
Immortal In The Murim World

In the mystical realm of the Immortal World, Bai Feng Hu, a majestic nine-tailed fox immortal, is tragically betrayed and murdered by her beloved disciple and lover. Little does she know that her lover is a secret transmigrator, someone from another world with a mission to eliminate her. According to his knowledge of the Immortal World's story, Bai Feng Hu is the ultimate villainess responsible for its impending doom. But fate has a different plan for Bai Feng Hu. Instead of vanishing into oblivion, she finds herself unexpectedly reincarnated in the Murim World, a parallel universe brimming with martial arts prowess and hidden secrets. Determined to seek justice and understand the truth behind her lover's betrayal, she embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery and redemption. As Bai Feng Hu delves deeper into the mysteries of the Murim World, she encounters powerful factions, ancient clans, and formidable adversaries. Guided by her innate wisdom and supernatural abilities, she unveils shocking revelations that challenge her perception of herself and the Immortal World's story. In this enthralling tale of love, betrayal, and self-redemption, Bai Feng Hu must navigate the treacherous paths of the Murim World while evading her lover's relentless pursuit. Along the way, she forms unexpected alliances, unearths hidden truths, and unleashes her true potential as a nine-tailed fox immortal. With each step closer to the truth, Bai Feng Hu unravels the intricate threads of her past, determined to prove her innocence and rewrite her own destiny. Will she be able to overcome the shadow of the villainess and forge her own path of light, or will the weight of her lover's mission consume her? Prepare for an immersive journey through realms of magic, martial arts, and the resilience of the human spirit as Bai Feng Hu defies her predetermined role and fights to reclaim her true identity in a world where appearances can be deceiving.

SnowQueen26 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter One: Begin Again

Hye-jin, a spirited young girl with a heart full of curiosity, ventured into the mountain's wilderness in search of wild vegetables. As she hopped from one rock to another, her excitement got the best of her, and she lost her footing. With a startled cry, she tumbled over the edge of a cliff, her body battered and broken from the fall.

Hours later, as the sun began its descent, Hye-ji, Hye-jin's twin brother, stumbled upon her unconscious form at the bottom of the cliff. Panic seized his heart as he called out for their grandfather, Byungho, whose wrinkled face showed both concern and fear upon seeing Hye-jin's injured state.

Without wasting a moment, they carried Hye-jin back to their small dilapidated house in the village. Inside the humble dwelling, they laid her down gently on a straw mat. Tears welled up in their eyes as they watched their beloved sister struggle for every breath.

Byungho's trembling voice filled the room. "We need to find help, and quickly. I will take her to the old foot doctor in the village. He may have some knowledge that can save her."

Nodding in agreement, Hye-ji wiped away his tears and gripped his sister's hand tightly. "Please, Grandfather, do everything you can. Hye-jin is strong. She can't leave us."

Byungho's eyes, filled with determination, met Hye-ji's gaze. "We won't give up hope, my boy. We'll fight for her."

With great urgency, Byungho carried Hye-jin in his arms and hurried to the village, the moon shining down on their path. They arrived at the old foot doctor's humble clinic, where the aroma of medicinal herbs mingled with the scent of hope.

The doctor, a wise and weathered man, examined Hye-jin's injuries with a grave expression. After what seemed like an eternity, he shook his head sadly.

"I'm sorry," the doctor said, his voice heavy with regret. "Her injuries are severe, and there's little I can do. Prepare for the worst. If she does not awaken within a day, we must be ready to bid her farewell."

Byungho and Hye-ji were struck silent, their hearts heavy with despair. They returned home, where the flickering candlelight cast shadows upon their grief-stricken faces.

Ten years-old Hye-ji, eight years old Haneul, Han-wol, and five years old Eun-hye were all too familiar with the concept of death. Their parents had passed away just a year ago, leaving them orphaned.

Grandpa Byung-ho was not their biological grandfather; he was simply someone whom their biological grandfather had helped in the past. Out of gratitude, he had taken them under his wing.

Throughout the night, they huddled around Hye-jin's unconscious form, their tears cascading down their cheeks. Each whispered word, each stifled sob, was a testament to their love and unwavering hope.

As the hours passed, a glimmer of hope emerged amidst the darkness. Though the odds seemed insurmountable, their determination refused to waver. They would not lose Hye-jin without a fight.

And so, in that humble house, they clung to the fragile thread of hope, vowing to be there for their beloved sister until the very end.


Bai Feng Hu frowned as she heard crying and mourning beside her ears. Her body felt weak, but she forced her eyes open.

"Stop..." Her hoarse voice sounded. "Stop crying... you're all hurting my head." She whispered weakly. However, it was enough to silence the people around her. They looked at her with wide-open eyes, and their momentary shock turned to joy.

"Sister! You're awake! Wuwuwu, we thought you would leave us like mother and father," Han-wol cried out.

Old Man Byung-ho was overjoyed to see Hye-jin awake. He approached her cautiously and asked with a beaming smile, "Hye-jin, how do you feel?"

Hye-jin blinked her eyes, still adjusting to the surroundings. She weakly replied, "Grandpa Byung-ho, I feel a little better now, thank you."

Relieved, Byung-ho nodded and turned to Hye-ji, the younger sibling. "Hye-ji, please go and fetch some boiled water for Hye-jin. We need to keep her hydrated."

Hye-ji nodded obediently and hurriedly left the room to fetch the water. Moments later, he returned with a bowl of steaming hot water. He carefully handed it to Byung-ho, who in turn gently brought it closer to Hye-jin's lips.

"Here, Hye-jin, drink this. It will help replenish your strength," Byung-ho encouraged, his eyes filled with concern.

Hye-jin took small sips of the warm water, feeling its soothing effect. She smiled weakly and said, "Thank you. Grandpa Byung-ho"

Byung-ho patted her hand gently and replied, "Rest, my dear, rest. You've been through so much. Take all the time you need to recuperate and regain your strength. We'll be here for you every step of the way."

As Hye-jin continued to drink the water, the room filled with a sense of relief and hope.

As Byungho glanced out the window, he noticed that the night had deepened, and a sense of weariness filled the air. He knew it was time for the younger ones to find solace in sleep and prepare themselves for the challenges of tomorrow's martial arts practice.

"Hye-ji, Haneul, Han-wol, and Eun-hye, it's time to sleep. Tomorrow holds a day of training, and we must be ready.

"But what about Hye-jin, Grandpa? Will she be alright?" Haneul ask still a little worried for his eldest sister.

Byungho placed a comforting hand on Haneul's shoulder. "Your eldest sister is strong, my young one. She just needs this time to rest and gather her strength. Trust in her resilience, as I do. Now, off to bed with all of you."

As Haneul and the others reluctantly made their way to their own beds, Byungho turned his attention back to Hye-jin, the flickering candlelight casting a soft glow on her face.

"Hye-jin, my child, I have something important to discuss with you. May I have a moment alone with you?"

Hye-jin nodded, her eyes filled with curiosity and concern. Byungho sat down beside her, their conversation becoming more intimate and serious.

"Tomorrow, I have an escorting job that I must attend to. It's crucial that I secure medicine and nutritious food for you, my dear. During my absence, I want to entrust you and your siblings to Hye-ji's care. He will look after all of you with the love and protection that he has always shown."

Hye-jin's brows furrowed, a mix of gratitude and worry on her face. "Grandpa, I appreciate your concern and the sacrifices you make for us. Please take care during your journey, and return to us safely. We'll be here, supporting each other."

Byungho squeezed Hye-jin's hand gently, his eyes reflecting a deep sense of love and determination. "My dear Hye-jin, I promise to return as swiftly as I can. You focus on healing, and Hye-ji will ensure your needs are met. We are family, bound by love and resilience. Together, we will overcome any challenge that comes our way."

With their conversation drawing to a close, Byungho bid Hye-jin goodnight and left her to her well-deserved rest. As he walked out of the room, his heart was heavy with responsibility.