
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

End of Vengeance

The battlefield was draped in a menacing aura as the fire blazed, devouring Skab's house while Adam and Skab stared each other down. The flames leapt and flickered, casting a sinister light on the two opponents as they circled warily. The heat from the fire made the air heavy, filled with the smell of burnt wood and the sweat from their efforts.

As the fire maintained its destructive path, a beam from the collapsing structure fell to the ground, creating a loud crash that went ignored by the fighters, their attention solely on their enemy. Sparks and embers swirled in the air, adding to the chaotic backdrop of the clash. The intense inferno not only set a dramatic stage for the fight but also limited the combatants' movements.

The group of trembling goblins cried out in fear as they hastily retreated from the crumbling building, seeking refuge in an area where the air was less choked with smoke. Confined to a restricted space, the intensity of the struggle escalated, leaving them with no room for escape.

Skab's face was twisted with fury and desperation, his skin slick with sweat from the heat of the inferno. His once proud and imposing figure was now marred by the wounds he had sustained in battle, making him appear more vulnerable than ever before.

Adam's body was battered and bruised, his clothes torn and stained with sweat, dirt, and blood. His heart pounded in his chest as adrenaline coursed through his veins, fueling his determination to see this battle through to the bitter end.

With the fiery destruction surrounding them, Adam steeled his resolve, focusing on the task at hand. He prepared to strike, knowing that he had no choice but to face Skab in this desperate and dangerous situation. As he readied himself, the weight of the stakes hung heavy on his shoulders, urging him to fight with everything he had.

A flicker of doubt crossed Adam's mind, wondering if he truly had the strength to finish this battle. But he quickly pushed it aside, knowing that he had no choice. He launched a flurry of attacks, using [Stab] and [Cleave] in quick succession. Skab, weakened by the loss of the ghostly projection, struggled to defend himself.

"Attack him." With a powerful [Battle Cry], Adam rallied the traitorous goblins, inspiring them to join the fight once more. They swarmed Skab, distracting him and giving Adam the opening he needed. He executed a [Charge], followed by a devastating [Whirlwind] attack, both moves aimed at Skab's now-exposed weak points.

"Skab!" Adam shouted. "Surrender or I'll make you suffer!"

"I'll never surrender!" Skab growled defiantly, his eyes filled with determination and rage.

Skab fought back with all his remaining strength, his raw power and instincts making him a formidable opponent. He managed to land a few heavy blows on Adam, leaving him bruised and battered. The goblin chieftain's relentless assault forced Adam to dig deep, relying on his superior skill and experience to stay in the fight.

As the battle raged on, Skab's movements grew slower, his blows less powerful. The relentless assault from Adam and the weird goblins gradually wore him down. Despite his best efforts, the tide was turning against him.

"Go for his leg!" Adam commanded the attacking goblins, who obliged. Their combined efforts continued to weaken Skab, forcing him to rely more and more on his remaining arm.

Blow by blow, Adam pressed his advantage, landing several powerful strikes. Skab, however, refused to go down without a fight. He parried a well-placed [Stab] and countered with a vicious swipe, sending Adam reeling. Adam's vision blurred for a moment, but he shook it off, refusing to let the pain deter him.

Adam returned the favor, connecting a swift [Cleave] that sliced across Skab's chest, drawing blood and weakening him further. Skab roared in pain, but there was a desperate glint in his eyes that told Adam he was far from finished.

Skab, realizing he was losing the battle, let out a final, desperate roar and charged at Adam swinging his fists. The young warrior, however, was ready for him. He sidestepped the charge and, with a final, powerful strike, brought his spear down on the back of Skab's neck.

The goblin chieftain collapsed to the ground, defeated and broken. Adam, breathing heavily and covered in cuts and bruises, stood victorious over his fallen enemy.

"It's over, Skab," Adam said, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and exhaustion.

Instead of finishing Skab off then and there, Adam decided to leave him alive for a moment, he ordered the attacking goblins, "Hold him down, don't let him go.'' The goblins didn't hesitate for even a second and complied with Adam's command. They pinned Skab to the ground, their hands gripping his limbs tightly.

Skab struggled and screamed for the goblins to get off him. He noticed one of the goblins that was holding him down and spat, "Gobba, is dat you? You bastard! Why are ya workin' with dis git?"

Gobba, his face expressionless, held his position, refusing to release Skab following the orders of his prince. Gobba's eyes, once filled with loyalty and admiration for Skab, were now cold and distant, as if the goblin he had once revered no longer existed in his mind.

As Adam stood over the defeated Skab, he caught a glimpse of Steelhoof out of the corner of his eye. The massive boar was struggling to escape, its movements slowed by the poison coursing through its body. Adam's focus immediately shifted to the weakened beast.

He knew that finishing off Steelhoof was a crucial part of completing Zara's mission. If someone else were to kill the awakened creature, Adam would have to either find and defeat another one or convince Zara to provide him with a new target. He was determined not to make the same mistake that Skab had made.

Adam approached Steelhoof cautiously, spear at the ready. He could see the boar's labored breathing and the pain in its eyes, but he felt no sympathy. Steelhoof had played a significant role in Lancer's death, and Adam couldn't allow that to go unpunished.

"Steelhoof," Adam said softly, standing a safe distance away from the massive boar. "It's over. You can't escape."

The only response he received was a pained grunt, as Steelhoof continued to struggle against the poison's effects. Adam could see that the beast was fighting for its life, but he knew he couldn't waver.

He steeled himself, raised his spear, and with a swift, decisive strike, pierced Steelhoof's heart. The massive boar let out one final, agonized squeal before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

As he stood over the lifeless body of Steelhoof, Adam took a moment to reflect on the creature's actions. He knew that Steelhoof had not been the one to directly kill Lancer, but it had played a heavy role in the events that led to his friend's death. Whether it was simply following orders or acting out of fear for the lives of its boar family, the awakened beast was guilty of helping to cause Lancer's demise.

A feeling of emptiness and sadness washed over Adam as he considered the chain of events that had brought him to this point. The loss of Lancer, his pursuit of vengeance, and the realization that even the seemingly insignificant actions of creatures like Steelhoof could have profound and tragic consequences.

Adam moved back to where Skab was still being held down by the goblins. The defeated chieftain screamed at his captors, his voice strained and frantic.

"Release me, ya treacherous scum!" Skab bellowed, his face contorted with rage. "I am your chieftain! You owe me your loyalty! How dare ya side with dis undead abomination?"

His threats fell on deaf ears, and Skab's tone shifted to pleading. "Please, don't do dis. I've always treated ya well, haven't I? Grobba, c'mon, I took ya in and made ya into da goblin you are today! We fought side by side, shared victories and hardships. Don't let 'im kill me!"

Despite his desperate attempts, the goblins remained silent and expressionless, their eyes devoid of emotion. Their indifference unnerved Skab, and he watched Adam approach with growing fear.

"Can't ya see he's usin' ya?" Skab tried one last time, his voice shaky. "You're just tools to him! Pawns in his twisted game! He won't care if ya die – he'll just come back to life."

The goblins held fast, not even flinching at Skab's desperate words. The chieftain realized his hold over them was gone. As Adam drew closer, Skab grew more fearful.

"What have ya done to them?" Skab demanded, eyeing Adam warily. "You didn't just make them mute, there's somethin' more. It's like they're not even goblins anymore."

"I made them part of the hive. The Grobba you knew is dead. They follow my every order now. They helped me raid your village, take out your sentries, set your village on fire, and even poison Steelhoof." Adam replied coldly.

Confused, Skab asked, "What da hell is da hive?"

Anger flickered across Adam's face. "An enemy you created. You attacked me without knowing the organization backing me. The full force of the hive would have flattened your village in seconds, yet you dared to attack its prince."

"I didn't know about dis hive or that ya were da prince of it. Listen, just let me go, please. I didn't know about dis great hive, I promise," Skab pleaded.

Adam's anger surged as he heard Skab's desperate attempts to save himself. He thought, 'After all he's done, he still wants mercy?'

"You attacked me, killed me, and my squad member, and you want me to let you go?" Adam laughed derisively at Skab's desperate plea.

Skab's voice trembled with fear, "I made a mistake. I didn't know who ya were. I'll do anythin' to make it right, just please, spare me!"

"Please, I have information on da surroundings dat can be good for da hive. If ya let me go, I will giv—"

Adam interrupted him, his voice filled with rage, "Skab, I told you I wouldn't let you get away with what you did, and I'm going to give you the same ending you gave Lancer.

Skab's eyes widened with fear as he begged, "No, please, ya don't have to do dis."

Adam looked at him coldly, his anger burning like a fire within him. He reached into his [inventory] to pull out Lancer's sword. "I went back to where you killed Lancer, and all that was left of our bodies in that clearing were our weapons and some of our armor. I can't even bury Lancer, as our bodies were most likely eaten by the beasts of the forest. I think it's fitting that you die by Lancer's sword."

Skab's desperation peaked, his voice cracking as he sobbed, "Please, I beg ya, I didn't know who ya were. If I knew, I would have never attacked ya. I didn't know what I was doin'!"

But Adam's heart had turned to stone, his thoughts filled with the memory of Lancer and the injustice Skab had committed. He knew that showing Skab mercy would only serve to dishonor Lancer's memory.

As Skab's eyes widened in terror, Adam raised the sword and swiftly removed Skab's head, ending the goblin chieftain's life with the very weapon that belonged to the friend Skab had murdered.

With a heavy heart and some relief, Adam walked away from the grisly scene, knowing that he had avenged Lancer and fulfilled his promise.


The first chapter of the day is now live, and the second one will be posted soon. If you want to stay updated on the story, please consider following me. And if you have any feedback or thoughts on the story, please feel free to leave a comment, rating, or even a review - it means a lot to me and helps me stay motivated to write more. Thanks for your support and happy reading!

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