
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

Emmanuel manor

Adam groaned and stretched as the morning sunlight streamed through the window of his room. He squinted at the clock on his bedside table, which read 11:00 AM. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up.

As he moved, Adam realized that he felt much better than he had the night before. There was still a faint ache in his head, but it was tolerable. He tried to push the events of the previous night to the back of his mind and focused on the present.

Descending the stairs, Adam found himself in the kitchen, where his father, Yusuf, was sitting at the table, sipping coffee and scrolling through the news on his tablet. His mother, Melissa, stood at the kitchen counter, applying makeup in front of a small mirror.

Melissa glanced over as Adam entered the room, her eyes narrowing with concern. "Adam, are you alright?" she inquired. "It's unusual for you to sleep in so late."

Adam managed a weak smile and said, "Yeah, I'm fine, Mom. I've never felt better, actually."

Melissa didn't seem convinced. She studied her son for a moment, searching his face for any sign of discomfort or distress. "Did something happen in the Dreamverse last night?" she asked hesitantly, her voice soft but firm. "Did you...die?"

Adam's heart skipped a beat, and he hesitated before answering. His mother's intuition was uncanny. He looked down at the floor, unable to meet her gaze. "I, um..."

Seeing his hesitation, Melissa crossed the room and enveloped him in a warm embrace. "Adam, you know you can talk to us about anything," she whispered, her voice catching with emotion. "We're here for you, no matter what."

Adam wrapped his arms around his mother, feeling a surge of gratitude for her understanding and love. "I promise I'll be more open about what's happening in the Dreamverse, Mom," he said quietly. "I just...need a little time, okay?"

Melissa pulled back, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She reluctantly nodded. "Alright, Adam. Just remember that we love you and want you to be safe, no matter what."

Adam smiled and decided to change the subject. "Hey, Dad," he said, turning to Yusuf, who had been listening quietly. "Could you give me a ride to the Emmanuels' manor?"

Yusuf looked up from his tablet and nodded. "Of course, son. Just let me finish my coffee, and we'll head out."

As Adam gathered his things and prepared to leave, Melissa regarded him with a mix of affection and concern. "You're not going to cause any trouble over there, are you?" she questioned, her voice laced with worry.

Adam tried to sound convincing as he replied, keeping his head down. "No, Mom. I promise."

With that, the family shared a quiet moment before Yusuf finished his coffee and they headed out the door.


Yusuf pulled into a parking space outside the Emmanuel family manor in his sports car, with Adam sitting in the passenger seat. As they came to a stop, Adam couldn't help but take in the aristocratic feel of the manor and the old-money vibe that surrounded it. The grounds were impeccably maintained, and the cars parked nearby were all expensive luxury vehicles, their exteriors blacked out in a discreet display of wealth.

The manor itself was a massive, stone structure, with ivy creeping up the walls and tall, arched windows that gave it an air of grandeur and mystery. A large fountain adorned the center of the courtyard, featuring a statue of an angel holding a vase from which water poured.

The only flashy car in the vicinity was Yusuf's, and Adam knew it was his father's way of asserting his presence among the old-money families. The sleek, silver sports car glinted in the sun, reflecting the manor's opulence and Yusuf's unapologetic approach to life. The Emmanuels were an aristocratic family with a long legacy, and they were more low-key than Adam's paternal side of his family the Amin's, who they referred to as "nouveau riche".

As Adam glanced around, his eyes fell on Stella, who was excitedly waving towards him. Yusuf followed his gaze, and with a teasing grin, he nodded towards Stella, saying, "Your friend is here. Have fun."

Adam shot his father an indignant glare knowing what was on his dads mind before stepping out of the car. Stella ran over to him and hugged him, her excitement barely contained. "Adam! My mom is leaving the Edwards family, and we're going to move in with you and your parents soon!"

Adam's face broke into a wide smile at the news. "That's great, Stella! Congrats!"

Yusuf interrupted their conversation, announcing that he had a date planned with Melissa, Adam's mom, and needed to get going. "It'll be nice to have you and your mom over, Stella. Adam, call me if you need anything," he said before getting back into his sports car and driving away, leaving Adam and Stella in the massive driveway of the manor.

Stella's excitement faded, and her expression turned somber as she looked at Adam. "You're not going to fight anyone today, right?"

Adam's jaw set with determination. "I'm going to hurt Rupert for what he did to you, i need to send a message to the rest of the family. I won't tolerate anyone trying to cause you trouble."

Stella frowned, her voice wavering. "But now that my mom is leaving the Edwards family, you don't need to confront them, right?"

Adam shook his head, his voice firm. "It's even more of a reason why I need to do something. That's not enough to stop Rupert and the others from messing with you. If they find out you're planning to leave the Edwards, they might try to stop you. The Edwards have been a servant family to the Emmanuels for generations; they've always obeyed them. They are likely to delay or stop your exit if an Emmanuel asks."

Stella tried to protest, but Adam stopped her. "Come on, let's go inside. I'm doing this regardless. Will you be there in case anything goes wrong so you can help me, or will you stay outside and wait for me to come back out?"

Reluctantly, Stella agreed to follow Adam. They walked into the manor, passing the polite and professional help at the entrance, with Stella trailing a few steps behind. She was worried about the consequences of their actions, but she knew Adam was determined to confront Rupert and his cousins. As they entered, she whispered to Adam, "Please, just be careful."

Adam gave her a reassuring nod. "I will." Together, they ventured deeper into the manor.

The grand room of the Emmanuel family manor was buzzing with activity as guests mingled and celebrated one of Adam's cousin's birthdays. The grand room was a magnificent space, with high, vaulted ceilings and walls adorned with intricate frescoes depicting scenes from the family's storied history. A massive crystal chandelier hung in the center of the room, casting a warm, golden glow over the guests.

The lavish decorations and lively atmosphere did little to distract Adam from his mission. He spotted a group of his cousins huddled together, their voices low as they conversed. With Stella trailing behind him, her head down to avoid attracting attention, Adam approached the group.

"Has anyone seen Rupert?" Adam asked, his tone firm.

The group fell silent at Adam's approach, the cousins exchanging wary glances. Adam's patience wore thin. He asked again, this time with a dangerous glint in his eyes that promised violence if someone didn't tell him.

"It's quite alright," one cousin said, lifting his hands defensively. "I spotted Rupert near the banquet table."

The long, ornate banquet table was laden with an impressive array of dishes, from delicate finger sandwiches and pastries to a whole roasted pig with an apple in its mouth. Towering fruit displays and bottles of champagne dotted the table, inviting guests to indulge in the sumptuous feast.

Adam found Rupert there, surrounded by his cronies from the prestigious school he attended. They were discussing plans to play polo in the afternoon, seemingly oblivious to the tension building in the room. Adam approached the older boy and confronted him, his voice steely as he asked, "Why did you strike Stella? You left her bruised and shaken the other day."

Rupert scoffed at the accusation, dismissively retorting, "Even if I did, she's an Edwards, and she ought to know her place."

'Is this fool really trying to taunt me?' Adam thought, his anger rising.

Rupert continued, "It's not as though a miscreant like you would comprehend the complexities of having servants. Your mother ran away with some upstart, creating a half-breed like you with your peculiar hair and eyes. She would have fared better listening to the family and accepting the marriage they arranged for her. Perhaps then she wouldn't have produced such an abomination."

After uttering those words, Rupert turned around and snickered with his cronies.

Adam glanced at Stella, who was visibly frightened of Rupert but also furious at his words. He noticed the guests at the party had begun to pay attention to the heated argument, but none of the elders stepped in to reprimand Rupert for his disrespectful words.

Taking a deep breath, Adam grabbed Rupert by the head and dunked him into a bowl of punch on the banquet table. He repeated the action several times, the room erupting into chaos as people scrambled to intervene. He saw a bowl of caviar on the table and decided to dunk his head in that too.

Rupert struggled, his face a mixture of shock and fury. Knowing he couldn't continue dunking Rupert's head, Adam decided to leave him with a parting gift. He raised Rupert's head and delivered a powerful punch to his nose. Blood spurted out, some of it splattering onto Adam's clothes.

Rupert's mother, who was also Adam's aunt, screamed in horror as she witnessed the one-sided beatdown. Guests finally managed to separate Adam from Rupert, who was now sobbing and cradling his injured face. His mother clutched him, trying to comfort him through her own tears doing her best to remove some of the caviar from his face with a napkin.

"You savage beast!" she shrieked, turning to Adam. "How dare you! I shall call security!"

Adam shot her a withering glare, silencing her instantly. The room fell into an uneasy hush, the tension palpable. It was then that the matriarch of the Emmanuel family entered the room, her imperious gaze sweeping over the scene as she demanded to know what had caused the commotion. After being told what had happened, she turned to Adam.

"Adam, what is the meaning of this?" the matriarch asked, her voice cold and stern.

Adam faced her, his voice unwavering. "Rupert struck Stella, leaving her bruised and hurt a few days ago. I couldn't stand by unlike everyone else and let him get away with it."

The matriarch's eyes narrowed, and she looked over at Stella, who was still standing behind Adam. "Is this true, child?"

Stella hesitated for a moment before nodding her head, confirming Adam's words.

The matriarch sighed, her expression softening slightly as she regarded Stella. "I see," she said, her voice more subdued than before. "While I don't condone violence, I understand why you felt the need to defend her, Adam. But there are procedures for this kind of thing, Adam. Why haven't you spoken to your elders about what has transpired? Why did you instantly resolve yourself to violence?"

"I've spoken with them before, but they stand idly by and do nothing. I would rather handle my problems directly," Adam said.

"Mother, this rabid animal my sister produced must be expelled from the family," Rupert's mother indignantly spoke.

"You will not dictate my actions. Am I clear?" The matriarch imperiously replied, "I'm endeavoring to mend fences and to bring my wayward daughter back into the fold. You all are making my task exceedingly difficult. Do not think me unaware of the things you lot have whispered behind Melissa's back. It ends now."

She turned her gaze to Rupert's mother, who was still clutching her son. "As for Rupert, he must learn that there are consequences for his actions, and that he cannot mistreat others simply because of their family name. The Edwards have served us faithfully for many generations, you and your son will treat them with respect they deserve."

Rupert's mother still looked indignant but remained silent, aware of the matriarch's authority within the family.

Addressing the guests, the matriarch announced, "This party is over. I would like everyone to leave now, and I expect all those involved in this incident to reflect on their actions. Adam, I need to speak with you next week. I will inform your mother when."

As the guests murmured amongst themselves and began to leave the room, Adam watched them disperse, his expression inscrutable. Stella hesitantly placed a hand on his arm, her voice barely audible. "Adam, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get involved."

Adam looked down at her, his eyes softening. "It's all right, Stella. I couldn't just stand by and let them hurt you. Since I won't be able to see you at school for a while, why don't we go somewhere and have some fun together?"

With the situation resolved, Stella's bubbly nature returned, and she eagerly agreed. "Oh, that sounds great! Let's go to a theme park! I'll ask my mom to take us!"

As the room emptied and the matriarch withdrew to manage the aftermath, Adam and Stella departed from the manor, their bond fortified by the events that had transpired.

Adam eagerly anticipated their excursion to the theme park, knowing it would provide a welcome respite from the Dreamverse and his ongoing quest. It would allow him to gather his thoughts and regain his focus before he resumed his pursuit of vengeance with renewed determination.


Hey, just wanted to let you know that I'm posting two chapters again today - this first one is a bit longer than usual. If you're enjoying the story and want to stay updated, please consider following me. And if you have any thoughts or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment, rating, or even a review - it means a lot to me and helps me stay motivated to write more. Thanks for your support and happy reading!

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