you with a dark element soul-targeting spell. Wait, where is the amulet I gave you?"

A look of disbelief, followed by understanding and concern were painted on his father's face.

'Amulet? What amulet?'

"I left it in my room. Why?"

"You left it in the room because its crystal was shattered right? I had not told you before, but it's an artifact I made to protect you. This time, it seems it was able to save your life. Let me see. Why don't you stay in my tower for now, while I figure this out?"

Nearing the end of his guess, his father began to walk out of the tower, to investigate for himself.

'Artifact? There was no such amulet on me or in the room.'

"Wait! Father, I need to tell you something. When I was asleep I dreamt of uncle, he was trying to kill me."

There, that was what Michael was here for. Understanding the dao of Chinese novel drama and plots, followed by the info he got from the maid, the scheme was pretty obvious. It was most likely his uncle, and it might be due to jealousy.

His father stopped for a second, looking towards Michael, an apologetic look appeared on his face. Turning his head, his face became determined.

'Benjamin, you foul piece of shit. I didn't expect you to go so far.'