
Immortal, Had To Pretend To As A Vampire

Fang Cheng was beheaded. was pierced through the heart. Stuffed with a mouthful of garlic. Pulled out to bask in the sun. Torn to pieces by an angry enemy. Fang Cheng was revived, and he spread his hands to the enemies: “Showdown with you, I’m actually not a vampire!” Everyone roared: “I believe you ghost!”

DRAMAOPS · Eastern
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2 Chs

Immortality And Mystery Of The Numbers.

Isis dropped his hand, and Fang Cheng fell down like a puddle of mud with no strength in his, with his eyes staring blankly at the night sky, his mouth slightly opened, desperately trying to breathe fresh air.

  Isis licked off the blood remaining at the corner of her mouth with her tongue, with a rather disappointed expression: "Ordinary taste, just another unusual trash."

   Fang Cheng, who was half-drowsy and half-awake, heard the blond woman's evaluation, and a surge of anger filled his heart.

  You, fucking whore, what the fuck is the disgusted expression after drinking my blood?

  Isis squatted beside Fang Cheng, observing Fang Cheng's physical changes with her ruby ​​eyes, wanting to see if he could recover again.

   It seems that some kind of weight was released from his body, and Fang Cheng's body was finally able to move.

   His eyes fell on the blonde woman, and with the remaining strength in his body, he slowly raised his hand and grabbed her chest.

  Isis was not angry when he saw Fang Cheng's actions, but smiled mischievously.

   "What a pervert, do you want to touch your sister even when you are about to die?"

  She didn't dodge, her eyes displayed a playful nature, and she let Fang Cheng's hand approach her chest.

   Just when Fang Cheng's hand was about to touch Isis's chest, he suddenly accelerated and thrust upwards, sticking his fingers into her nostrils.

  Isis: (⊙⊙)

  She has lived for countless years, and has seen countless men who want to do various things to her.

   Only did she now see someone poking her nostrils.

  Because it was too unexpected, she didn't escape from that unexpected move.

  Isis then suddenly appeared on the other side of Fang Cheng, and her fingers were already pressing on Fang Cheng's heart.

  She looked down at Fang Cheng, smiled and said, "Little brother, do you know what you are did?"

  Fang Cheng also showed a weak smile: "Fuck You!"


  Isis's smile disappeared, and Fang Cheng's heart instantly shattered as she pressed down with his finger.

  The look in his eyes quickly dimmed, his breath was cut off, and he was deader than dead.

  Isis did not leave immediately after killing Fang Cheng, but she observed carefully for a while, and found that Fang Cheng showed no signs of resurrection, realising the dead could not die again probably he was lucky earlier surviving the bullet she thought.

  She stood up somewhat dispiritedly, with her hands behind her back, walked briskly, turned around and disappeared into the deep night.

  The dark street then returned to its dead silence.

  About ten minutes later, Fang Cheng, who was lying dead on the ground, sat up suddenly, clutching his chest and panting heavily, as if a drowning person was getting fresh air.

  He panted and looked around, only to find that Isis had long since disappeared.

"…not dead?"

  Fang Cheng looked down at the blood all over his body, a little dazed, but the wound on his chest was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  He was about to get up, but sat back with a muffled grunt, his head was swollen and aching.

  A large number of strange memory flashed crazily in his mind, as if he was watching a video that was fast forwarded a hundred times, making him dizzy.

   It took a while to accept these memories belonging to the original owner. Fang Cheng stood up with his support on the wall, his whole body was weak, as if his kidneys were spent up after a few days in brothels, after managing to hardly walk he left the place.

  He identified the direction of his home, so he slowly left this place.

  Over the street, a small drone flew quietly in the dark night.


   According to the memory in his mind, Fang Cheng returned to the home of this body.

  It was a small apartment with decent space.

 After coming back home, his chest injury had healed, and his physical strength gradually returned to normal human level.

  Taking off his blood-stained clothes, Fang Cheng walked into the bathroom and began to wash his body.

  The cold water gradually calmed Fang Cheng's beating heart, and the messy memories in his mind were finally sorted out.

  He already knew what kind of world he came into.

  This world is similar to the earth, but there are supernatural forces and various weird monsters, so the history has become different from his previous world.

  Under the impact of increasingly dangerous living environment, countries with the same cultural background formed political alliances to deal with the crisis.

  Now East Asia, Western Europe, and North America are three pillars, competing and cooperating with each other.

  The political organization in East Asia is the Human Revolution Alliance, and Japan is the 11th area of it.

   This body is an ordinary high school student who goes to school in District 11.

  According to the usual routine, the surnamed as Fang, lost parents early in his life and he had no younger sister so he lived alone in his house.

  The original owner hid at home and played games all day, and wandered out at night to find food. He didn't expect to stray into the battlefield where the government armed forces chased monsters, and was sent to see his parents by a stray bullet.

  According to the world's definition of supernatural species, the blonde woman should be a vampire, a very dangerous creature.

  Fang Cheng couldn't help but mourn for the original owner for three seconds. It was the first time in his life that he was bitten by a woman.

   After a brief moment of silence, Fang Cheng walked over to the mirror.

  In the mirror, there was a teenager with long hair and thin frame. He lifted up his hair that covered his eyes and ears, revealing his handsome face, pale complexion, and two dark circles under his eyes caused by staying up late for gaming.

   "It's not bad, it's one-tenth of my handsomeness before crossing.."

  Fang Cheng raised his head and stroked his neck with his hand where there were  two bloody holes gifted by the female vampire, and they have healed now.

   But the scene of his blood getting sucked away still remain in his mind.

  When a leech sucks human blood, the body will secrete an aesthetic to reduce the pain caused by blood sucking.

  This vampire is worse than a leech.

  But his body can be resurrected from the dead, and his injuries healed. Could it be that he has become a vampire?

  Fang Cheng thought that the other party said he would give him a surprise, could it be this?

   This is really a surprise. If we can meet again next time, Fang Cheng is willing to give her a billion-dollar business as a reward for this "surprise".


  Fang Cheng also noticed that there was a faint 3 in his field of vision. He leaned to the mirror and took a look, and found that there was a 3 reflected in the pupil of his left eye.

"What the hell?"

  Fang Cheng was slightly surprised. When he traveled just now, the number was 4, but now it has become 3?

   During this period of time, he was killed by the female vampire once, and then resurrected.

   Does this number represent the number of times he has been resurrected?

   While Fang Cheng was thinking about his immortality, his ears suddenly moved, and he heard a slight movement from outside the bathroom.