
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs


Adam lay in ambush near the goblin village, hidden among the branches of a large tree. He waited patiently for his quarry to enter the ambush site. After a few minutes of waiting Adam saw the shifty goblin enter the area. The sun had begun its descent, and the shadows lengthened, providing him the perfect cover.

Adam had chosen a large oak tree with thick, gnarled branches, providing him with ample cover and a sturdy vantage point. The dense foliage above his head shielded him from view, and the tree's bark provided excellent camouflage for his ambush.

Unaware of Adam's presence, the shifty goblin from earlier walked into the area, appearing cautious as he looked behind him every once in a while ensuring that he wasn't being followed. Adam inspected the goblin.

[Grobba, Goblin thief, Level 6(Tier 0)]

Adam watched him intently but chose not to act immediately, curious about what the goblin was hiding from his fellow tribesmen.

Grobba glanced around to ensure no one was nearby but failed to look up at the tree where Adam was perched. Satisfied that he was alone, the goblin began to dig at the ground, eventually unearthing a small chest.

The chest Grobba unearthed was a small, wooden box adorned with crude, hand-carved symbols. The hinges were rusty, and the lock was simple and easily picked, suggesting that its contents were not considered valuable by anyone but Grobba himself.

Adam shifted slightly, attempting to get a better look at the object in Grobba's hands. It was an iridescent stone, which Grobba kissed affectionately, murmuring, "Me treasure... No stinkin' goblin'll ever touch ya."

The stone was roughly the size of Grobba's palm, with an opalescent sheen that seemed to change colors as it caught the light. Its surface was smooth and cool to the touch, with an oddly mesmerizing quality that drew Adam's attention despite his dismissal of it as goblin trash.

'Wait, that stone looks strange. I don't know why, but I'm getting an urge to take it for myself,' Adam thought, confused by this sudden desire. He didn't know what had come over him, but he felt an inexplicable need to possess the stone.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Adam leaped down from the tree, pinning Grobba to the ground and causing him to drop the stone. Grobba let out a high-pitched squeal of surprise. The goblin frantically tried to scrabble away, kicking up dirt and leaves in his haste to escape, but Adam easily overpowered him.

Grobba continued to struggle until Adam threatened him coldly, "If you don't stop struggling, I'll kill you."

Fearful and trembling, Grobba complied with Adam's demands. Adam pulled the goblin to his feet, keeping a firm grip on him, and warned, "I'm going to move you away from the village. If you try anything, I'll kill you." Grobba nodded frantically, indicating his understanding, his eyes wide with terror.

"Slowly pick up the stone and keep your hands where I can see them. Try anything, and I'll hurt you. Understood?" Adam instructed.

Grobba quickly nodded his agreement, following Adam's instructions and slowly picking up the stone, his hands shaking slightly.

"Move," Adam ordered, shoving Grobba to continue onward.

As Adam led Grobba away from the village, he was slightly surprised by how cooperative the captive goblin was. They moved swiftly through the forest, reaching a safer area before Adam threw Grobba down and prepared for the interrogation.

"What is that stone? And where did you find it?" Adam inquired.

"I dunno. I just get this urge to hide it from everyone. I foun' it in the river near the village, and I've hidden it ever since," Grobba replied, clutching the stone to his chest defensively before Adam's fierce glare made him relent, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Put the stone down over there," Adam commanded, watching Grobba hesitantly place the stone nearby, casting furtive glances at it as he moved back in front of Adam, his body tense with apprehension.

Adam tried to inspect the stone.

[You are unable to inspect this item]

'It might be valuable, especially with that feeling I keep getting looking at the stone. I need to hide this somewhere; I can't keep it in my inventory in case I die today,' Adam decided to hide the stone somewhere in the forest later on and returned to the real reason he wanted to interrogate the goblin before he got distracted by the stone.

With a cold stare, Adam asked, "Where is Chieftain Skab?"

Grobba trembled as he replied, "I-I dunno where Skab be. He ain't been back to the village fer a while."

Adam's face dropped upon hearing this news. His anger swelling, he clenched his fist, trying to hold back his rage. Grobba, sensing Adam's fury, quickly added, "But I know what Skab be doin'! He's huntin' an awakened beast in the forest. He's forced many of our warriors to help 'im find it."

Adam's fist collided with a nearby tree, startling Grobba into cowering. "Damn Skab," he cursed under his breath. "Not only did he kill Lancer, but now he's after the awakened beast that Zara prepared for me."

He couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and disappointment that Skab had eluded him for now. He struggled to maintain his composure, his desire for vengeance burning like a fire within him, threatening to consume his rational thoughts.

Forcing himself to calm down, Adam muttered, "If Skab's awakened, avenging Lancer will take longer than I thought." Grobba was too afraid to interrupt Adam's brooding. Finally, Adam turned his mismatched eyes on Grobba, a predatory look in them. "Do you want to help me?" he asked.

Grobba hesitated for a moment before fearfully agreeing, "Y-yes, I'll help ya."

Adam smiled wickedly. He moved the small satchel that was attached at his waist to his hand, revealing its contents. "We're going to put this to good use, Grobba," he said, a sinister gleam in his eyes. "Together, we'll make sure Skab pays for what he's done."

Adam approached Grobba who started to tremble understanding what Adam was doing, "N-no. Please don't, aghhhh!"


Amidst the darkness of the Ventcroft forest, Adam, with his striking white hair, stood waiting in a clearing. His arms crossed, his cold gaze fixed on a party of six goblins approaching him. Shadows enveloped the area, making it an ideal location for clandestine activities.

The contrast between his pale hair and the dark surroundings made him appear ghostly, an unsettling presence in the gloom.

The nocturnal sounds of insects and distant animals filled the air, creating an eerie ambiance that permeated the darkness of the forest. The clearing was covered in a layer of damp, fallen leaves, their musty scent mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest. Moonlight filtered through the trees, casting patches of dim light that flickered as the branches swayed gently in the breeze.

As the goblins entered the clearing, they stopped in their tracks upon seeing Adam leaning against a tree, blocking their path. The sight of the human boy unnerved them, sending hushed whispers through their ranks.

The boldest among them called out to Adam, curiosity evident in his raspy voice. "Hey, human boy! Whatcha doin' out 'ere in the dark? Ain't this a bit dangerous for the likes of you?"

Adam remained silent, not responding to the goblin's question. His mismatched eyes—one blue, the other amber—seemed to pierce through the darkness, further unnerving the goblin party. Frustration crept into the voice of another goblin, who couldn't contain his anger any longer.

"Answer us, boy! If ya don't, we'll make ya wish you had."

Still, Adam didn't react, maintaining his chilling gaze. Fear gripped one of the other goblins, who stammered, "M-maybe he ain't a boy at all. Look at them eyes an' that hair... What if he's a ghost?"

The goblins exchanged uneasy glances, their fear growing. A nervous goblin suggested, "M-maybe we should just leave 'im be and get out of 'ere."

But the angry goblin insisted, "No, we ain't lettin' some human or ghost get in our way! Let's kill 'im!"

Finally, with the angry goblin leading the charge, the goblin party hesitantly approached Adam, who continued to watch them with apparent indifference.

As the goblins drew closer, Adam reached for a spear resting against the tree next to him. Readying himself for battle, he tightened his grip on the weapon, his eyes narrowing in focus.

The fight that ensued was intense and brutal. The goblins lunged at Adam, their crude weapons swinging wildly. Adam expertly dodged and parried their attacks, countering with precise strikes.

"Why won't you die, ghost boy?" the angry goblin roared, swinging his club at Adam's head. Adam ducked, replying with a swift [Stab] to the goblin's thigh.

As Adam danced between the goblins, he executed a powerful [Cleave], cutting down two goblins in a single sweeping motion. The remaining goblins hesitated, their fear intensifying as they watched their comrades fall.

Adam's movements were fluid and graceful, like a dancer performing a deadly ballet. He anticipated the goblins' moves, and with each precise strike, he demonstrated his mastery over the art of combat. The goblins were lower than him in levels, so he took advantage of his stats to bully them, reaping their lives.

As fear took hold, the goblins' attacks grew more desperate and erratic, making it easier for Adam to exploit their weaknesses and strike them down. The faces of the goblins contorted with fear and anger as they faced Adam, their desperation growing with each fallen comrade.

One goblin charged at Adam, only to be met with a [Whirlwind] attack that sent him crashing into a nearby tree. The force of the impact left the goblin motionless on the ground.

The angry goblin, now wounded and desperate, shouted, "You'll pay for this, human!" He lunged at Adam, who sidestepped the attack and slashed the goblin's arm, disarming him.

Adam swept the angry goblin's feet with his spear, laying out the goblin who clutched his arm in pain.

In mere moments, Adam had eliminated all but the angry goblin, who now cowered on the ground, trembling with terror. Overcome with fear, he muttered the word "ghost" repeatedly, as if trying to convince himself that the boy before him was something otherworldly.

For a moment, Adam ignored the goblin on the ground, taking the time to assess the injuries he had sustained during the fight. Examining his wounds, he concluded that they weren't severe enough to cause concern. Turning his attention back to the cowering goblin, Adam's cold gaze locked onto the pitiful creature.

With a swift motion, Adam removed the satchel tied to his waist and brought it to his hand. Opening it, the contents remained hidden from the goblin's view. The goblin's fearful eyes widened, anticipating what might come next.

Adam asked the goblin in a sinister voice, "Would you like to help me?"


I'm posting only two chapters today. If you want to stay updated on the story, please consider following me. Your feedback is valuable, so please feel free to leave a comment, rating, or even a review - it would mean a lot to me and help motivate me to write more. Thanks for your support and happy reading!

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