
Immortal in the World of Magi

Dropped into the world of The Warlock of the Magus World, Michael, alongside his trusty aide, a Mother Box from the DC universe, will have to supersede what he imagines a human is capable of. AN: If there are any errors please comment on it.

BloodDemon9 · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 17: Crystalline Bat

Michael stepped steadily through the Evergreen Mountain, his mind and Mother Box focused on searching for the opening into the underground caverns. Michael walked around tensed as he was unsure of his environment, although he had settled in a cave here, he had yet to explore it fully in fear of a ranked creature.

The messy forest floor resounded with snaps as Michael and Fernando walked, thanks to the abundance in sunstone, the plants here carried a luminescent nature, so although fear inhabited every corner, it also painted a picturesque scene.

About an hour later the Mother Box resounded with its familiar tune.


Michael snapped his neck to the left side. A mound sprouted from the glowing dirt, and within it held a cave that rooted from the deep cavernous expanse.

"Help me dig into this mound, this is one of the entrances."

Michael walked up and began to dig into the mound with his hands. They formed their hands into concaves and began to scoop the dirt like inexhaustible machines. About 10 minutes later, a third had been removed and the cave's opening had been exposed.

'Scan the cave as we go.'


"Hey, Fernando, you go ahead. I need to adjust my pants, I feel them faintly slipping."

"Ah, yeah, okay."

Fernando nodded uncomfortably and walked ahead. Michael fiddled with his waistline, and followed a few steps behind.

A smell of urine and earth assaulted Michael's nose as he walked further. The dirt walls around him glistened as he occasionally spotted sunstone sticking out of them.

Michael adorned his gauntlets, ready for anything to pop out of the cave's other end. He would put them on rarely as he didn't want to ruin them with his sweat. They already had dried blood on their surface and Michael didn't want to worsen their condition.


Fernando had just stepped out of the cave's entrance when a shadow flew by and sent him flying back. Michael ran towards him and looked over his body. Three bloody lines were carved into his chest, and although it wasn't really that deep, it left a gruesome sight.

The lacerated flesh visibly began to heal, the centimeter wide openings quickly closed as some bloodstains were the only evidence of him having ever been hurt.

Bloodline/Race: Crystalline Bat (Adult)

Strength: 3.96

Agility: 4.89

Vitality: 3.67

Spiritual Force: 2.5

Racial Ability: Soul Cry

{Can incapacitate master's soul for five seconds. Can be ignored with a Soul Force of 5 and above.}

The Mother Box was incredibly useful in situations like this. Although Michael could only see a glimpse of the creature's appearance, it was able to analyze it and compare it with its large data bank, producing a comprehensive data sheet. Its anatomy and details on its temperament, tamability,and social structure appeared in Michael's mind.

"Michael what was that?!"

Fernando wiped a nervous sweat as he looked out of the cavern entrance in lingering fear.

"That is a Crystalline Bat."

Michael squinted in thought.

"Alright, Fernando. I need you to stay here. They are way too quick and you'll be discapacitated before you know it. I'll go ahead and neutralize it, you just stay here."

Fernando nodded limply as he leaned against the dirt walls.

Michael breathed deeply as he prepared himself. In his hands were five rocks half the size of a fist. They were minerals Michael had been gathering up until now.

'Advise me on its predicted movement paths and let me know when it prepares its racial ability.'

Michael ran out with his utmost speed. His feet scraped up a flurry of soil as he reappeared in the large cavern.

A large bat with a wingspan of about 2 meters flashed down onto Michael, its sharp claws carried a dangerous gleam. Michael leaned his upper body back as dodged its initial attack. The bat once again swooped down, but this time Michael did not only dodge, he stretched his right hand and gripped the bat's outstretched leg. Michael focused on his waist and wielded the creature straight into the stone floor.


The bat screeched in pain as it turned its head directly in Michael's direction, its eyes grew a crimson hue. Michael did not want to give it any chance, one of the stones in his hands was sent flying with utmost precision and strength.

The stone flew directly into the Crystalline Bat's left eye. The soft pupil gave no resistance as it instantly turned into mush, its spine relinquished its support and the bat's body fell limply with a thump.


Before Michael could relish in his quick work, he kicked off the floor with his right foot. A transparent beam made of spiritual force fell into the place Michael stood on before.

Michael twisted his body towards the floor and then, like a sprung coil, he let go all of his potential energy into a small stone. Like a small missile, the stone flew with an unprecedented speed, a sonic boom accompanied it as it passed directly through the bat's head.

Michael was finally able to demonstrate his prowess. The Mother Box was the accurate scanner while he was the precise shot.

Michael breathed a small sigh as there was nothing for 100 meters that could pose a threat to him.

"Fernando! You can enter, bring my sack with you!"

Michael had left his bag at the cave with Fernando as he didn't want to damage any of his equipment.

Fernando walked towards Michael in awe. The tall and wide caverns made for a beautiful scene.

"Let me see."

Fernando passed the gunny sack to Michael as he looked through its contents. He pulled out an intricate box about the size of a toaster. It was made of a blue jadeite and was embossed with coiling serpents. Due to Leylin's influence, signs of his glorious presence extended into many facets of one's life. From the overdramatized tales, to the painting and adornments done in his honor, Leylin had truly left a mark on the Twilight Zone.

This small chest had the ability to seal and preserve expensive treasures. Michael had specially asked his father for one as he didn't want to waste natural treasures that he came across.

Michael unsheathed a dagger and carved into the bat's cranium. Inside, he recouped one of his lost minerals and he also took a small red crystal about the size of a bean. He walked swiftly towards the other bat and he repeated the process.

"Fernando, take what you can from that other bat."

Michael similarly extended his palm into the bat's brain matter; it didn't matter the manner of entry as long as he had direct access into the beast's vascular system. A satisfied expression appeared on Michael's face as he felt his reserves filling up once more.

'Mother Box, analyze these crystals and find a use for them.'


A set of recipe's resurfaced and appeared in his mind. The crystals had many uses as they were organic organs related to spiritual force. Then two recipes synthesized by the Mother Box using other similar recipes, appeared in his mind.

'Blue Tranquility Potion.'

'Use: Produces pure spiritual force that is easily mergeable with pre-existing spiritual force.'

'Night's Eve Potion.'

'Use: Slightly increases soul grade. Note: Due to master's very low soul grade, the potion will have an increased effect.'

This is exactly what he needed right now. Both potions utilized the Crystalline Bat's crystals as the main ingredient, while the supplemental ingredients were not too difficult to source. Michael's main goal now was to search for more, the idea to raise them as livestock shined in his mind.

He would have to catch a female and a male. Then he would have to promote their unity and then raise their offspring, and then repeat. Michael had a small migraine thinking of his future ahead.

He placed the crystals into the small chest and placed them back into his gunny sack. Michael cut out some long bones out of the bats and then with his trusty dagger, he carved them into light spears. Although they didn't have a solid weight, their sharp edge and integrous structure made them into dangerous weapons.

Michael made a makeshift belt with some rope and equipped three spears. He replicated it for Fernando as he would need it in the upcoming battles.