
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

Promise of Immortality

Adam began, "when I awakened to tier 1 in the Dreamverse, I was granted a talent. It is known as the Immortal Dream Cult. I didn't choose to call it a cult but whatever force grants us talents when we awaken decided to name it so."

A ripple of interest spread through the crowd at this revelation. Their attention was now fixated solely on him.

"This talent does exactly what you might guess from its name. It offers a form of immortality in the Dreamverse. Once you join our ranks, your soul is safeguarded. You can't die in the Dreamverse. Instead, any harm that would otherwise prove fatal will only result in pain."

His words were met with gasps and murmurs of astonishment.

Yet, he continued unperturbed, weaving a captivating narrative that kept the audience hanging on his every word.

"But being part of the Immortal Dream Cult is not just about that. It's about belonging to a community, a family. We share knowledge, pool resources, and provide support to one another. We are united, helping each other navigate through the trials and tribulations of the Dreamverse."

The audience was quiet, taking in his words.

Adam gave them a moment before he continued, "Furthermore, our cult offers a unique path for growth, an easier way of leveling up that you won't find anywhere else."

He paused once again, his gaze scanning the audience, "And all that we ask in return... is your loyalty."

His voice dropped a notch, adding a touch of solemnity to his next words, "Many of our fellow Earthlings are currently in a coma. Their souls are destroyed. They are, for all intents and purposes, dead."

He let the weight of his words settle before he continued, a touch of sorrow creeping into his tone, "My heart grieves for them. They did not deserve such a fate. And it is our responsibility, our mission, to ensure that no more of our kind suffer the same."

His words were met with silence. A silence so deep, you could almost hear the heartbeats of the listeners echoing in the room.

Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the sound of a door being slammed open.

Three men, dressed in robes, burst into the room.

The man in the lead had a distinct air of authority about him as he stepped forward.

The man in the lead barked out, "Enough of this heresy! This is nothing more than a false promise of immortality!"

Adam fixed the man with an icy stare. "And who might you be to disrupt this gathering?"

The man's sneer was dismissive. "My name is unimportant. I stand here as the Inquisitor of Desolation, one of the twelve Inquisitors of the Children of the End."

On the side, Annabelle stepped in, her tone authoritative, "This isn't the place for your sermons. Your interruption is unwelcome. Please leave."

Ignoring her, the intruder's focus remained on Adam. "How audacious for a cult to offer immortality. Have you stooped so low to amass followers?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Adam noticed Annabelle discreetly motioning for security.

But he held his ground, his voice steely as he responded, "I've stated nothing but the truth. I'm kindly asking you to exit. You're disrupting our proceedings."

The Inquisitor of Desolation was undeterred.

He turned to the crowd, "Are you really so desperate to believe in these charlatans? A self-proclaimed cult? It's madness."

His gaze swept over the audience, his tone shifting to one of persuasion, "For genuine salvation, I implore you to join the Children of the End. You've surely heard of our leader, Lord Dawson."

A murmur of recognition swept through the crowd, bolstering his confidence.

He continued, "Lord Dawson has foreseen the Dreamverse. This boy's promises of immortality are nothing short of blasphemy. He tempts you away from life's natural journey, from the sacred cycle of death and rebirth, with false promises of eternal life."

A tense silence fell over the hall following his proclamation. The crowd, who moments ago was fully engrossed in Adam's words, now appeared uncertain, their gaze shifting uneasily between Adam and the Inquisitor.

Adam held up his hand, signaling the approaching security to stand down. A quiet confidence radiated from him as he turned back to the man.

"Desperate?" He let out a soft chuckle, his voice resounding through the silent room. "No. We offer an opportunity. A chance for the people of Earth to protect themselves in a world they can't yet fully understand."

Adam continued, "And, about Lord Dawson... I have no doubt he's a wise man. However, if he had truly foreseen the Dreamverse, he would have known that talents can be miraculous and can make the impossible possible."

The inquisitor glared at Adam. "You tread a dangerous path, boy. Lord Dawson won't tolerate this deceit."

With a steely gaze, Adam dismissed the Inquisitor's threats. "A dangerous path, you say? In a time like this, every path we tread is dangerous, isn't it?"

The Inquisitor frowned, clearly not expecting Adam's retort.

He barked back, "While you are busy making baseless promises here, the Children of the End have secured a foothold in the Dreamverse, in a place known as the Republic of Luminae. We are accepting all who wish to join us. Real protection, not the imaginary immortality this boy promises."

A buzz ran through the crowd at this revelation. This was the first they had heard about another human organization establishing a foothold in the Dreamverse.

Adam's mind was whirling, this was the first time he was hearing about the Children of the End's base in the Dreamverse. He committed the name Republic of Luminae to memory.

His voice, when he responded, was frosty. "Are you suggesting, then, that this Lord Dawson, who foresaw the coming of the Dreamverse, but didn't warn anyone or offer a way to protect them, is somehow the better choice? There's a reason why you are called the Children of the End and not the Children of the Dreamverse."

The Inquisitor opened his mouth to respond but Adam was not finished, "Is it not true that only after the calamity occurred, after countless lives were lost, only then did he emerge offering salvation? Seems to me, he's as desperate as anyone else, scrabbling in the dark for answers."

The Inquisitor's face reddened with outrage, "You dare-"

"Yes, I dare," Adam's voice was cold, cutting the Inquisitor off. "Now, as I said before, it's time for you to leave. You've had your say."

Adam signaled the security guards, his gaze fixed on the Inquisitor as they approached the disruptive group.

As the guards laid their hands on the Inquisitor's shoulders, he erupted, indignation lining his voice.

"You have chosen to tread on a perilous path," he shouted over the commotion, turning to the audience. "Heed my words, the Children of the End will not forget this! The blasphemous claims of a young boy leading you astray will not go unanswered!"

The guards started to physically remove the inquisitor and his followers.

Despite being dragged away, he continued his sermon, his voice echoing around the hall. "The Children of the End offer salvation, a new beginning in the Dreamverse under the guidance of Lord Dawson. In Luminae, we are building a new world! We will stand strong when your promises of immortality crumble!"

His shouts faded as the doors closed behind him, leaving a somewhat tense atmosphere in the hall.

Adam stood tall, his icy gaze fixed on the closed doors, taking in every word, every threat, and every promise the Inquisitor had thrown at them.

His mind was already racing with the implications of this encounter and the new information he had just gained.

His grip tightened around the microphone.

Adam took a deep breath, his icy gaze softening as he turned back to the crowd. The room was still buzzing from the intrusion, uncertainty hanging heavy in the air.

Adam raised his hand, his signal for silence effective as the crowd gradually quieted down.

"Well," he started, his voice calm yet carrying an undercurrent of power that resonated through the hall, "That was unexpected, wasn't it?"

A ripple of nervous laughter spread through the crowd.

"I understand the concerns raised by the gentleman who was just escorted out. And I respect his right to express those concerns. However, I stand by what I've said." He paused, his gaze sweeping across the audience. "I stand by the truth."

Adam took a moment, allowing the conversation to die down before he continued. "Our name, the Immortal Dream Cult, is not a lie or a misdirection. We are a cult," he admitted openly.

"We are not here to trick anyone, unlike the Children of the End. We're not hiding our status as a cult, and we're not selling dreams of some distant salvation."

There were nods throughout the crowd at this, some of the tension lessening with his honesty.

"This cult is more than just a community or a gathering," Adam added, his voice steady and resonant. "The Immortal Dream Cult is my talent. It's a power, unique and potent, that many in the Dreamverse would kill to possess. By joining us, you're not merely becoming a part of a group. You're stepping into an opportunity unlike any other, a chance of a lifetime."

He paused for a moment, looking out at the crowd. He could sense the change in the atmosphere, the slight hesitation.

He knew some minds had been swayed by the inquisitor's words.

His charisma attribute is a powerful tool, but even it had its limitations. It wasn't a mind-controlling power.

"I can see doubt in some of your eyes," he said, addressing the matter directly. "And that's okay. This is a choice. It's your choice. If you decide to join us, you will be welcomed with open arms. But if you'd rather choose a different path, you're free to do so. We won't hold anyone against their will. It's better to have a small group of loyal members than a large group filled with discord and doubt."

There was a moment of silence after his speech, followed by a steady round of applause. His heart felt lighter seeing the nodding heads and hearing the encouraging murmurs from the crowd.

The atmosphere of uncertainty seemed to have lightened.

Adam glanced around the room, his gaze carrying a silent determination. He had initially been concerned about the inquisitor's intrusion, but now, a cold resolve filled him.

The Children of the End had made their move, it was time for him to make his. And now he knew where they were.

He couldn't help but smile, the corners of his mouth lifting in a dark, predatory grin.

The Children of the End would regret crossing paths with the Immortal Dream Cult.

Adam would make sure of that.

The evening continued, moving on from the unexpected interruption. Adam spent the rest of the night addressing questions, clarifying doubts, and reassuring those who were still uncertain.

All the while, the words of the Inquisitor echoed in the back of his mind. There was much to think about and new plans to make.

But for now, he focused on his immediate task – securing the trust and loyalty of his new followers.